9: One plus one

487 31 12

Yeji's POV

I frowned before opening my eyes when I felt the sunlight hit my face. I slowly got up while massaging my head. Ah, hangover.

"Unnie! Your girlfriend is awake!"

My eyes were still closed till I heard that voice from outside. I don't recognize it. I looked around shocked to see that i wasn't in my bedroom. I immediately got up and ran outside only to find Ryujin staring at me confused and a girl sitting on a wheelchair.

"Oh," Ryujin uttered.


"Yes, you're in our house. I apologize it's small and not as fancy as yours," she said.

I'm still processing everything and ended up blankly watching her prepare the breakfast. I just realized what she said.

"What? No it's fine. And uhmm, thank you for letting me stay the night," I said and got no response.

"Ah unnie, she has such a pretty voice. I bet she's really pretty," I noticed the girl looking at my side but not directly at my face. And she said, "bet" is she?

"That's my younger sister, Yuna. She's blind but not for long." Ryujin then went to her side to help her to eat breakfast.

"Yuna, she's Hwang Yeji our SC President, and is not my girlfriend."

"Could be!" the girl energetically said. Ryujin just shook her head.

"You should eat before you leave," she then told me.

I gulped when we stared at each other for more than 5 seconds before she looked away. Damn, Yeji wake up fully!

I sat down in front of Ryujin as I watched her feed Yuna. I can't help but to admire her more. Nothing's wrong right? I'm just admiring her...

"Nice to meet you, Yuna."

"Nice to meet you, Yeji unnie! I wish I can see your pretty face," she smiled widely.

"Soon okay?" I heard Ryujin whisper.

I wanted to ask Ryujin about Yuna's condition more but I didn't want to come as someone invading their personal lives.

"I'll call inang,"

I'm just on their sofa, waiting for the right time to say goodbye. It's a Saturday so there are no classes and it's 9 in the morning.

Ryujin said Yuna will take a bath and they'll go for a check up later. I was about to speak but she laid down the sofa out of breath. She then yawned and I can see the tiredness in her eyes.

"Hey," i called her. She just looked at me with no emotions.

"Thank you, again." she nodded once.

"Uhm, did I do anything weird or stupid last night?" I need to know so i can save myself from embarrassment.

She shook her head. Her eyes are closed.

"I was with Yeonj-"

"You told me that last night and I don't care-"

That caught me off guard. I couldn't move from my place and she felt it since she sat down properly and stared at me.

"But it was late, something bad could've happened to you if we weren't there," there's a hint of care in her voice.

"I'm sorry,"

"There's nothing to apologize for, I'm just saying be responsible," I wanted to fight back but she's right. I might be responsible for other things especially academics but last night isn't an excuse.


5 minutes...

7 minutes...

"You vomited on my jacket,"

"WHAT?" she broke the silence with that?

"And it went all over your clothes," that's when i noticed, I'm wearing a black oversized shirt.

"I-" now I'm embarrassed as hell.

"Your clothes are in the washer, I'll give them to you at school next week,"

I didn't talk back for i am too embarrassed to say anything.

It seemed that she wants to sleep but is resisting to it since she still have things to do.

"You should get some rest," i told her.

"I am resting,"

"No like, real sleep?"

"I can't, Yuna and I will go to the hospital,"

"I'll go with her," i suggested but she chuckled.


"Come on, think of it as my payment for letting me sleep over,"

"I helped you without asking for anything in return," she seriously said.

"Yeji unnie will come with us?!" we then heard Yuna's excited voice from the bedroom.


"YES!" i shouted.


"Uugggh," Ryujin gave up.


Ryujin let me used the shower first and now me and Yuna are just waiting for her to finish and then we'll go. Yuna is so excited and even wants to go to the beach to watch the sunset this afternoon. And of course before Ryujin could say no, I said yes.

My eyes landed on the school paper left on the center table. It is the latest issue. I remembered the poem Chaeryeong told me about so I went straight to the literary page.

For I am Icarus,
and you are the sun
I can't reach
As my wings had fallen
Before I could even fly

That's the only stanza that caught my eye. I wondered why they say it's about me till I saw a note in the end of the poem.

"To: HYJ, Anonymous"

Who could this be?

"Let's go."

I left the paper and followed the two. We waited 5 minutes for a taxi. I helped Ryujin carry Yuna inside the car. She's sitting in the passenger seat, and I'm beside Yuna at the back.

"Yeji unnie, I was also a SC President back in highschool."

"That's great, any tips for me?" i joked and she laughed.

"I know you handle your job very well unnie, no need for tips! My unnie always tell me things about you,"

Then we heard Ryujin coughed. Must be because of the water she was drinking.

"Really? Good things or bad things?"

"All about school stuff," Ryujin spoke from the front.

"Yeah mostly...now. Before she tells me how pret--"

Yuna couldn't finish since Ryujin coughed so loudly and her water just got spilled in her shirt. Even the driver panicked.

"Are you okay?!" I asked her.

"Yeah- yeah, sorry." she said.

Yuna handed me the towel and I gave it to Ryujin as i help her with the mess she made. She could be clumsy sometimes.

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