15: Eyes

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Yeji's POV

I woke up by the touch i felt in my arm. Giselle is in front of me with a wide smile and she talked,

"Good morning, miss president!"

"G-good morning," i was worried about my morning breath. Thank God she's not so near to me.

"Here coffee,"

"We'll leave 7 am in the morning as per Ryujin's order," she emphasized the word order as if Ryujin's really the boss.

Speaking of her...I covered my face up the moment I remembered the kiss last night. Wait it was real right? Not a dream?????

"Hmm?" Giselle uttered out of confusion.

"Hehehehehe, morning breath?" i lied and she just giggled.

"It's okay,"

"Where's Ryujin?" I took the chance to ask.

"Oh she's outside to call her family for the trip,"

Oh. Did she want to go to the trip because of me? I'm hoping yes, but if she's needed at home then I'll tell her not to go.

"You can take the shower after your coffee, we'll have our breakfast on the way."

I gave her a nod. She said another thing before leaving the room.

"We'll just commute...is that okay with you?"

"Yes, of course." Seriously i just want them to treat me normally, I'm not like a princess.

After i finished drinking coffee i went straight to the shower. I didn't take long since it's almost 7 am already. I got out and found the two girls playfully singing. Ryujin is playing the guitar again and is surprisingly in a good mood?

"Hey," i called them.

They both looked at me. Giselle with her usual smile and Ryujin with a lesser mean look- I thought of talking to her about last night later at the beach.

For now, we need to get going.

I contacted the girls on the house to ask for ways while these two are stressed on what bus to take next. I told them to calm down but Ryujin seemed irritated already with the hot weather.

"What time is it?" she asked Gigi.

"Quarter to 10,"

"And it's so hot already?!" she complained.

"What if you remove that black jacket of yours huh?" Gigi sarcastically said back.

Yeah, she should...

With a heavy sigh, she removed her jacket and then looked at me still frowning.

"What?" i confusedly asked.

"Aren't you hot with that coat?"

Her question caught me off guard plus i got distracted by her sweat running down her collar bone. "I-"

"Y-yeah..." i looked away and removed mine as well. She then walked towards me to get my coat and- hold it.

"RJ what about mine?" Giselle teasingly said.


"Welp, I'm used to third wheeling so~"

Giselle didn't continue what she wanted to say instead she just chuckled. I heard Ryujin sighed beside me and i can feel my face heating up again. Hot weather yeah.

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