23: Holding on a loose thread

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Yeji's POV

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm just tired. I'll chat Lay oppa to pick you up," she then walked passed me to enter their apartment.

I grabbed her hand.

"Let's talk about it, Ryuddaeng,"

"You can sleep over if you want," she said but still wasn't excited or anything.

We ended up not talking about what happened while we're in bed, side by side not facing each other. I decided to cuddle her from the back but she didn't even move her hand to mine.

I'm feeling so frustrated that i want to cry. I just wish that she'd talk to me.

After more minutes of silence, she spoke out.

"The university is kicking me out."

"WHAT?" i asked, shocked.

"Something happened at the journalism building earlier and they blamed me for it...they say there's enough proof and all my statements are ignored."

I rested my head on her arm as I caressed it. And then I heard sniffling.

"Hey," it's my first time seeing her cry like this and I don't know what to do. I hate it.

She turned to me as she hid her face in my chest while still crying.

"Yeonjun is behind all this. I know it's wrong to accuse someone but I just know he has something to do with everything..."

"First, Soobin got kicked out after a figh from a basketball member?? And now me. He even mentioned about Yuna's condition and I'm scared of what he'll do next,"

My heart beat went faster upon hearing all these from Ryujin.

"I am nothing against him."

"Hey, that's not true!" I cupped her face and gave her a soft peck.

"It is true, Yeji..." she looked away with a bitter smile. "And he won't stop until I let you go."


"He wants you back, Yeji."

"But I don't want him. I want you!" My tears began falling too.

"It's just either you go back to him, or no one gets you." she said directly looking at me.

"Don't you love me?"

"I do. You know I do." she said full of sincerity.

"Won't you fight for us?" i said breaking my voice.

"Yeji..." she tried embracing me but i pushed her away. I wiped my tears as i picked up all my things. I want to go home.

"Yeji! It's late!" she ran after me.



The next day, I didn't find Ryujin anywhere at school. I didn't bother calling her also. I headed towards Yeonjun's classroom to confront him.

"Hey babe," he smirked at me.

I slapped him as hard as i can before he could even dare to hug me.


"What?" he acted confused and sad.

"Leave us alone, Yeonjun. We're done." i looked him in the eyes.

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