10: Equals Three

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Yeji's POV

"She could walk again after a month,"

"Did you hear that Yuna-ya? Just one more month!"

It's the first time I've heard Ryujin so happy. I just found myself smiling as I watch them two hug each other.

"Yeji unnie, come here~"

I smiled awkwardly at Ryujin as i approached the two and hugged them.

"Ryujin, about her eyes..."

"I'm still working on it, doc." a faint smile.

We left Yuna inside for a few more tests. I turned to Ryujin who's still fighting the urge to sleep. She's been working part time at night and goes to school in the morning.

"Hey, about uhm Yuna's eye surgery?" I don't know how to put it.


"Is there a donor already?"

"The donor's not the problem, it's the payment for the surgery," she answered me. That's why she's working.

"I can help you,"

"No, I don't need your help."

"It's for Yuna, Ryujin." I insisted. I could pay for the whole surgery.

"I don't want to be indebted to you." she's a stubborn woman.

"It's not going to be a debt, Ryujin-"

"Please? Don't you want her to be able to see again asap?"

She stood up. I heard her sigh before she walked away. I didn't follow her. I just know she'll think about it.

"Miss Shin?"

It's the nurse.

"Yeah, she went outside... I'm-"

"A family member?" I just nodded at her question.

I went inside to get Yuna as the doctor told us everything she needs. Yuna happily thanked the doctor and then me.

"Tell everything to your girlfriend okay? Everything. It's important for Yuna." the doctor reminded me. I want to say that i wasn't Ryujin's girlfriend when I heard Yuna chuckled.

"Yeji unnie, thank you for being patient with Ryujin unnie. She's just so hurt with everything,"

I wonder why.

"Please don't tell her I told you these, but everything hit her in one go that day,"

"Our father left us for another woman and she's the one who found out about it, and it's also the same day her heart got broken by a woman whom she met at the beach,"

"Ever since that day, she changed. Till now I have no idea who that woman is, I haven't seen her...And then me happened, my accident. She has been working so hard to provide for us with the help of our mom,"

Ryujin's been going through so much and she doesn't show it. I'm now understanding why she's so cold when she's at school. Maybe she's afraid to be attached to whether a friend or a romantic interest, and she has her priorities.

"Don't worry Yuna, everything will be fine soon okay?" i caressed her shoulder.


"Hey," i greeted back. How i looked at her then changed. My eyes drowned in the deepness of her eyes as my heart beats faster.

"Let's go home." I heard her voice. I snapped.


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