(V2) Chapter 15.1 : Paper Shuffle Part 1/ Kushida's Past

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Kiyo's POV :

Dio : " Anyways, let's start the 15th Bout! The students that I will call, please come here on the stage! Nishi Haruka of Class A, Tsube Hitomi of Class B, Matsushita Chiaki of Class C and Isoyama Nagisa of Class D! "

Group Naming Duo : " Introducing! The Oneesan Group!! "

(A.N. Isoyama Nagisa is a Canon Character, however, I don't have a single ounce of knowledge of her personality or anything other than her name. So let's give her a personality, and that is the almighty Oneesan Character!! To be honest, I can't seem to put myself to believe that there is a Oneesan-type character in Ryuen's class, but because of Hiyori's existence… I guess it's possible.)

Nishikawa : " Do your best, Haruka-chan! "

Honami : " Hitomi-chan, you can do this! "

Kei and Sato : " Show them who's boss, Matsushita-san! "

Morida : " Nagisa-chan! Don't let them undone you! "

Dio : " Okay now. Here's your Question. "

Which of the following exams were Horikita Suzune won without Ayanokoji Kiyotaka's assistance?

A. Paper Shuffle
B. Class Poll
C. Event Selection Exam
D. Partner Exam

Ryuen : " Na-Nani?! Something like that happened?!! " His cup dramatically falls from his hand as he asked in "disbelief" in which Albert caught

Horikita : " 💢 "

Sakayanagi : " I couldn't believe miracles do exist! " She stated with her right hand covering her mouth from "shock"

Horikita : " 💢💢 "

Honami : " Stop being rude you two! Although honesty is the best policy, there are still some truths that shouldn't be said! " She scolds the two with her index finger raised and her eyebrows sewn together

Horikita : " 💢💢💢 " ' How far you've fallen, Ichinose-san… '

Muffled laughs could be heard around the theater. I didn't expect Honami to play along with those two in dissing Horikita…

Nishi's POV :

Hmmm…. After letting us watch videos about Ayanokoji-kun's real abilities and making us think he's the one behind every win of the original Class D, now ask us which exam he didn't lend a hand to his puppet leader… God, love the psychological warfare…

Well either way, I have to think this through.

First of all, he definitely did something during the Class Poll so that's out. Since it's the year-end exam, he must have done something. He actually fought against Sakayanagi-san, so that's out.

Dio : " Last 30 seconds! "

Ahh! Oh my God!!

S-so, I have to pick either Paper Shuffle or Partner Exam, huh?

Actually, it bothers me why the Mixed Training Camp Exam is not one of the choices. Does the Partner Exam hold something special? Paper Shuffle could be the easiest exam once you found out how the mock test would determine the pairing and then, forming a study group is what you would only need. Several students in my class noticed the hints and found out the pairing system. Which is why I think the right answer is letter A. However—

Dio : " Last 15 seconds! "

Beads of sweat formed on my forehead.

H-however, "the most unexpected answer is the right answer". This always applies to most of the bouts. So I guess—

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