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SUNDAY morning, the girl rolled over on her bed with a slight groan, bringing her hand up to protect her eyes from the golden rays of sunshine that crept through the seams of her curtains. After a moment, she threw her legs over the edge of her bed, hoisting herself up out of bed.

After stretching out her limbs, she reached for her phone that lay on her bedside table, seeing the screen displaying 8:46am.

She trudged towards her bedroom door, fingers wrapping around the handle and pulling it open.

Entering the kitchen, Eunhee opened her pantry only to let out a sigh, leaning her head against the shelf. Of course, she had forgotten that she had used up all of the breakfast foods, and she had yet to go shopping.

Pressing her lips together, she walked back into her room, getting dressed in warm clothing as it was cold outside.

After watering her plant, she grabbed her keys, phone and wallet and stuffed it into her pocket before walking out the front door and locking it behind her.


Walking along the familiar streets of Seoul, her eyes lit up upon seeing the same café sign from a few days ago. She had decided on going back there as she had seen some pastries on the menu the last time she was there.

Pushing the glass door open, the bell chimed above her. Immediately, she was greeted with the smell of coffee and pastries, along with the warm air compared to outdoors.

Walking up to the register, the same employee who was working when she last came in quickly came to her need.

"Hello, welcome to smooth brew café! How may I help you this morning?" The familiar cheerful worker questioned, drumming her fingers against the counter.

"A hot chocolate and.. a cinnabon, please." The girl requested, earning a nod from the worker who quickly dialed in her order into the machine.

"A name for the order?"


"$11, please."

Eunhee hummed and inserted her credit card into the machine, putting it back in her wallet after a successful transaction.

As she stood off to the side scrolling through her twitter feed whilst she waited for her order, the soft chime of the bell filled the building, catching her attention.

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