❅ | #46

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"LET'S stay like this for a little while longer, please." Jungwon requested, resting his chin on her shoulder. Eunhee let out a small hum, shaking her head slightly at his words.

"I'd love to, but you are aware that your mom is worried about you, right? She says you're barely out of your room anymore.. I think you should go downstairs." Eunhee spoke, her fingers tangling in his hair.

Jungwon frowned, his grip around her frame growing tighter as he pulled her impossibly closer to him. "Okay, we'll go downstairs.. but, can it wait like, three minutes? That's all I ask."

Pressing her lips together in a thin line, Eunhee nodded her head in agreement, knowing he wouldn't settle for anything less.

"Mm.. fine, but only three more minutes, okay?"

The boy smiled victoriously, fingers dancing along her waistline as he raised his head to place a small kiss on her forehead.

"Thank you." He muttered out, earning a small hum from the girl, who buried her face into his chest, wanting to hide her flustered state.

Eunhee missed this feeling -- the feeling of being held so carefully in his arms, head laying against his chest as she listened to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.

She was honestly amazed by just how much warmth and comfort he emitted, only whilst doing so little to provide it.

Nonetheless, the girl was more than happy to experience it. As much as she was embarrassed to admit, ever since she had got lucky enough to meet him that early december day, being in his presence was her favorite thing ever.

She adored the way he could make her feel so comfortable and happy, by doing such a simple action. Whether that be a smile, a hug, or anything for that matter.

Choi Eunhee was absolutely whipped for Yang Jungwon, whether she admitted it or not. It wasn't much of a surprise, though. The boy had the personality and the charm to make anyone fall for him if he wanted to.

After a few minutes, she snapped herself out of her thoughts, lifting her head to look up at Jungwon.

"Times up, Won.. come on." She mumbled, tapping his chest twice as a signal for him to let go of her.

The boy groaned, muttering out small complaints, but nonetheless complied-- knowing he agreed to it.

He unwrapped his arms from around her waist, allowing her to move freely from now on. She smiled, standing up from her previous position on his bed and stretching out her limbs, before extending an arm out to the boy, who hadn't moved an inch.

"Come on." She said, waiting for him to grab onto her hand. Jungwon let out a small hum, accepting her hand and allowing her to hoist him up.

After he had finally stood up, the first thing he did was pull the girl in for a quick hug.

"You're really pretty." He complimented, letting out a small laugh as he watched her grow red. "You're so easy to fluster." He teased, as Eunhee pulled away from the hug and rolled her eyes, lightly smacking his hand, which was still resting on her waist.

"Stop trying to get me flustered, Jungwon." She grumbled, huffing slightly.

"Hey, it's not like I intend to.. I genuinely just meant it. You really are pretty." Jungwon defended himself, earning a small snicker from the girl, who scrunched up her nose.

"I-- whatever, let's just go now." She sighed, shaking her head.

Jungwon couldn't help but let a smile tug at his lips, "so cute." He muttered to himself, following after her.

"I heard that!" She spoke, swinging his bedroom door open as she wandered downstairs.

Letting out a small laugh, the boy exited his room after her, heading downstairs behind her.

Soon enough, Jungwon was already sitting at the kitchen island, finally having an actual conversation with his mother for the first time in a few days.

Meanwhile, Eunhee was kneeling down on the ground-- petting the small white dog, of which kept jumping up on her legs. Her gaze shifted up, looking in between both Jungwon and his mother, who stood in the kitchen.

Mrs. Yang turned her attention to Eunhee, smiling gently at her and mouthing "thank you."

Mrs. Yang was grateful towards Eunhee. She wasn't sure how, but she had gotten her son out of his room, as well as interacting with her.

Eunhee returned the smile, giving the older woman a nod and a thumbs up. Next, the girl shifted her gaze to Jungwon, who was already looking directly at her-- admiring her from afar.

She was quite surprised when she had made eye contact with the boy, causing her to widen her eyes and raise her brows in surprise. Because of this, Jungwon stifled his laughter at her reaction, clasping a hand over his mouth.

Eunhee rolled her eyes, shaking her head at his childish antics.

"Eunhee, are you staying for dinner?" Mrs. Yang asked, turning her head before adding on, "I made extra."

"Yes, ma'am. If it's alright with you, of course." Eunhee hummed, earning a small laugh.

"Of course it's alright with me.. you're welcome in my house anytime, dear. Also, no need to be so formal with me." Mrs. Yang reminded, pointing her finger towards the girl with a chuckle.

Eunhee nodded her head sheepishly, smiling softly at the woman. She patted Maeumi's head one more time before walking over to Jungwon, sitting down at the stool next to him.

Jungwon sighed in content, swinging his arm around her shoulder and scooting her stool closer to his own. Eunhee smiled lightly, before averting her attention back to Mrs. Yang, who was currently discussing what her future plans would be since she had now graduated from high school.


i'm so sorry if this chapter is ass

i'm so tired and i literally just fell asleep while writing this but i woke up again haha

i refuse to fall asleep 😔 had to write more for you all bc i love you all very much (real) 🫶

will probably rewrite in the future but oh well 😔
february 23rd, 2023 -- 1:32am.

not proofread.

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