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microwaved strawberries

today, 6:29pm.

definitely a cat


ramyeon addict

we're working rn

australian guy

definitely a cat
i want to ask eunhee to prom

but like

idk if it's an appropriate time

and also i'm worried it'll be awkward

bc she might not want to go with me bc she doesn't like me :')

likes toothpaste flavored ice cream
omg just ask her

wait what are you doing right now

she's with you right?

definitely a cat
i mean she's here but like not with me

we were working on the project

she left to use the bathroom

now i think she's downstairs or something because i hear her and my mom talking about something

elsa *real not fake*
i'd ask her if i were you

just like take a little break from working on the project and ask her

michael jackson wannabe
and she'll say yes and the eunwon ship will finally sail 😍😍😋

definitely a cat

it's not like i'm asking her to be my girlfriend or smth

i'm literally asking her to prom

michael jackson wannabe
same thing

definitely a cat
but it's not??

likes toothpaste flavored ice cream
omg both of you be quiet

jungwon, you have those outdoor fairy lights in your backyard

ditto | yang jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now