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THE two were engulfed into silence, neither of them knowing where to start. That is, until Jungwon cleared his throat, opening his mouth to speak.

"I'm really sorry, Eunhee. I didn't mean to hurt you." Jungwon spoke, attempting to hide the wavering in his voice.

Eunhee shook her head, a frown on her lips. She still avoided his gaze, not knowing if she was ready to meet it just yet.

"You shouldn't be apologizing, Jungwon. So please don't. I'm the one who needs to apologize. I'm so sorry I put you through that. If I wouldn't have been an idiot and just believed you from the start none of this would've happened." Eunhee muttered, punching her thighs out of anger and stress, aimed towards herself.

"Hey, don't blame yourself. Just like Heeseung-hyung said, any one of us would've fallen for that. Also, please do not harm yourself like that." Jungwon frowned, reaching out to grab onto her hands.

Eunhee paused, before quickly shaking her head and pulling her hands away.

"You shouldn't be doing that, Jungwon."

The boy furrowed his brows in confusion, "I'm sorry, did I make you uncomfortable?"

"..you didn't."

"Then, what's the matter?"

"Me. I don't want you to be with me." She muttered out, blinking away the forming tears at her waterline as she took a step back, creating more distance between him and herself.

"What..? Eunhee, please don't say that." Jungwon clenched his jaw, shaking his head as he furrowed his brows, holding back tears of his own. "You don't mean it, right?"

Eunhee stayed silent, unsure of how exactly to respond. Her gaze stayed focused on her hands, which were currently going numb due to the cold temperature.

"I'm so sorry, Jungwon. I don't think I'm good for you." She finally spoke, hesitation evident in her voice. Atlas, she finally looked up, meeting his sharp gaze. She felt suffocated under his stare, her heart beating loudly as she took a shaky breath.


Guilt and hurt was all she felt. Yet, she thought she felt selfish for feeling hurt, as she was the one who was hurting Jungwon, who did nothing.

He has tried to reason with her-- to tell her he really didn't do anything. He never kissed someone else. Yet, she saw that and chose to not side with him. She was scared.

ditto | yang jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now