❅ | #40

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"WHO?" Eunhee questioned, turning around. She felt her heart drop in her chest, meeting none other than Yang Jungwon's gaze. Quickly, she looked away, looking at the six boys standing before her with furrowed brows.

"I'll go home now." She let out, beginning to walk away when a hand wrapped around her wrist, pulling her back.

"Wait, wait. Please stay." Ni-Ki mumbled. Eunhee's gaze shifted to the floor, shaking her head slightly.

"I really can't, Ni-Ki."

"Eunhee, please. Just for a few minutes." Heeseung spoke up, looking at her with pleading eyes. The girl nibbled at her bottom lip, feeling her heartbeat pick up as the familiar voice filled her ears.


Hearing that voice, she felt like she wanted to dig her own grave right then and there. She avoided his gaze, keeping silent as she crossed her arms over her chest.

The girl silently cursed herself for ever agreeing to stay longer with Ni-Ki. It was obvious to her now that his plan this whole time was to lead her to Jungwon.

"I feel like we should hurry this up, Ni-Ki." Sunghoon muttered, poking at the younger's sides as he nodded his head in agreement.

"Hurry what up?" Eunhee finally spoke, voice cracking slightly as her eyes scanned over their expressions. She shifted uncomfortably, feeling Jungwon's stare burning into her figure.

She really couldn't wait to go home.

And, it was taking everything in her to not make a beeline for the exit and run home. She felt embarrassed, to say the least.

She felt so awkward and vulnerable in his presence, knowing she allowed herself to get hurt because of him, even after convincing her friends that it was never going to happen.

"Let's go somewhere where it's not too crowded." Jake suggested.

Ni-Ki, not too trusting that the girl would follow them, took her hand and pulled her gently along with them as they attempted to find a less crowded area.

Eventually, they had made it outdoors, as Eunhee immediately shivered as the cold air hit her skin.

Ni-Ki hurriedly got out his phone, fumbling with it a little bit before eventually looking up and making eye contact with both Eunhee and Jungwon.

"You two, come closer." He ordered, as Eunhee furrowed her brows, hesitantly stepping towards Ni-Ki.

Ni-Ki rolled his eyes, swinging his arm around Jungwon's shoulder and pulling him closer to Eunhee.

"Ni-Ki.." Jungwon grumbled, earning a snicker from the younger boy.

"Quiet. Here, both of you, watch this." He stated, holding his phone in between the two of them.

Eunhee's breath hitched at their close proximity, as she tried her best to keep distance between him and herself.

Her eyes landed on Ni-Ki's phone screen, tilting her head in confusion as she saw a screen recording of what seemed to be a conversation between Ni-Ki and Hong Jiwoo.

Eunhee went silent as she read the messages displayed on the screen with furrowed brows, trying her best to ignore the fact that she was practically squished up against Yang Jungwon.

Part of her wanted to let out a small laugh, reading the messages as she noticed Ni-Ki going full-on detective mode on Hong Jiwoo.

But, part of her couldn't help but feel nervous about the outcome of it all. Clearly, he was making her watch this for a reason.

Eventually, it got to a point in the video where Jiwoo was explaining in detail what happened leading up to the moment Jungwon had supposedly kissed her.

She could hear her heart thumping in her chest, subconsciously fiddling with the rings on her fingers as she continued to read the messages between them both.

Eunhee paused, a feeling of uncertainty washing over her. Ten minutes?..

She was never gone for ten minutes, right? At least, she doesn't remember being gone that long. Her eyes traveled up to look at Jungwon, who seemed lost in thought. She quickly looked away, focusing her attention back onto the phone screen.

As the video came to an end, Eunhee was pretty much frozen in place. She felt so guilty, upset and angry with herself.

All along, she was hurting Jungwon, despite none of it being his fault. Choi Eunhee had never wanted to disappear so much before.

"Eunhee, I'm just going to say this, it's not your fault at all. So don't even start blaming yourself.. it's only natural you believed what happened. Any one of us would've fallen for it too. You didn't know, and that's okay." Heeseung spoke, watching as she slowly nodded her head in response.

If she was being honest, most of his words flew right over the top of her head. She was barely even listening, as she was too deep in her own thoughts.

".. we'll give you two a moment." Sunoo spoke up, gesturing for the others to follow him. Heeseung patted the top of the girl's head as a sign of reassurance as he walked away, leaving her and Jungwon alone.


i know something you all don't 😋

apologies for the short(ish) chapter tho hahaha :')

also wtf we hit 1k votes 🤧

i'm genuinely so grateful and happy to have been given such wonderful viewers :]

thank you all for your support! i've said this before, but i really enjoy interacting with you all! your comments are so fun to read

even if i don't reply to your comment, i always see them, and i really want to take some time to thank you all for leaving such sweet comments on my chapters

it makes my day so much seeing such lovely things written in the comment section, so thank you all so much

i hope you all taking good care of yourselves, and i hope you all know just how important you are to me and i love you all so much <3

i'll continue to try to improve on my writing to make things much more enjoyable for you all to read

sorry if that was cheesey just had to say it😔

once again, thank you all so much
february 20th, 2023 -- 8:21pm.

not proofread


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