Chapter 5

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Bea's POV

Once Austin left my house, he sent me the address to his gig tonight.

The gig starts at 7pm and it ends at 12:30. This gig is different than the other ones he's been doing.

This time he's performing in a festival. A festival that celebrates different artists that come to Texas and who sing their hearts out.

Its said to be the biggest festival of the year. They'll be bands, famous people, artists just like Austin coming to this event.

Months ago Austin auditioned to be in the fest and he got in. He believes that performing at the fest is going to make him well known around the area.

He also said that by doing this performance he can get recognized by recording labels that'll be there.

I'm don't mind going to his gig. Ive been to so many that its a tradition for me to go.  I'm sure that his friends which are my friends are also going too.

Alex, Robert, Zach, and Austin, they call themselves The Foolish Four which is true because whenever they're around each other they're foolish and clumsly. But I love them.

"Yes ... Im leaving the house right now .." I spoke to Austin over the phone as I kissed my mom goodbye.

She told me to be back whenever the festival is over and I nodded in agreement.

"Love you mom .. Bye ." I whispered as I waved bye one last time and went out the door.

My phone held against my ear and the car keys in my other hand.

"The festival is big so we have to meet up somewhere with the boys." He said as i hear crowds of people behind his voice.

"I'm so nervous, Bea." He shouted over the people as I smiled to myself.

"I can tell .." I laughed and so did he. "I wouldn't blame you." I mumbled with a chuckle and slide into the drivers seat.


The drive to the festival was an hour long. An hour filled with my thoughts.

I wondered how Austins feeling considering the fact that he got cheated on 2 days ago. It scares me.

What happens if he breaks down in front of everyone? What happens if he sings the wrong lyrics ?

So many questions running through my head. I just hope that he keeps himself together for this once.

Once I got there, the place was packed.

Kids who look like they're in elementary school, the elderly, rebel teenagers and many others roamed the festival.

Teenagers in short shorts and hippie looking clothes. Kinda reminds me of Coachella.

I parked my car in the ridiculously large parking space and immediately called Austin.

"Are you here ?" He spoke and I locked my car. Making sure no one can get in it.

"Yea .. I don't know where you are and I don't know where I am." I truthfully said as I started following the crowd.

When I said that Austin told me to get a map and to follow his directions.

With my heart racing, I walked into the crowd filled with sweating skined and a obnoxiously loud festival.


"Do you see the lemonade stand?!" Austin yelled in frustration as I sat down on the nearby bench.

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