Chapter 8

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Bea's POV

Today I would've spent the whole day sleeping in but Austin came over and started bothering me.

"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty ..." Austin said as he opened my curtains.

"We're going shopping." He uttered while shaking me.

I opened my eyes and everything was blurry. My contacts were finished so I'm forced to wear my nerdy glasses which I hate so much.

"C'mom get up ..." Austin stood on my bed and started jumping like a little boy whose had too much sugar.

"Get up, get up, get up." He insisted as I sat up and put my glasses on.

He finally stopped jumping and landed on his fours "Get ready, babe. We're going shopping." He repeated before kissing my cheek and getting off my bed.

"I'll be waiting downstairs !!" He ran out of my room as I sighed and laid back down.

Not wanting to get up on this Thursday morning.


Shopping with Austin is surprising and difficult at the same time.

For one, fans came up to him and asked for his autograph which was weird but cool.

He's very difficult to shop with because he gets distracted easily.

We went to the mall to choose an outfit for Austin to wear at the meeting -or the signing of the contract in Florida-.

He got distracted by going into every store and buying one thing in each store.

"Austin, remember why we came to the mall in the first place ..." I told him as he was holding up a pair of all black Jordan's in Foot Locker.

"I think I'm going to wear this on Sunday ..." He spoke as he told the employee that's he's going to buy it.

"But you bought 3 other pairs .." I complained as he turned around and stood over me.

Frustrated and tired, I frowned while looking up a him.

"I know .." He spoke lowly as the ends of his like curled up and he intertwined his fingers with mine.

His joyful eyes staring into mine; I couldn't help but to smile. The bags of clothes and shoes on the floor beside us.

I let go of his hand and quickly push my glasses towards my face.

"Ugh. I hate these glasses." I spoke while looking down but he lifted my chin up and grinned wider.

"I love your glasses ..." He purposely poked them. He was about to lean down and kiss me but we both heard screams coming from besides us.

Mahomies standing next to us with there cameras taking pictures.

There's at least 6 of them; this is my second a counter with crazy fans.

"That's Austin and ... Oh my god !? That's Bea !!" One of them screamed as Austin looked down at me and started laughing.

He then let go of my hands and asked if they wanted an autograph; they all screamed.


Bea's POV

To be honest, I haven't been myself since Wednesday. After mom asked me that question, I haven't been the same.

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