5. Encounters and Banters

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Mondays were Kuhoo's favourite part of the week. She loved the zeal of new beginnings, and the passion flowing through her veins at the start of the week to handle every case with utmost care, trying her best to bring the desired result. It was one thing she had carried from her childhood self. Although her grandpa would call her 'Arambhashoor' for the habit of loving everything at the begging and slowly forgetting it as the work in hand would lose the charm, but then he had seen her growing into that woman who didn't give up on things easily.

Packing the lunch, taking the cell phone and purse, she quickly grabbed a sandwich shoving half of it in the mouth. Kuhoo locked the door, walked towards the lift while eating the remaining part of her on-the-run-breakfast and waited for it pressing the button.

"What the-" She covered the mouth with her palm and gulped, "What... you... you... Are you-" Flashes of the Saturday night ran through her mind on seeing Mahil coming out of the elevator.

"Before you ask whether I'm following you, let me say this I got a flat here. That one, just in front of your place. I know your one because it has a name plate, Einstein. I bought it before meeting you, so technically it's not following," He pressed the lips in a thin line.

"Whatever, I never asked for explanations. Now move out of my way, because of you I'm running three minutes late," Kuhoo checked her digital watch.

"Thankless," He stared at her displeased for a moment and looked back at the lift door that closed as the elevator moved to a higher floor that made him smirk. "You are waiting for me to spread rose petals in your pathway or should I request the time to return your time?"

Those words pricked Kuhoo's heart, oh, how she would love if time returned her time. But she recovered within seconds shaking the head.

"I would have entertained you more, but like I said I'm running late," Kuhoo huffed sprinting ahead.

Mahil sauntered in the direction of his flat. He paused for on hearing the sounds from her side and chuckled before continuing to walk, "Punching the lift button won't bring it down any faster, Kuhoo."

"Errrghhh, go away man," She shouted and that made him laugh louder.

Mahil crashed on the sofa as soon as he entered the place. It was just fifteen past eight, he could sleep for an hour or more and then take a bath before his assistant called. Freyer was an eighteen year old lad. The boy had lost the parents at an early age just like him. Initially Freyer worked for part-time in the dance studio but as Mahil started getting more and more college events, weddings to choreograph he had offered the boy a full-time job. Perhaps, he didn't trust many people knowing Winslow was out there to spoil things for him.

Mahil growled as loud ringing of the phone broke his slumber, "What?"

"Mahil, when will you reach? We have been waiting for like last twenty minutes. They are asking about you. I have been giving excuses from your side but it won't work for long I can tell. You want to take up this wedding, right?" Freyer's strained voice made his eyes widened.

"What are you talking about man?" He asked sitting straight.

"Have you seriously forgotten? We were to meet Khuranas today. I had informed you about their email Saturday evening before you left the studio. God just don't tell me you are still sleeping," Freyer panicked.

"Oh, that," I mumbled remembering that his assistant had told him something just before leaving the studio. Well, it was obvious that the meeting had skipped his mind giving in to the fact that he literally shifted a whole house in a day.

"Great, so you are at your place I suppose," Freyer took a pause for some moment contemplating what could be done, "Should I ask them to visit us some other time?"

"No, I'll be there in ten. You could have given me a remainder though." He quickly changed and drove off to the studio.


It was a long day. Even after assisting in two surgeries and taking the ward rounds, Lisa didn't let her breath. It was probably because she had left without informing them that night, but come on they were being cruel. Kuhoo parked the car and started walking when she saw Mahil and a girl beside him.

As she strolled through the parking, his words fell on her ear, "I know but sweetheart -"

The girl interrupted, "You could teach me great moves that's why I want-"

Kuhoo's didn't spare them another look and quickly pressed the elevator button. Weird, this was the third time in sequence that she was pressing that button and he was in the vicinity.

"Hello, to you too," Mahil cleared his throat standing behind her and she sighed. Energy conservation was important for the sake of survival. It wasn't just about petrol and natural gas but also about conservation of the bout of energy she was about to waste on this man who gifted her bad start of the day.

"Think about it Mahil, I'm not that bad at it, I promise," The girl waved before leaving.

"Some other time, Suzzane," He answered and turned to Kuhoo who stared at him with an unknown expression.

"Isn't she cute?" He smiled and walked into the lift with her.

"Yeah, but don't you think she is too young for you teaching her any moves?" Kuhoo looked at him through the corner of her eyes.

"She is around eighteen, I guess," He shrugged the shoulders.

"Exactly, just eighteen, some eight to ten years younger than you and probably new to all this. The woman that night was better, you know," Kuhoo retorted back fervently that earned a confused look from him.

"She isn't new, she has been dancing - wait what did you say? NO!!! You can't be -" Mahil burst into fits of laughter his face turning red due to both the comical situation and the essence of her words.

"Dancing? And stop making fun about it, this is serious," She frowned. It was already the ninth floor. She walked out shaking the head at him and his steps automatically followed her.

"Wait," He held her wrist and she felt a weird sensation all over the skin. It was difficult to decipher why her heart started beating at such a fast pace just at a mere touch.

"I'm dancer, Kuhoo. When she said I could teach her great moves, she meant great dance moves," He confirmed with every ounce of sincerity in his voice.

"But you called her sweetheart, and then she also said she wasn't that bad at it... Oh," Kuhoo opened and closed the mouth rubbing the back of her ear, "I apologize."

Embarrassed, she quickly walked ahead to open the lock, slid through the door and closed it. Mahil just stared at her retreating figure with an amused expression.


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