36. For us

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Mahil :

I almost completed reading the whole book; only last two-three chapters were left. It was freezing cold outside, my feet felt like cold stones. Socks, gloves, two sweaters, what more could I do?

Glancing at blanket placed on the side table, I shook my head. Taking it would mean giving in to sleep. No, I wanted to finish this one.

Somewhere in the middle of second last chapter named 'Shradhhaa Trayavibhagyoga' I found my eyelids getting heavy. Heavy to the point that I was not able to keep them open anymore. I held the book close to my chest before going into deep slumber.

Peace was short lived as a few minutes later, sensing some movements I abruptly opened my orbs. It was Kuhoo, standing frozen, my unfolded blanket in her hands. She let it go upon finding me awake making it land on her side of the balcony weighing on a few shrubs and creepers.

I stared at her surprised and she turned sideways awkwardly. I cleared my throat to grab her attention but she only stared at the dark sky and city lights. She made my heart flutter with such actions and then would go back to her regular life as if nothing happened meanwhile I usually ended up being stranded in that one moment where she seemed to care.

How was this fair?

"You can't do this to me all the time," I mumbled in a hoarse voice.


"I'm not used to people caring for me, Kuhoo. Please don't get me into this habit when you ultimately want to leave," I muttered clearly.

"When did I say I don't care for you?" She blinked.

"You literally left me alone that night after giving your 'Stay away from me' speech. We don't do that to the people we care for. Aaachhhooo," I sneezed covering my face with a palm.

She exhaled a foggy air breath, "It's just four degrees, too cold to stay out at night. You were shaking holding your hands close to the chest. What was I supposed to do? My first instinct was to wake you up. But contrary to your opinion, I actually care for you. So, I couldn't fathom idea of disturbing your sleep rather decided to spread this comforter."

"You freaking left me alone that night! And then avoided me for two long weeks. Changing paths when we are about to cross, I mean seriously?" I bellowed.

Throwing her hands in air, she ridiculed, "So what? I did it to protect you. I care for you. But as a -"

I signaled with my palm rising from my seat, walking closer to the single wall that separated us, "Stop, don't you dare finish that. We're not just friends, Kuhoo. I don't want to be 'just friends' with you. And protecting me by doing things that I despised, how?"

"Why are you being such a drama queen, Mahil? You confessed that you like me. I refused. End of the story. Get over it," She shrugged aggravated.

"How do you expect me to do that? Did you get over him easily?" My eyes blazed with fire reacting to her unexpected indifference.

"What... What do you mean?" She stepped back getting defensive.

I grunted, "See, you didn't. You mourned over losing him for years. Sometimes I think if one day he shows up, saying sorry for all his deeds, you'll happily embrace him in a hug forgetting all the pain you endorsed. You don't feel anything for anyone other than him, do you? Emotions are just for you two. I stand nowhere here. Mahil doesn't have a right to feel. He should simply forget he liked Kuhoo. So, that you can go back to your sobbing self and cry over that bastard Adi all over again." Words left my mouth before I could decipher their meaning but the moment I realized it, taking in her grave expressions I stepped back running my hands through the hair frustrated, "I... I'm sorry."

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