44. Sweet Escaped

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Dedicated to @mightypanda300

Mahil :

It was fifty past seven when someone knocked on my door. Jay, the so-called servant assigned to me by Mr. obnoxious, intellectual owl, was a young lad in his early twenties just like Frey.

Jay, Frey. Oh, that rhymed!

"Dinner will be served in the next twenty minutes. You're requested to hurry towards the dining place, sir," He stood at doorstep facing the ground, palms gently placed over one another.

"What's the rush? It's just a dinner. Perhaps, there's ample time left," I shrugged. After conversing with Kuhoo as I tried to rest, jetlag hit severely and I couldn't get a single wink. Throbbing pain in head due to hours of journey, change in environment, lack of proper food and as if all this wasn't enough, nausea was saying a hi to the floors of my mouth, tongue and throat. Basically, I was such a mood.

"Senior Mr. Bhardwaj is very particular about time, sir." He uttered in an emotionless tone, eyes still not meeting mine.

"So oldie basically wants everyone to lead a mechanical life. Because his one is no fun," I commented and his eyeballs almost popped out as he glanced at me for a second before going back to ever favorite marbled floor. Sighing, I added, "Okay, let me just grab my phone."

"Senior Mr. Bhardwaj strictly orders that no one should bring cellphones in dining area. Use of all digital devices is restricted during the dinner," Jay murmured in same tone.

What kind of dictatorship was that?

"Five minutes are already over, sir. You are requested to -"

Raising a palm in air signaling him to stop, clicking the tongue I dismissed, "Yeah got it. Lead the way."

Nodding humbly, he started walking towards one of the glass elevators on left side. Despite taking a tour of this mansion, I was still confused about floors and everything. The place literally had seven elevators, five for use of family members, two for staff and others. They were five just people, why these guys needed a twenty storied building, answer to that was still an enigma or maybe I knew.

Show. Off.

"Why don't you talk normally to me, Jay? Do I appear like an uptight individual?" I asked as we entered the lift and he pressed eighth floor.

His tone was the same, "No, sir. Senior Mr. Bhardwaj -"

Reflexively my palms covered both ears as I intervened, "Good Lord, what's with this 'Senior Mr. Bhardwaj'? The man has a name right?"

"Yes, sir. But nobody calls him by his name." Jay nodded politely. I chortled.

Nobody, except for his favorite grandson.

On reaching the eighth floor, I came face to face with Ananya and Nitya as our elevators opened at the same time. Hiding behind her mother, the toddler meekly peeked at me ducking the head, slowly opening one eye. But finding me already looking at her, the little angel gasped and went into hiding, again.

I chuckled sauntering towards them. Bending over my knees, I smiled forwarding a hand, "Hey there! I think we did not get a proper introduction. I'm -"

"I know who you are. But I'm not talking to you." Mumbling in a babyish voice, she looked sideways with puffed cheeks.

I stared at her both confused and amused.

Folding her arms over that small belly, she glared at me, "Whenever Adi mamu lies to me his ears turn pink. He was tired. You troubled him a lot and you did not get me any chocolates, right Mahil?"

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