Volume I

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Introduction :

Mahil Malhotra waited for one woman all his life, as he had promised his mother. Although, he didn't know who and where she was, just the idea of her existence was enough to keep away from all the beautiful women showing their interest in him.

One fine day she walked in. And his heart just knew she was the one solely made for him. It didn't take him long to madly fall for her, dreaming of a sky full of showers of love. Little did he know, she was the flame and he was a moth.


Tropes :

#Love At First Sight

#Slow burn

#Healing Each Other

#Caring male lead

#Moving on and letting go

#He fell first and harder



Note: >> Contains references to Bhagvad Gita and other scriptures.


The story is divided in two volumes.

Volume I: Based in Chicago. Revolves around lives of Mahil and Kuhoo. All about their love story.

Volume II: Based in Mumbai and Shyamkalpi (Kuhoo's village).
Other characters will be entering in the story. A family saga.

Diamond Hearts (Volume I & II)Where stories live. Discover now