38. In my dreams

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Kuhoo :

I sauntered towards the shore and took a seat beside him. Sunlight was too bright to keep my eyes open but that did not stop me from admiring perfectly sculpted muscles of his back evident through nearly transparent white material of his shirt.

He clenched his fist trying to hold white sand which seemed to slip away, some of it vanishing and changing path with flow of wind before meeting its ground. The tighter he held it the faster it fell.

Placing my palm over his one, I smiled as he glanced at me only to pout later as he again focused on the work in hand. "The sand, it reminds me of you. See how pristine it looks, white and pure. Smooth and warm. But no matter how much I try to hold it, it doesn't stay with me. Like you don't."

Touching his cheeks ever so endearingly, I stared into his eyes, "Make me a sandcastle then."

"A castle where we live?" He asked.

I clicked my tongue, "A castle where we love."

As if hearing my words, the orange sky turned purple and started pouring cottony snowflakes. Nearing him, I closed the spaces between us. He hid his face in the arc of my neck and breathed, "Is this what you want?"

Running my fingers through his hair, I whispered in the man's ears, "I was yours the moment I saw you."

"And I was yours even before I met you," He mumbled over my lips. Closing the orbs, I moved forward expecting our lips to meet but it never happened as Mahil shifted back hearing someone's footsteps.

Tugging at his shoulder, I asked for his attention but when he paid no heed my eyes fluttered open only to see his orbs burning with fire throwing daggers somewhere behind me. Following his line of vision, as I turned around, a gasp escaped my mouth, "Adi."

I stared between the two men in my life as Eli's words rang in my ears, "Figure it out before it's too late, darling. Because something tells me if you end up hurting him, you would hurt yourself, too. And I don't want that happening to you, not again."

A sharp headache rose in me and I collapsed on the floor. Mahil and Adi rushed closer as I started gasping for air. It was getting difficult to breathe as Eli's words kept ringing in my ears.

"Stop," I screamed abruptly opening my eyes. Darkness outside confused me for a moment, only light was coming from a yellow lamp that I had left on in the kitchen before going into deep slumber.

My mind was a mess; heart was still thumping from the aftermath of that uncalled dream as I slowly got out of the comforter and walked to window. Whole city was covered with a pristine white layer of snow. The sand, it reminds me of you. See how pristine it looks, white and pure. I closed the eyes as my mind went back to Mahil's words from that dream.

I was yours the moment I saw you. Rubbing my temple, I let out an exasperated sigh. What was I thinking to get a dream like this? I was being unreasonable. This needed to be taken care of, but what more was I supposed to do? I had already asked him to stay away, except for last night.

He said staying away from me wouldn't save him from a heart break. Was it the same for me, too? No, that couldn't be. The dream was just a consequence of last night. How long have you been telling this to yourself that you don't like him? You said he magically understands you. Is this normal attachment Kuhoo?

I huffed, "Eli, you really didn't have to do that to me."

"He said he'll drop you? Kuhoo you need to get away from him first." Eli's worried words rang in my ears. And then what followed was my answer from that night, "I trust him."

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