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Kiri saw Neteyam and Ao'nung walk into the lunch room together. Neteyam was speaking with a smile on his face and Ao'nung was laughing loudly at what he was saying. "Hi guys!" Tsireya chirped, grinning. The seating arrangement had changed. Lo'ak was seated next to Tsireya, with Rotxo on his other side. Kiri was beside him, leaving a spot for Neteyam next to her. Ao'nung would have to sit between Neteyam and his sister. Ao'nung was carrying a black duffel bag over one shoulder. "What's in the body bag?" Lo'ak asked, unpacking his lunch. "On our adventures, we decided to get some food for the peasants," Neteyam replied. Ao'nung chuckled, pulling several paper bags out of his bag."Some Panera for Princess Reya," Ao'nung said, bowing as he offered his sister her lunch. She shook her head and took it from him, opening it excitedly. "And some scraps for the asshat that let my wetsuit get soaked this morning," he added dryly, tossing Rotxo his flatbread. "Also this," Neteyam smiled, sliding Rotxo a large drink. "What is it?" Rotxo asked, examining the orangey-yellow liquid. "Piss," Ao'nung snapped. "It's citrus mango tea," Neteyam interrupted, giving Ao'nung a look. He scoffed. Kiri hid her laugh behind her hand, pulling out a bag of almonds. Rotxo glanced at her. "Kiri eats like a squirrel," he commented. "What does that even mean?" she demanded, glaring at him. He beamed at her. "Nuts and berries. Eating them like this," he demonstrated, hunching his shoulders forward and taking tiny bites of imaginary food. Kiri shoved him gently, laughing.

Kiri walked to class with Rotxo trailing after her like a lost puppy. She didn't know why he was behaving this way, especially with someone like Tsireya right there. Kiri couldn't decide if she liked the attention or hated it. Of course, he sat down next to her in art class, pulling up a stool to the end of her table. It scraped noisily across the floor. "So, Kiri," he began, rolling the 'r' in her name. "Why did you-" "Mr. Waititi!" a woman's voice called. Rotxo's head snapped up. Their teacher was glaring at him. "Yes, ma'am?" he asked guiltily. "Return your seat to its designated table. I don't need you to distract Ms. Sully any further." Rotxo's face flushed. "Yes, ma'am," he murmured, picking up his seat and carrying it back to the table he had snagged it from.

Kiri pursed her lips. She didn't know the other girl at her table. She eyed her nervously, quickly reverting her gaze to the table as she saw the girl's head turn to face her. Kiri glanced over her shoulder. Rotxo was resting his head on his chin, gazing past her at the front of the room. A single curl was dangling in between his eyes. "My name is Ninat," the girl whispered. Kiri looked at her fully for the first time. She had braided black hair and dark skin, with almond shaped eyes. "I'm Kiri," she whispered back. "My brother has braids like yours," the girl blinked. "With... the beads," she finished, gesturing to the girl's hair. "Oh... cool," Ninat grinned. Kiri decided that she quite liked this girl.

When the teacher had announced that it was time to free draw for the rest of class, Kiri rose from her seat and tapped Rotxo's desk with her pencil. "Is this seat taken?" she asked jokingly, gesturing to the empty stool beside him. Rotxo smiled so widely his eyes nearly disappeared. "I'm sorry, there is a two hour waiting period. Have you made a reservation?" he asked, eyes sparkling. "Oh, hush," Kiri sighed, sitting down next to him. "I like your flannel," she commented, eyeing him. "Really? Tsireya said you wouldn't." Kiri blinked in confusion. "Anyways, what were you asking me earlier?" Rotxo grinned. "I was wondering why you stood up for me against Lo'ak today." he blinked. "In the groupchat." Kiri scoffed. "Because I will take any chance to reprimand my little brother," she laughed. Rotxo's face fell. "And," she continued, watching his face lift. "I don't want to lose my new friends." Rotxo grinned. "Well, Tsireya likes Lo'ak, clearly." Kiri nodded. "So if she has any say in it, which she frequently does, we aren't going anywhere." Kiri's phone went off. She grabbed it, quickly turning her ringer off.

the best Sullys🔛🔝:

(Teyam) Tsireya asked if we wanted to come watch Ao'nung surf at the beach after school
(Teyam) Thoughts?

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