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"What's taking them so long?" Kiri whined, leaning against the side of Neteyam's car. "No clue," Rotxo grinned, glancing over at Tsireya out of the corner of his eye. She blinked at him in disbelief, shaking her head slightly. Reya heard Lo'ak exhale softly under his breath at something over her head. She turned and looked, surprised to see Lyle full on sprinting to Spider's car. Kiri scoffed, pointing. "What's he doing?" Rotxo asked, brow furrowed in confusion. "Probably kept Spider waiting," Tsireya guessed, nodding to herself. She watched him slam the car door shut and turn to his cousin. She glanced away, looking over at Kiri. She was watching Spider's car with a suspicious look in her eye, lips pursed. "Oh, there they are," Rotxo muttered, rolling his eyes at the two boys making their way over. Ao'nung was shirtless, with his arms crossed. "Where's your shirt, dumbass?" Rotxo shouted, waving at his friend. "Remember how I left it by the edge of the pool to warm up?" Ao'nung asked, a slight grin on his face. Rotxo nodded. "It's gone. I think someone stole it." Lo'ak sucked his teeth and folded his arms across his chest. "No way," he grinned, eyes narrowed. "Yes way, it's clearly missing," Ao'nung snapped, smile fading. Neteyam blinked and glanced over at him, slight confusion on his face. "See you guys tomorrow," Kiri said abruptly, grabbing her brothers by the arms and half dragging them to Neteyam's car

On the ride home, it was clear Ao'nung was on edge. He ran several red lights before Rotxo yelled at him from the backseat, shouting at him to slow down. Tsireya glanced over at her brother, seeing how tightly his fists were clenched around the steering wheel. "You okay?" she asked, looking back at Rotxo for help. "Yeah, I'm fine," he muttered dismissively, not looking over at her. "You're a shit liar," Rotxo laughed. "I am not. But I'm not lying," Ao'nung corrected, eyeing his friend in the rear view mirror. "Is it Lyle? Did he say something?" Tsireya asked. "What? No, of course not," Ao'nung scoffed, jaw clenching. After a moment of tense silence, Ao'nung glanced over at his sister. "But, I really don't like how he treats Tey- Neteyam. And Lo'ak, and Kiri. I just-" he sighed quietly. "I mean, he - Neteyam - is so nice, and I saw how his face just fell when Lyle told him to shut up, and it just pisses me off, because-" "Can I say something?" Rotxo interrupted gently. "Mhm," Ao'nung nodded. "I think that Neteyam can hold his own," Rotxo said. "He's definitely not going to let some shithead like Lyle bother him, I don't think." Ao'nung pursed his lips. "No, I know, I just feel bad," he muttered. "Guess what Serena said?" Tsireya interjected. The two boys side-eyed her. She knew there was very little love for Serena and her family amongst Ao'nung and Rotxo. "No, it's funny, I swear. She said she asked him why he wears a swim cap even though he has no hair and when he got all pissy, she said it was for yearbook," she laughed. Rotxo let out a shout of laughter from the backseat. "That's actually a good question," Ao'nung grinned.

Tonowari was staying late at work, so the kids were on their own to find dinner. Their father was the one who cooked and cleaned, partially because of the frequent late nights at the hospital, but mostly because Ronal was a very bad chef. Tsireya made herself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and sat, quietly watching Ao'nung cook and eat 6 eggs worth of scrambled eggs. "Hungry?" she grinned, watching him go to the fridge and pull out the egg carton yet again. "Yeah," Ao'nung mumbled, staring pointedly at the counter in front of him. "Dude, what's wrong?" she asked, growing impatient with his attitude. "I told you," he snapped. "Nothing is wrong." Tsireya scoffed. "Do you think I'm stupid? Is that what it is?" "Yeah, kinda," Ao'nung said, glancing up at her with a slight smile in his eyes. "Oh, shut up," she groaned, throwing her sandwich crusts down onto her paper plate. Rotxo walked into the kitchen with a towel wrapped around his head, wearing one of Tsireya's bathrobes. Ao'nung grinned at him. "Shut up, Ao'nung," Rotxo called, watching his friend open his mouth to comment. Ao'nung held up his hands in surrender, trying his best not to smile. "I think you look very cute, Rotxo," Ronal called, entering the kitchen with Iolana swaddled to her chest. Rotxo's face flushed in embarrassment as he pulled the towel from his head, wet curls hanging down into his eyes. "Are you growing out your hair?" Tsireya asked, watching him comb his hair out with his fingers. "I guess," Rotxo shrugged. "It's kinda annoying though. Always in my eyes." Ronal smiled at him and nodded. "I think it's a good look," she commented, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear. Rotxo beamed at her, nodding rapidly.

Tsireya sat in her room, watching Lo'ak play video games on facetime and folding her clean laundry. Her phone was propped up on her desk. Neteyam was in the background, sitting on Lo'ak's bed, working on something on his computer. "How did we do at tryouts?" Lo'ak asked. "Hm? Oh, better than most of the other people," Tsireya answered, looking up from the socks she was folding. "Really?" Neteyam asked, looking up from his laptop. "Mhm," she nodded. Her bedroom door swung open, making her jump. "Ao, you have to knock!" she shouted in frustration. "Oh, hush," Ao'nung muttered. He was wearing a white tank top and pajama pants, with his hair down. "What do you want?" she asked, watching him pause in front of the mirror above her dresser and flex his arms. "Oh my god," Tsireya groaned, throwing her folded pair of socks at him. "I'm on facetime." Ao'nung paused, glancing over at her. "With who?" She crossed her arms across her chest. "Lo'ak," she answered. Ao'nung blinked. "Can he see me?" "Yep," Neteyam answered, voice sounding slightly strangled. Ao'nung's face flushed as Lo'ak laughed loudly, pointing at his brother. Tsireya grinned and rolled her eyes as Ao'nung hurried out of her room. "Shut the door, dumbass," Tsireya called after him. "Shut your own damn door," Ao'nung shouted back. "Oh my god- language! Please!" came Ronal's voice from down the hall. Rotxo's loud laugh echoed from his bedroom, followed by the sound of Ao'nung slamming his own door shut.

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