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Kiri was nervous for try-outs. Kiri was nervous about most things, but she really tried to make sure no one noticed. She had packed her favorite bathing suit, and hoped it was good enough for practice. It was just a plain black one piece, but she had embroidered little green vines along the neckline. She had filled her lunch bag as full as possible with snacks for her and her brothers, which she now ate from at lunch. Rotxo sat beside her, like usual. She'd noticed his hair was shaggier than usual. Maybe he didn't style it like he usually did. Maybe he was growing it out. Either way, she liked the way it curled around his ears. He must have noticed her staring, because his head whirled around abruptly to face her. She blinked and looked away, focussing her attention on her apple slices. "Is everyone ready for swim?" Tsireya asked, her voice bubbly with excitement. Ao'nung sighed, running his hand through his hair and nodding. Kiri saw Neteyam's eyes linger on him as he did so, before looking down at his hands and smiling. Kiri tossed him a bag of trail mix and gave him a knowing smile. "Yes, very excited to tell high schoolers that they have to listen to what we say and act like they're good," Rotxo laughed. "I'm afraid I won't make the team," Neteyam joked, grinning. "You will," Ao'nung said, turning to look at him with a serious expression. Neteyam blinked. "Don't make any promises," Rotxo reminded, reaching across the table and poking Ao'nung in the arm. Ao'nung brushed his hand off, shooting him a glare. "Freak," Rotxo muttered to Kiri, voice soft enough to make sure Ao'nung didn't hear. Kiri let out a shout of laughter, looking at Ao'nung out of the corner of her eye. He was talking to Neteyam, voice low. His eyes sparkled with humor as Neteyam laughed quietly and shushed him. Kiri glanced over at Tsireya to make sure she was seeing this. "I know!" she mouthed, grinning. "Oh, come on," Ao'nung groaned, watching the girl's interaction. "What?" Kiri asked innocently, tilting her head to the side. "We didn't do anything," Tsireya laughed. "Whatever," Ao'nung muttered, glaring down at his phone.

Rotxo walked Kiri to their third period, carrying her heavy lunch bag. "What did you even fit in this?" he asked, raising his eyebrows at her. "Granola, trail mix, cheese sticks, dried fruit, regular fruit, oranges-" Rotxo put his hands up in surrender, cutting her off. "Okay, okay," he laughed. "I can tell." Kiri grinned. "I just don't want anyone to get hungry." Rotxo nodded in understanding. "I packed stuff for us, too," he said. "Middle child behavior," Kiri grinned. Rotxo nodded, grinning. "Do you think I'll make the team?" Kiri asked, glancing up at him. "Mhm," he answered. "You're very strong. I think you'll do fine." "Strong?" Kiri asked incredulously. "Yeah. You have..." he paused, a smile quirking his lips. "Strong hamstrings." Kiri let out a gasp of laughter. "Hamstrings? How did you even-" "Well, you kick when you swim, so-" "Hamstrings. Wow," Kiri shook her head slowly, grinning. "Yeah. Very nice, uh, hamstrings," Rotxo laughed, wincing slightly.

Ninat was waiting for Kiri when she got to class. "Guess what," she whispered. "What?" Kiri asked, grinning as she put her stuff down. "We are able to use the pottery shed," she whispered excitedly. "What?" Kiri shouted, face splitting into a grin. "What? What is it?" Rotxo asked, head turning around in his seat to face them. "Spider got her to let us use the pottery wheel!" Kiri exclaimed. "Spider?" Ninat asked, furrowing her brow. "Mhm, Spider Socorro. He said his dad is involved in the school system, or something. Oh my god, we have to go thank him," she bubbled, grabbing Ninat's hand. "Wait, now?" Rotxo called after them. "Mhm," Kiri shouted back, glancing over her shoulder. She and Ninat spilled into the hall, heading to the media center. "He has study hall third," Kiri explained. "Does he?" Ninat asked, fidgeting with her bracelets. "Yeah. He's super nice, you'll like him." She laughed nervously, nodding.

Spider was on his computer when they walked in the library. He didn't notice them until Kiri was right in front of him, hands on her hips. He blinked up at her, a smile on his face. Kiri watched his eyes dart to Ninat and linger there for a moment, before glancing back to Kiri. "Hi, Kiri," he whispered. "Hi, Spider," she responded, keeping her voice low. "You're Ninat, right?" he asked, turning his head to face her. "Mhm," she nodded. "I'm-" "Spider, I know," Ninat grinned. "Hi, Ninat," Spider laughed softly. "Hi, Spider," she said back. "We are here to thank you for getting our teacher to let us in the kiln," Kiri interrupted, watching Spider's eyes freeze on Ninat for just a second before looking up at Kiri. "Oh, really?" he asked, blinking. "Mhm," Kiri nodded. "Oh, that's great," Spider exclaimed softly. "Yeah, it is," Kiri nodded. His eyes shifted back to Ninat. "Well, we better go back to class," Kiri said hurriedly, ignoring the looks of confusion on both Spider and Ninat's faces. "Oh- oh, okay, yeah," Spider nodded. She turned and left, Ninat hot on her trail.

When they were out of earshot, Kiri paused and turned to Ninat. "Ninat, do you have a boyfriend?" she asked bluntly. Ninat blinked. "Uh, no, I don-" "Good, good," Kiri murmured. "I used to like Ao'nung," Ninat began hesitantly. "Ao's gay," Kiri said quickly. She froze as the words left her lips. Ninat's eyes widened. "No he's not," Kiri backtracked, feeling the blood drain from her face. "Yes he is," Ninat breathed, blinking rapidly. "Oh, my god," she whispered. "No, no, no he's not," Kiri laughed, starting to pick at her fingertips. "No, he is," Ninat insisted. "That explains so much. Oh my god," she repeated, resting her forehead in the palm of her hand. "Ninat, look at me," Kiri insisted. "You cannot tell a single person," she pleaded. "I'm so serious. He'd kill me for telling. I didn't mean to, I just forgot it wasn't common knowledge. I'm- you cannot tell a single soul. Not anyone." Ninat looked up at her. "Kiri, I won't," she whispered. "I promise. I love that family so much. I would never." Kiri eyed her in disbelief. "Come on, you can trust me," Ninat murmured. "He and I used to- we tried to hook up, but it didn't... work," she said awkwardly. Kiri blinked. "Oh-" "Yeah. So, it actually- it makes sense. A lot of sense. Wow," she exhaled, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Wow," Kiri repeated, nodding. Ninat grinned. "Well, you learn something new every day!" she said sarcastically, turning and heading back to class. Kiri snorted and followed her, jogging to catch up.

The two of them slipped back into class quietly. Their teacher didn't even look up. Rotxo sat by himself, tracing something on his canvas. His side was to her as she made her way to her seat. His curls brushed his brow, which was furrowed in concentration. His jaw kept repeatedly clenching and relaxing. "Whatcha drawing?" she whispered, tapping him on the shoulder. He flinched and looked up at her. "That's a secret," he whispered back, a soft smile on his face. "How was Spider?" he asked, gaze darkening and shifting back to his work. "Good," she whispered. "I think he likes Ninat." Rotxo paused. "I think he likes you," Rotxo muttered. "What?" Kiri asked, blinking. She sat down on the stool next to him, twirling a strand of hair between her fingers. He side-eyed her. "Wow, does he? Oh my gosh, that's amazing news," she said, voice sarcastically sweet and girlish. Rotxo's lips parted slightly in a hurt expression. He exhaled softly and turned back to his work, eyes downcast. "Rotxo, I'm kidding," Kiri murmured, leaning closer to him. He perked up instantly, looking up into her eyes. "Really?" he whispered. "Yes, really," she grinned, tucking one of his curls behind his ear and getting up. She felt his eyes on her as she walked back to her own seat. Ninat was smiling at her, eyes sparkling.

 Ninat was smiling at her, eyes sparkling

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