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(i posted this on the headcannons story i'm so sorry guys)

On Tuesday morning, Ao'nung and Tsireya were at each other's throats the entire time they were getting ready to leave. Rotxo had packed his bag the night before. So had Ao'nung. Tsireya had not. None of that was how it usually was. Tsireya was always the most organized one out of the three of them. Ao'nung was standing in her doorway, attempting to help her get stuff together. He held her damp swimsuit from the day before gingerly in his hands, trying to hand it to her. Rotxo watched from the hallway as Tsireya took it from him and threw it on the floor, screaming about how that wasn't the right one and how Ao'nung should just piss off. Ao'nung turned slowly to face Rotxo, a look of disgust on his face. "What the fuck was that?" he mouthed, throwing his hands up in defeat. Tsireya groaned and slammed her door shut. "We leave in 15," Rotxo called. "With or without you," Ao'nung added. "She's gonna kill you," Rotxo warned, keeping his voice quiet. "No she won't," Ao'nung scoffed, shaking his head. "I'm gonna tell mama that she might need to bring Tsireya's stuff to school. She's probably going to leave stuff at home. I haven't seen her this scattered in a while." "I HEARD THAT!" Reya shouted from behind her shut door. Ao'nung winced, hurrying downstairs.

When he was gone, Reya cracked open her bedroom door just enough to peer nervously out of. "What's up with you guys?" Rotxo asked, going to sit on the floor. "I'm mad at him," she mumbled. Rotxo nodded. "Yeah, I got that," he said dryly. "Why?" She opened her door wide enough for them to continue speaking while she finished getting ready. "He embarrassed me in front of Lo'ak," she mumbled. Rotxo scoffed. "He's your big brother. He's allowed to do that." Tsireya glared at him. "No, he's not. You wouldn't." Rotxo stared at her in disbelief. "Yes, I totally would. So would Neteyam, and Kiri, and literally every other sibling ever." Tsireya paused. "Neteyam didn't," she muttered, side-eyeing Rotxo. "Lo'ak probably thought he did," Rotxo answered. "He was probably too embarrassed to even notice Ao'nung doing anything. Plus, you're almost 100% overreacting about this." "I am not." "Yes, you are." Rotxo got to his feet. "Are you ready yet?" he asked, peering into Reya's room. She was putting on mascara with a shaky hand. "Yeah, almost," she answered, not looking at him. "Okay, hurry. Ao will probably actually leave you behind. You were mean to him." Rotxo grinned. "Sensitive wittle Aowie and his pettiness," he laughed, hearing Tsireya scoff behind him as he left.

Ao'nung was talking to his dad when Rotxo went downstairs. Rotxo heard the word "college" mentioned and saw the tense look on Ao'nung's face and backed out of the kitchen, going to wait in the living room with his bags. Ronal found him there and sat beside him, offering him a cup of coffee. "My husband is lecturing my son. My daughter is angry with my son. Did my son do something evil?" she asked, a hint of a smile on her face. "Actually, no, not this time," he grinned, taking the mug from her hands and blowing on it to cool it down. "Hmm. Are you angry with my son?" she asked, tilting her head to the side. Rotxo shook his head. "Nope," he said, taking a small sip and feeling the hot coffee burn his tongue. "Thank god," Ronal smiled, gently massaging her temples with her fingertips. "Today is swim tryouts, right?" she asked, checking the time on her watch. Rotxo nodded, feeling his scorched tongue with his fingers. "Go to the pantry and get fruit and granola bars for everyone," Ronal said, taking the coffee cup from Rotxo's hands. "And go hold an ice cube on your tongue." He jumped up, hurrying to the pantry. When he arrived, Tsireya and Ao'nung were both listening to their father with deadpan expressions. Tonowari was speaking about the importance of family friendships. Rotxo ignored their conversation and got an ice cube out of the freezer before grabbing a large ziplock bag and loading it with snacks for practice. "Rotxo, get in here," Tonowari called. Rotxo sighed and ducked back into the kitchen. He opened his mouth to continue speaking when Ronal walked in, gently taking his arm in her hands. "Our children have to go now," she whispered, glancing over at the three of them with sparkling eyes. Ao'nung grabbed Tsireya and Rotxo by their backpacks and steered them out the door before Tonowari could say anything more. "Do you guys still hate each other?" Rotxo asked, looking between Ao'nung and Reya. "Yes," Ao'nung said, trying not to smile. Tsireya rolled her eyes with a grin. "So, no?" Rotxo laughed, getting in Ao'nung's truck while Tsireya and Ao'nung bickered like usual.

Rotxo had government with Lo'ak. It was one of his favorite classes, simply because of how out of pocket Lo'ak was with everything. Their teacher had learned not to call on him during discussions, even if he was the only one who knew the answer. She had quickly learned that Lo'ak would say something outrageous with a completely monotone tone and deadpan expression, and Rotxo would laugh loudly until his eyes began to water. The two of them sat in the back, where they could talk the loudest without completely disrupting the lecture. But, today, Lo'ak was avoiding eye contact with Rotxo. He sat with his hands folded in his lap, foot tapping the leg of his desk anxiously. "What's wrong, man?" Rotxo whispered, elbowing him jokingly. Lo'ak gave him a weird look and shoved his arm away. "I, uh," he looked away, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Kissed Reya yesterday," he finished, glancing at Rotxo quickly. Rotxo scoffed. "Yeah, I know," he grinned. "You do?" Lo'ak asked, shoulders visibly tensing. "Yes. Why is everyone so- nobody cares, man," he whispered, blinking at Lo'ak in surprise. "Like, good for you I guess, but you don't need to be terrified or anything." Lo'ak looked up at him with slightly wide eyes. "But, Ao'nung seemed so angry-" "Lemme stop you there," Rotxo interrupted, grinning. "Ao'nung is scared shitless of his Mama. And his Mama would kill him if he made Reya, like, actually mad or sad or anything. So, you're fine." Lo'ak clearly didn't believe him, but nodded anyway. "Here, look," Rotxo said, sensing how worried Lo'ak still was. "If Ao'nung gives you any shit for it, I'll, uh," he grinned at the mental picture in his head. "I'll intervene." Lo'ak let out a shout of laughter which echoed throughout the quiet classroom. He flushed and ducked his head down apologetically. "You'll intervene?" he asked, eyes crinkling at the corners with a smile. "Mhm, yeah," Rotxo nodded, laughing at the idea of him squaring up to Ao'nung.

rotxo and lo'ak

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rotxo and lo'ak

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