1~Three Years Later

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Three years after marriage


 "I want every single thing to be perfect

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 "I want every single thing to be perfect. One mistake and our efforts will be in vain." I said to my team who are working on the project. One and half years of hard work and dedication from me, my associates, and the staff who have been performing with us will finally pay off if we crack the deal.

The Bharat industry started almost two hundred years ago by my great-great grandfather who also held the title of a king of Chittorgarh (I don't even know what his name is, by the way). It all started with the manufacturing and selling of traditional fabrics and as the decades passed, our work started getting renowned worldwide, making us the No.1 clothing industry of India.

My father entered the business thirty years ago, and shortly after, he began making real estate and land investments. As a result, the Royal family now owns half of Chittorgarh's land. (And now I have to take care of every other business my ancestors have invested in). It's not that I wasn't prepared for this but everything has its drawbacks and being at such a greater heights also comes with so many limitations and being the CEO and the future king of Chittorgarh, it has only become harder to handle everything with patience.

"Everything is prepared, Sir." My secretary called out, drawing me out of my thoughts.

The moment finally came. "Okay, I'll be there in a minute," I declared as confidence rose in my voice. You can do it, Siddharth. I chanted this mantra thousands of times in just an hour.

As I entered the meeting room, the members from different departments stood up and greeted me with respect. I nodded at them while returning the gesture.

"Have you prepared yourself, partner?" I glanced in the direction towards the entrance of the meeting hall and saw the director of our company aka my best friend, Arhaan Malhotra, standing near the doorway of the hall.

"Why?" I asked with a smirk, knowing that he would be drowning in the ocean of stress.

Arhaan gave me one of his disgraceful grins and said "Shut the fuck up, man. Do you even know I wasn't able to get enough sleep last night just because of this deal and here you are, fucking up with me with your goddamn taunts."

I huffed at his overreaction. "Don't worry we can get along with this. Just be patient." I let out "And please stop cursing."

Arhaan just rolled his eyes at me and took his seat.

How dare he roll his eyes at the most respected man present in the room?

What the hell does this idiot think of himself?

"You are the one to talk?" Arhaan taunted me while I counted till ten to not throw this man out of the window.

I've been friends with Arhaan for as long as I can remember. Our parents used to joke that we're more like partners in crime than just best friends, and they weren't wrong. Arhaan and I have always been there for each other, through thick and thin. We've been each other's pillars of support and confidants. Even though we might bicker and tease each other relentlessly, deep down, we know that our bond is unbreakable.

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