24~The Reunion (Flashback)

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My heart raced with each passing second as the airplane prepared to land. My mind still couldn't help but drift back to thoughts of my wife, Mira. A warm feeling enveloped my chest at the mere thought of her and a smile automatically spread across my lips.

I couldn't believe I was finally going to see her after two long months.

These two months in California for a business trip seemed like forever without her. Every day felt like a pure torture, and the only thing that kept me going was the thought of being with her again.

My body responded to the anticipation and just thinking about her made my cheeks flush scarlet. I felt a surge of adrenaline within me at the sheer thought of her touch, her presence and that rare smile of hers which is only reserved for me.

"Will you please cut that crap, Siddharth?' Arhaan said with a disgusted look on his face. 'You don't have to let everyone show just how eager you are to meet your wife."

I rolled my eyes at my best friend. 'Shut up, asshole.'

"But you know, you are not meeting her anytime soon." Arhaan let out while my brows furrowed in confusion.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, we have to stay in Mumbai for a few days, maybe a week so till then keep your shit together." He smirked.

My stomach dropped at his admission.

Why the hell I didn't know about this?

"Why the fuck no one informed me about this?" I yelled at my best friend.

"Because you were too much engaged on the phone with a certain woman who has turned your life upside-down and for your kind information, I told you about this just a day before yesterday.' Arhaan yelled back at me. 'And when the captain of our plane announced we were landing at Mumbai Airport, you were still deeply lost in the thoughts of your woman." He hissed and gave me a look of disbelief while I tried to remember our conversation from two days ago when I was hardly paying any attention to him as I was busy talking to Mira on the phone.

Frustration wrapped me and I shut my eyes tight.

The exhilaration I had felt just minutes before had now been replaced with the longing feeling to see her face. I yearned to look into her eyes, to have late night conversations with her while feeling the warmth of her embrace.

God, I've been waiting for her for two months, and today I was so excited, thinking that finally this long-distance thing is getting over, but no, the universe surely has different plans for us.

I stared at the ceiling of the plane and wondered what she might be doing right now.

Would she have missed me as much as I had missed her?

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