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I know, I have been a bit cold to Nadia since she came home but I can't get over the guilt I feel since it was my fault, Nadia went missing.

Even though I was only eight, I was with Mom and I still remember what happened to this day.

"Momma can we go to the park" I asked my mother when Dad, Antonio, Alexei and the twins went out. They went shopping for food and me Mom and Nadia decided to stay home.

Nadia was a little bit sick that day, so me and mom decided to stay home with her, but me being eight and was very hyper, I wanted to go to the park.

"Yes we just need to wrap Nadia up so she won't get even more sick" Mom said with a small smile, and I quickly run upstairs and grabbed Nadia's winter jacket and a little hat for her.

Once we were all ready, we headed to the park and we decided to walk since it wasn't too far from our childhood house. I was really excited so I ran ahead and played on the playground while mom watched Nadia.

Well, I thought she was. I heard Nadia crying when I was on the swings, so I decided to get off and go over to her to check if she was okay, I wasn't sure if Mom is with her or not, but by the sounds of her crying, I don't think she was.

I turned my back around, and I saw Nadia's stroller on its side, while her little blanket was about a foot away from the stroller. I looked over to Mom and so she was on the phone with someone with her back to the stroller

That made me panic, I know she was keeping an eye on Nadia, but she turned around for a second and Nadia's stroller is now on the floor and she could be seriously injured. She's only four.

I quickly ran over to her stroller and picked it up, but as soon as I looked in, my heart stopped beating Nadia was gone. She wasn't in her stroller. I started panicking and looking around and run over to her baby blanket to see if she was anywhere near it.

But she wasn't, she just disappeared. I said crying because my little sister was gone and mom turned around and saw me holding onto the stroller with Nadia's blanket in my arms. But no sign of her daughter.

She quickly run over and started calling for Nadia, but no luck. We quickly checked the playground and she wasn't there. We asked parents and other kids if they have seen a little girl that we showed pictures of her.

Nobody saw her

After a while of looking, we went home and saw Dad's car in the driveway. We knew Dad and the boys were home, and as soon as we got in he was at the door with a big smile on his face, ready to see his two other kids, but as soon as we got in the door, Mom started sobbing.

Dad quickly ran over and held her, and she kept mumbling 'She's gone Our baby is gone. I turned around for one second and she's gone' She was uncontrollably sobbing. Dad held onto her, and once she calmed down, she told Dad to the entire story.

She was on a call while watching Nadia and she turned around for a second, because she thought she heard someone she knew but it ended up being no one there. She heard Nadia crying, and was going to hang up the call until she heard me yelling and crying.

That day we kept asking around and calling everyone to see if they had seen Nadia, and sadly no one had.

Since that day, Mom was more distant from us, and eventually she just left. I understand why she did because she blamed herself for losing her own daughter all because of a business call.

I woke up from that bad dream and saw Nico sitting up as well, it looked like he was having a dream as well, but I think his was better than mine. I generally called out to him, not knowing if he was sleepwalking or actually awake.

When he turned to me, I just started sobbing, and he quickly run over and held me, I know he doesn't do well with comforting people, but he's doing one hell of a good job now, I kept saying it was my fault that Nadia was taken saying how selfish I was

All because I want to go to the park, I still blame myself because I want to go to the park even though my little sister was sick and I couldn't wait until both my parents and all my siblings were there.

I begged Mom to let me go since it was close to the house, and she agreed, but I also knew she had a business meeting that day as well, and that was what the call was.

I kept sobbing until Nico calmed me down, and I fell back asleep, I still blame myself every day for what happened even though both my parents and my siblings told me it wasn't my fault. But I still can't get over the guilt of losing my sister all because I want to go to the park.

I've never felt more grief and guilt until Dad had a family meeting saying they were giving up the hunt to find Nadia after almost 2 years of looking. I know it wasn't my fault.

But I felt like I was to blame all because I wanted to go to the park
Poor Noah :(

Alexei's pov next then Eli's!!

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