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There appeared an emperor named Uriel Septim looking at his amulet.

Uriel Septim: I was born 87 years ago. For 65 years I've ruled as Tamriel's Emperor. But for all these years I have never been the ruler of my own dreams.

The scene changes to a hellish looking place with demon like creatures and a giant metal monster walking towards a firey gate.

I have seen the Gates of Oblivion, beyond which no waking eye may see.

The scene pans up seeing other scary shadowy figures with only their eyes showing. The last shadowy figure shows glowing eyes of yellow surrounded by other shadowy figures looking similar.

Behold, in Darkness a Doom sweeps the land.

Switches to a night time sky.

This however will not be the only story told. As for what you are about to see will be quiet interesting.

Location: Musutafu Japan

Thieves were flying a helicopter to get away from the police.
"Faster they are ganging on us!" Yelled thief 1.
"I'm going as fast as I can!" Yelled thief 2.
"Not fast enough give me the wheel!" Thief 1 tried to grab the wheel.
Thief 2 fought back "Hey stop you're going to make us crash!" He yelled.
A suitcase slipped out of Thief 3's hands and slid out of the helicopter.
"Nice. You lost the case." Scolded thief 4.
"I told you I had butter fingers you idiot!" Yelled thief 3.
"We just wanted to believe you can do something right for once. After you tripped the alarm. I guess we were wrong you are just a screw up." Said thief 4.
Thief 3 shoved thief 4. "Calling me a screw up! You screw up more than I do!" He yelled.
"Why I oughta!" Thief 4 jumped on thief three and begun to fight.
"Stop this or I will kick your ass!" Yelled thief 1.
The helicopters continued to fly away as the screen pans down to the U.A. Dorms.
Kaminari stepped out to his balcony with a tired look on his face.
"So much noise." He said.
He looked down to see the suitcase then picked it up.
"Wow I got to show this to everyone in the morning."
Kaminari walked back in to go back to sleep.
Morning hits and the entire class listened to Kaminari about the suitcase.
"I just walked out to see what was happening and I just saw this case right on my balcony."
"I wonder where it came from?" Asked Sero.
"Forget that question. How did it not land on a balcony on the fifth floor?" Asked Bakugo.
"It bounced around a little I guess." Answered Sato.
"The sounds last night were some helicopters flying over us in case anyone are wondering." Said Yaoyorozu.
"There were some helicopters? I must have slept through it cause they didn't wake me up." Said Todoroki.
"Wow really?" Asked Kirishima.
"Oh yeah he can sleep through loud sounds. Also I found him sleeping on the stove one night. Not sure how that happened." Said Asui.
"Crazy." Said Uraraka.
"I'm glad Aizawa gave us today and tomorrow off because it may be a miracle to get this case open." Said Kaminari.
"You want to open the case?" Asked Deku.
"Yes. Don't you want to see what's inside?" Asked Kaminari.
"Absolutely not. We don't even know where it's been it could be something dangerous." Said Iida.
"Sorry Denki but we do have to report this to the staff." Said Kirishima.
"Ah you're right. It would have been cool though." Said Kaminari.
"It could just be money from the bank." Said Todoroki.
"Or syringes fill with crap." Said Jirou.
"Or explosives!" Yelled Mineta.
"THAT'S IT GIVE ME THE CASE!" Bakugo grabbed the suitcase from Kaminari.
"Kacchan what are you doing!" Yelled Deku.
The suitcase was popped open.
"There, now this curiosity can end." Said Bakugo.
Inside the suitcase is a crystal.
"A crystal. Must be a museum artifact or something." Said Kirishima.
Kaminari grabbed the crystal for a close examination.
"Or it could be a special one. One that can bring things to life. Action figures, comic book characters, video games characters." Said Kaminari.
"Of course you come up with theories in your fantasy mind." Said Bakugo.
"Now hold on it could be possible. We are in a world where fantasy is starting to come to life." Said Kirishima.
"Only superpowers idiot! Not artifacts!" Yelled Bakugo.
"Just a minute." Said Kirishima.
Kiri sped to his dorm and back with a video game case.
"Are you serious?" Asked Kaminari excited.
Kirishima waves the game up and dance around. "Oh hell yeah. The Elder Scrolls Oblivion!"
"That rpg game you guys really like?" Asked Deku.
"You bet ya. We outta introduce it to you. In fact let's see if we can bring some of the NPCs here." Said Kirishima.
"I don't like the look of this. Should we stop them?" Asked Todoroki.
"Guys please I don't think this is a good idea." Said Iida.
"Oh come on don't be so worried." Kirishima opens the case exposing the disk. "Let's do this."
"How does this crystal work?" Asked Kaminari.
"Try rubbing it." Said Kirishima.
"It's not a genie lamp Shitty Hair." Said Bakugo.
"Kacchan come on it could work." Kaminari rubs the crystal and it starts to glow. "It's doing something."
Everyone got surprised and dropped their jaws.
"This is it. Get excited everyone." Said Kirishima.
The crystal shot out a beam at the disk.
"Holy crap I can't believe my eyes! It's actually magic!" Yelled Iida.
"Maybe Kaminari was right for once!" Yelled Yaoyorozu.
"That means TAKE COVER IT MIGHT EXPLODE!" Screamed Iida.
A small explosion happened and the magic effect the crystal was deactivated.
Everyone peaked their head out from behind the couch.
"Do you see anyone here?" Asked Kaminari.
"No. But it may take a minute for the magic to kick in." Kirishima set the game on the kitchen counter.
"We'll just watch it until something happens."
"Sounds good to me." Said Kaminari.
"If some crazy maniac comes out of that game I will pound them." Said Bakugo.
An hour later Deku found Kirishima and Kaminari still watching the game.
"Guys I don't think anything is happening." Said Deku.
"Well that's a bummer. Must have been a dud crystal not fully complete." Said Kaminari.
"Oh well how about we play this game instead. That will cheer us up." Said Kirishima.
"Okay why not. I feel like playing it after this whole thing." Said Kaminari.
"Can I join too?" Asked Deku.
The disk created a small spark.
"Sure. It's a single player only so we will have to take turns." Said Kirishima.
"That's fine. But you will have to teach me how to play it though." Said Deku.
"No problem. Let's introduce Midoriya to the world of ......" As soon as Kirishima touched the disk a magical effect was happening and Kirishima started fading. "WHAT IS HAPPENING!"
"KIRISHIMA-KUN!" Deku grabbed his hand and he started fading away as well.
The two boys were transformed into magic particles were sucked into the game disk.
"You don't see that everyday." Said a traumatized Kaminari.
Iida ran into the lobby.
"What's going on?" Asked Iida.
"Iida, I think Midoriya and Kirishima got sucked into the disk." Answered Kaminari.
"You mean this disk?" Iida attempts to pick up the game.
"DON'T PICK IT UP! You may get sucked in too." Said Kaminari.
"Okay I won't touch it but that sounds bizarre." Said Iida.
"That may have been what the crystal did though, believe me I saw what happened." Said Kaminari.
"Okay we have got to get the staff here to observe this." Iida saw the spark and flinched.
"I just hope those two will be okay." Said Kaminari.

The scene changes showing shadows of a man with pointy bottom teeth, a man with a mohawk, and a humanoid creature with spikes on it's upper half.

The scene changes showing shadows of a man with pointy bottom teeth, a man with a mohawk, and a humanoid creature with spikes on it's upper half

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Uriel Septim: You are about to witness two boys traveling throughout my land going on several adventures. They won't be the only ones to enter Tamriel however.

Finally the scene pans around to a giant palace and city in a medieval world.

Welcome to Tamriel, a continentof Nirn, our world made by the missing god Shezarr and the Nine. This place you see now is the Imperial City, capitol of Cyrodiil, county of Tamriel. This is the 27th of Last Seed; the Year of Akatosh 433. These are the closing days of the 3rd Era, and the final hours of my life."

The scene zooms into the city showing people walking around and eventually zooming in a window with bars and turns to black.

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