Oblivion Crisis Arc: The Bet

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After a long ride to Fort Sutch showing destroyed walls and a ruined castle like design, several Daedroth and Frost Atronachs were attacking the Legion Soldiers and mercenaries.
The boys have improved on their combat and took them out with less difficulties.
"I think the Daedra are getting stronger." Said Deku.
"Hurry we got to close that gate." Said Kirishima.
"We'll stay out here in case more Daedra come out." Said a soldier.
As they were about to enter the realm again a voice sounded out "What do you think you're doing?".
Behind them there are two orcs, a female Nord, an Imperial and a Dark Elf completely covered in armor and wearing a full face Colovian knight helmet only showing his red eyes.
"Oh hi. We were just about to enter this gate." Answered Deku.
"Use too. We are the Fighters Guild by the way. Nice to meet you too." Greeted Orc 1 cheerfully.
Kirishima started to recognize the Dark Elf.
"Wait. You're the guy we nearly ran over." He said.
The Dark Elf's voice echoed in his helmet as he spoke "Oh, I thought I recognized you two as well."
"We actually want to apologize too. We should have look both ways before heading out on the road." Said Kirishima.
"Apology excepted. We're just lucky no one got hurt. Now if you don't mind we have an Oblivion gate to close." Said the Dark Elf.
"Oh no problem we don't mind helpers." Said Deku.
"Sir I mean this gate is ours. I suggest you boys stay with the Legion." Said the Dark Elf.
"Now wait a minute these boys are the Heroes of Kvatch. I wouldn't mind if they tag along." Said the Imperial.
"I second that." Said the female Nord.
"Us too." Said Orc 2.
"Guys we don't need help from rank amateur fighters." Said the Dark Elf rudely.
"Rank amateur? What does that mean?" Asked Deku.
"It's just one of his ways to call someone a low level combatant." Answered the Imperial.
"Sir that we nearly ran over....."
The Dark Elf interrupted "Modryn Oreyn. I'm the Fighters Guild second in command. This Imperial is Vitellus Donton, eldest son of the Guildmaster. This lady is Vigdis and these orc brothers are Lum and Kurz gro-Baroth. Now you know our names."
"Okay, Mr Oreyn sir, even if we are less skilled than you and the guild it's not very nice to verbally downgrade us like that. We are in training after all." Said Deku.
"Oh yeah Nahsi is training you with the Blades. Still though I doubt you're good enough for this gate. You may have closed that one at Kvatch but that was just luck. I closed many without any trouble. How are you going to be the yet to be Emperor's helpers if you barely were able to close one gate?" Asked Oreyn rudely.
"Sir we're not competing against you. We were just trying to help these guards close this gate." Said Kirishima.
"Yeah Oreyn why are you treating this so personally. We're just a band of mercenaries helping the people of Cyrodiil." Said Kurz gro-Baroth.
"It just irritates me that my victories are glossed over by the boys who haven't done as much. Sure they talk about it but they weren't so overjoyed like with these two." Said a stern Oreyn.
"They said they were in training. And I believe they improved. Did you see them take down those Daedra?" Said Lum gro-Baroth.
"Just forget it! (To the boys) Just stay out here and let us do our jobs!" Yelled Oryen.
"They are not a part of our guild sir. It's not your job to tell them what to do just so you can close your 85th gate." Scolded Vitellus.
Kirishima had a shocked look.
"Holy crap that's more gates than the one I can close in the game!" His thoughts yelled.
"Sir let them enter. They're not trying to ruin your life." Said Vigdis.
"I didn't say that." Said Oreyn.
"You're acting like it though." Said Vigdis.
"We can let you grab the sigil stone." Said Deku.
"Okay how about we play a game. We go into this gate. You two vs us. Whoever grabs the sigil stone first will be the winner." Said Oreyn.
"Really?" Questioned Vitellus.
"Hey they'll be able to enter the gate." Said Oreyn.
"We're not doing some competition!" Yelled Deku frustrated.
"Then if you attempt to enter that gate I will stop you. Seriously I will push you away." Threaten Oreyn.
"Sir that could get you expelled!" Yelled Vitellus.
"I didn't say I will beat them up." Said Oreyn.
"Don't worry we'll do your bet." Said Kirishima.
"Kiri." Questioned Deku.
"You do not want this man to try to assault us trust me. Even without a weapon." Said Kirishima.
"Okay what's the bet?" Said Deku.
"If you get the stone you will get my respect and I will reward you with something. If I get the stone you have to tell Martin you are unworthy to be his helpers. I will go to Cloud Ruler Temple and ask him if you actually told him so while I'm not busy. Don't delay." Said Oreyn.
"It's a deal. Let's do this." Said Kirishima.
"Great. You better get in there." Said Oreyn.
Oreyn entered the Deadlands.
"You shouldn't have accepted this bet. He brags so much about winning he won't let anyone forget it." Said Vitellus.
"It's too late to turn back now. We better win that bet. Come on he's already ahead." Said Deku.
They entered the gate seeing Oreyn waiting for his guildmates.
Two Daedroths approached them.
The Fighters Guild took on one and the boys took on the other.
"These are even bigger than that one at Kvatch." Said Kirishima.
"Just stick to the training." Said Deku.
"Ha those boys won't stand a chance." Said Oreyn.
Deku was knocked back by its hand but landed on a rock, jumped forward and spun in the air yelling "TAMRIEL TORNADO!"
Its face was badly sliced giving Kirishima the chance to axe it.
The Fighters Guild already made it to the tower entrance with dead Dremora everywhere.
"Should we help them?" Asked Vitellus.
"This is a bet we must get to the sigil stone. Besides you said they would be okay." Said Oreyn.
The angry Daedroth nearly bit Kiri's head off then he knocked it's teeth out with the bottom of his axe.
"Ha! Too bad you got no teeth to bite something anymore." He taunted.
Deku stabbed the Daedroth and they headed towards the tower.
"That training really helped. We're getting better." Said Deku.
"Just a couple of tips from the Unbreakable Mace. He said larger Daedroth hit harder but are also slower. If their mouth is near you with their teeth exposed, quickly knock out their teeth. Not only does it weaken them but also keeps them from biting you too hard. Or less chance of losing your body parts." Said Kirishima.
"Nice. But times wasting!" Yelled Deku.
The boys entered the tower and the Fighters Guild finished off the rest of the scamps.
"Better keep up if you want to win." Said Oreyn.
Many Dremora came out.
"End of the line mortals." Said a Dremora.
"Sir. There's so many of them. What are we going to do?" Asked Lum gro-Baroth.
"You get the left side I'll go for the right." Answered Oreyn.
The right half of the Dremora charged at him.
His body moves like he's stabbing the air repeatedly.
All the Dremora on his side dropped dead leaving Deku and Kirishima in shock.
"HOW DID HE DO THAT!?" Yelled Deku.
"He did leave that spot, then returned." Said Vigdis.
"What?" The boys asked.
A miniature flashback showed Oreyn doing his speedy move as Vigdis explained.
"It's not really a spell but his natural ability at his top speed. All he really did was stab their weak spots with the bottom end of his mace. He was just so fast they didn't even have time to react. (Flashback ends) Nobody can really explain his speed and strength, but I would like to find out someday. He might have the blood of a divine."
"How come he doesn't do that for reaching the sigil stone?" Asked Kirishima.
"It drains his energy very quickly too. He can only move like that occasionally." Answered Kurz gro-Baroth.
Vitellus flipped over a Dremora then stabbed it.
The rest of the Dremora were dead and moved through the halls of the tower.
Deku and Kirishima entered a hallway while the Fighters Guild were still behind.
"Hey I think we're getting ahead now." Said Deku.
"We can win." Said Kirishima.
A falling blade nearly fell on them.
"Oh man we almost died to that thing." Said a traumatized Deku.
Two more blade traps fell down across the hall.
"Okay let's leap over these things before they come back up." Said Kirishima.
Oreyn and the Fighters Guild ran in and leaped over the blade traps.
"And we lost the lead."
The Fighters Guild entered the Sigillum Sanguis.
"This was an easy gate. Let's grab the sigil stone and get out of here. Though we better make sure those two boys get out of here too." Said Oreyn.
The boys made it to the Sigillum Sanguis becoming out of breath.
"We made it." Said Deku.
"You guys just don't know when to quit, do you." Said Oreyn.
"Heroes never give up. We fight to the end." Said Kirishima.
"Whatever you still aren't getting that stone." Said Oreyn.
"I believe they can. They have high determination." Said Lum gro-Baroth.
The Sigil stone is guarded by two Clannfears, two Spider Daedras, and a Storm Atronach.
"Be careful. Storm Atronachs can reach you from a distance and are very hard to hit. They are immune to shock, disease, poison and paralysis. I highly recommend bow and arrows. Also use destruction spells other than shock." Said Oreyn.
"You read Unbreakable's book too. Nice." Said Kirishima.
"Actually I never read that book." Said Oreyn.
"Must have been a coincidence then." Said Kirishima.
Everyone was forced to duck when the Storm Atronach swung it's fist.
"This is going to be a tough battle." Said Lum gro-Baroth.
The Clannfears ponced on Deku, one of them biting his greaves.
Deku easily threw off the first one.
He grabbed the second one causing a piece of cloth to rip off and threw it down.
Deku noticed the Clannfear holding the Ring of the Khajiit in its mouth as it was falling.
"Oh no, the ring from Meridia!" He yelled.
The Clannfear got caught in the fire pillar quickly getting destroyed along with the ring.
Kirishima grabbed Deku "Forget the ring. We gotta protect ourselves from these Daedra."
The Storm Atronach spun around shooting out lightning.
The boys are running from the Atronach and dodging the lightning as it's chasing them.
Kirishima shot fire balls at it.
Vitellus shot his special frost arrows at it trying to hit the vortex area.
Oreyn was holding back a Spider Daedra's bite before noticing the Atronach's lightning bolts.
One of them hit him then a miniature Spider Daedra paralyzed him.
The Spider Centaur dug its nails into him then continually shocked him.
"Oreyn!" Yelled Vitellus.
Vitellus redirected his bow at the Spider until he was knocked down by the Atronach's hand.
Lum and Kurz took out the other Spider Daedra and started running from the Storm Atronach.
"Damn I wish I had my arrows." Said Kurz gro-Baroth.
"Me too." Said Lum gro-Baroth.
Deku spotted a Dremora sword.
Deku grabbed it then threw it through the Atronach's vortex support damaging it.
Deku then leaped over the Spider shocking Oryen and stabbed it in the face.
Vitellus finished it with his arrows.
Vigdis finished the Atronach with her arrows.
The Orc brothers ran up to Oreyn.
"Sir are you okay?" Asked Lum gro-Baroth.
"I'll be fine. Just give me a moment to recuperate." Said Oreyn.
Vitellus limped to him.
"You better be okay. You are most vulnerable to shock." Said Vitellus.
"Don't worry I have been shocked worse before." Said Oreyn.
"You look pretty beat up too Vitellus." Said Lum gro-Baroth.
"I can walk this off." Said Vitellus.
"Let's get that stone before someone else does." Whispered Kirishima.
The boys and Vitellus ran to the stone.
"I gotta say I'm proud of ourselves. We were able to survive the tougher Daedra thanks to Cyrus and Nahsi." Said Deku.
"I know. My manliness reached an 80% thanks to her. I never felt so alive." Said Kirishima.
"I'll let you two grab the stone. You earned it. Especially after helping me save Oreyn's life." Said Vitellus.
"Thank you sir that's so generous." Said Deku.
A Clannfear charged and headbutted Vitellus before Deku was able to grab it.
"OH NO!" The boys yelled.
"VITELLUS!" Yelled Oreyn.
The young Imperial is hanging for dear life on the ledge.
Kirishima pushed the Clannfear off the ledge "Take a hike tricera bastard!" Modryn was slowly getting up in the background.
Deku tried pulling Vitellus up.
"Just leave me I'm too heavy." Said Vitellus.
"I'm not leaving you to die sir." Said Deku.
Kirishima and the Orc brothers grabbed on to one another.
Kurz gro-Baroth gave the call "On three. One, two, three."
They pulled as hard as they could and Vitellus was successfully on the ledge.
"Izuku, Eijiro. You truly have the hearts of heroes. I thank you for saving my life. With the help of Kurz and Lum of course." Said Vitellus.
"We refuse to see you as a rival Vitellus. It wouldn't be so great of us to let you fall." Said Deku.
"Yes thank you for saving him while I was down. But you're forgetting one thing." Oreyn pulled out the Sigil Stone and everyone escaped the tower.
They made it out and the gate closed.
"Well boys, it appears this is my 85th Sigil Stone in a row. I gotta admit you did better than I expected. You were very close to winning, until that Clannfear ruined everything. It's too bad. You would've been rewarded with an enchanted Ebony Sword that would help you, but I can't because you lost. Now you better get going, you have something to say to Martin."
"Yes we remembered." Said Deku.
"I'll see you later rank amateurs. I may reach a hundred Sigil Stones in the future. I still can't wait for a Great one. I thank you for saving my life though. And Vitellus's." Oreyn walked away.
"What an asshole." Said Kirishima angry.
"It gets even worse. The Daedric artifact we got is gone." Said Deku.
"Now I'm sad." Said Kirishima.
"Don't worry. I'll report this behavior to my mother. He won't be bragging for too long." Said Vitellus.
"Really. I guess that will teach him for putting us down." Said Deku.
"It's also a piece of my gratitude for helping us. You may have not got the Sigil Stone but you did win something." Said Vitellus.
"Thank you but how did he get into the guild though?" Asked Kirishima.
"Oreyn isn't a jerk all the time. In fact he is fiercely loyal to the guild even before he claimed his champion rank. Also you seen him fight, the man's got skill." Said Vitellus.
"True he is very strong. Also he does move pretty fast for someone in heavy armor." Said Kirishima.
"We have to go now. Also you guys don't have to tell Martin anything. We got your backs covered. Might want to tell Nahsi about this too." Said Lum gro-Baroth.
"It was nice meeting you guys. Especially you Vitellus." Said Deku.
"Until we meet again. Sorry you lost your Artifact." Said Vitellus.
"It wasn't your fault. We can get another one." Said Deku.
"Good luck with the rest of your journey." Said Vitellus.
"You too." Said Deku.
The beaten up Legion Soldiers walked up.
"This area is clear of gates for now. Have you happened to see a wounded soldier along the roads? He fled this place to find someone to treat his injuries in spite of our warnings." Asked a soldier.
"Yes we've seen him. He's the reason why we came in the first place. He's getting treated at Skingrad right now." Said Kirishima.
"Thank the Nine he's safe. We better get to Skingrad then. Again we appreciate the help. The Fighters Guild was a nice surprise too. I guess the mercenaries at this fort contacted them." Said the soldier.
"Probably. Let's get back to the temple. I still want to tell Martin something." Said Kirishima.
"Really?" Asked Deku.
"Trust me I know what I'm going to say." Said Kirishima.
Tar-Meena snuck behind him and clipped a bag to his leather greaves.
End of chapter.

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