Oblivion Crisis Arc: Chorrol Gate

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A brief scene shows some Argonians in Black Marsh in front of some Oblivion gates.
They were having a sip of something from a bowl.
The scene changes to Kaminari, Uraraka, Todoroki and Oreyn walked the road to Chorrol talking along the way.
"I imagine how Bakugo is going to react to this. He probably won't like his quirk disabled." Said Kaminari.
"No he won't. He's going to flip out." Said Uraraka.
"Yeah but if Monoma entered this world he will be shocked." Said Kaminari.
"Iida might freak out at first too." Said Uraraka.
"Yeah he would be like 'oh my gosh I must be dreaming. I never should have touched that disk.' I would still calm him down though." Said Kaminari.
"Yeah I hate seeing him freak out like that. Really." Said Todoroki.
"What disk?" Asked Oreyn.
"Uhh it's a long story. Something to do with a magic crystal." Said Kaminari.
"Yeah I don't care." Said Oreyn.
"Okay then. (To Uraraka) I do wonder how that investigation is going." Said Kaminari.
"They probably noticed we went missing. We may have freaked everyone out even more." Said Uraraka.
"Oh yeah. I bet Aizawa is worried too. Why did I have to get so curious about that briefcase?" Said Kaminari regretfully.
"Because you are an idiot." Said Oreyn rudely.
"Yeah I am. I try really hard to be smart but I just can't do it." Said Kaminari.
"You're smart sometimes." Said Todoroki.
"Since when?" Asked Kaminari.
"You remember the time you acted as a decoy during that training session?" Asked Todoroki.
"Oh yeah. I purposely got caught to divide class 1B's attention. That was pretty cool, until sensei scolded me." Said Kaminari.
"Yeah of course. You're only good for bate it seems." Mocked Oreyn.
"Why do you gotta be so rude? Even Bakugo treated me better than you, which you don't know who he is." Said Kaminari.
"Listen I have been through some struggles in my life and I'm currently being bossed around by children. You people clearly won't understand." Said Oreyn frustrated.
"I thought you knew these NPCs?" Whispered Uraraka.
"I do. But I don't want him to know. He could get even more suspicious with us." Whispered Kaminari.
"Mr Oreyn I'm sorry you're going through some issues but please show my friends some respect." Said Todoroki.
"I do not tolerate idiots!" Yelled Oreyn.
"Then just keep your mouth shut. I don't want to hear another word out of you." Said Todoroki boldly.
"Are those Izuku's orders? No. So I don't have to keep my mouth shut." Said Oreyn.
"You know what. If you don't like being here then how about you just drown yourself in a lake!" Yelled Uraraka.
"Girl that's cold. Not in a good way either." Said Kaminari.
"No she has a point. Now that I think about it I have nothing else going for me anymore." Said Oreyn.
"Don't say that." Said Todoroki.
"Come on. Blackwood Company is closing more gates than me, my older cousin was killed six years ago and now I'm forced to serve a young boy." Said Oreyn.
"Wait, you lost your cousin?" Asked Todoroki.
Oreyn's tone gets more depressed as he speaks "Yes. My whole family is dead actually. I never got married in my life so I have no children. I really don't want to talk about this any further."
"That's okay. There's many things from my past I don't want to talk about either. Only two of my friends know." Said Todoroki.
"I can talk about some of my past if you want. I have to warn you it's pretty scary and sad." Said Kaminari.
"Just get it over with." Said Oreyn.
"Okay. I was very young but I remember how loving my mother and father were to me. The doctor said my brain was the size of a walnut but they would help me get smart..... or intelligent? Not sure what exactly they said but they would have me study extra hard for school. And they would have made me smart if it wasn't for that gang. A powerful gang invaded the entire neighborhood and everyone was getting killed. The heroes finally arrived and rescued everyone else. Me included, but not mom and dad."
The armored Dunmer's eyes glanced at his noticing the blonde teen was on the verge of crying.
"I watched them die. The house was crumbling. So much debris was falling we became trapped and they had to hand me to that hero because I can fit through that gap. They did it right before they we're....... crushed by a huge beam. There was blood everywhere!"
Denki started sobbing making Uraraka hug him for comfort.
"That's very sad. Really it is." Said Todoroki.
"Yeah. I lived with my aunt and uncle but they were always busy and weren't able to help me study most of the time. I tried studying on my own. I barely passed school. I also had to babysit my little cousin during middle school making my life even more stressful."
"Wait, you babysat someone?" Asked Todoroki.
A flashback showed middle school Kaminari and his little cousin who had blonde hair and yellow eyes like him.
"Yeah. Sometimes I couldn't understand what he was trying to say though. His sentences were a bit confusing. He couldn't understand what I said either. He's a sweet boy but he seems to be quite picky about where he sits. An odd one but I'm odd too. He was the one who told me about the heroes that saves people from danger. That took me back to that night my parents were killed. After remembering that night I decided to become a hero myself. A hero that can save anyone from danger. I used my powers on a dummy one day but I felt dumber than ever after using it. At least I knew I had to put my thumbs up to remind my cousin I'm okay. He laughed at my face so hard afterwards, I ended up giggling too. Clearly I needed help with my powers so I waited until I got enrolled in U.A. Despite that I still promised I would protect my little cousin because I don't feel lonely when he's around. We also liked to play together. There was a day my aunt and uncle finally had time to spend with us. We went to some festival and we were having the time of our lives. That was until a powerful villain attacked. We tried to escape but we were trapped. Then that villain found us and snagged my little cousin. We all tried to grab him but he was too strong. We failed to save him. I failed to save him. The rest of us were saved but it wasn't the same without him around. (Flashback ends) He may have been weird but I loved him."
Denki started crying nonstop.
"I'm sorry that happened to you. Look on the bright side. You still have some family left." Said Oreyn.
"Yeah but like I said they were busy. There was that personal chef but she isn't very social. She was also too busy to help me in school or give me goodnight kisses. I never even knew my grandparents." Said Kaminari overly depressed.
"I blame these villains you speak of. At least for what happened to your parents and cousin." Said Oreyn.
"Yeah it seems anything nice that comes to me gets taken away by bad people. Why does that happen to me?" Asked Kaminari.
"It's life. Life sucks." Said Oreyn.
"Yeah I guess. It got better once I meet my friends though. When I moved into the dorms I no longer felt alone. I try not to live in the past but being with my classmates more felt like I had many cousins I can hang out with." Said Kaminari.
"I'm glad you are happy when we're around but don't let the past get in your head so much." Said Uraraka.
"I let that happen. Newsflash, it didn't work for me. It only made me more miserable, and made others angry." Said Todoroki.
"Is that why you are so angry most of the time? Because of something in your past?" Asked Kaminari.
"Again I don't want to talk about it." Answered Oreyn.
"Oh yeah. Sorry." Said Kaminari.
"It's fine. Just don't ask again. Also this helmet is making my face sweat." Oreyn took off his helmet and revealed his slightly elderly look, a red scar across his left eye and a bluish black Mohawk.
Uraraka was surprised "Oh God I wasn't expecting a Mohawk with hair around his ears! It looks so weird!" She yelled.
"That hairstyle is a freak of nature." Said Todoroki.
"Say what you want but I was born with this Mohawk and I'm proud of it. Now that duo colored hair is a freak of nature." Said Oreyn.
"I was born with this hair." Said Todoroki.
"Okay that's enough we're here." Said Uraraka.
Everyone entered a town with buildings made of cobblestone and wood and a big tree.
Everyone in Chorrol was talking about Black Marsh.
"Did you hear the news? The Argonians in Black Marsh have closed the Oblivion gates without issue." Said an Imperial citizen.
"What?" Everyone asked.
"Yes. Those lizard folk were so strong the Daedra had to close the rest of the gates. I don't know how they did it but if only they would come and help us chase the Daedra away in other nations. Maybe they can. But we have Blackwood Company doing almost as well so maybe we don't need them." Said the Imperial citizen.
"What about the Unbreakable Mace?" Asked Oreyn.
"Probably. Handling an invasion takes more than one man but he can close a lot of gates too. Though the way the Argonians handled the invasion he may not be needed as much anymore." Answered the citizen.
"Are you a fan of the Unbreakable Mace?" Asked Kaminari.
"There are things that citizens don't realize about the Argonians. I am a fan of the Unbreakable Mace because he doesn't rely on potions, spells or enchantments. At least not usually because he does use them on some occasions. The Argonians used something that helps them fight invasions like these. No disrespect to Argonians because it's a part of their culture. I'm just saying they're only that strong temporarily because of something from their trees. That strength won't last forever, especially outside of Black Marsh." Said Oreyn.
"Oh yeah Hist Sap right? Yeah I'm sure they did use that to attack the Daedra. The Hist are known to give birth to Argonians after all." Said Kaminari.
"Oh you know about it. That's quite nice you actually have some knowledge." Said Oreyn.
"Yeah I've been learning about different races and their culture. Also the environments of each nation." Said Kaminari.
"I guess you're not a complete idiot." Said Oreyn.
"Wait what are we doing here again?" Asked Kaminari.
"To grab some allies for Bruma." Answered Uraraka.
"Oh yeah right." Said Kaminari.
There was a shake in the ground suddenly.
An Oblivion gate opened just inside the city.
"You got to be kidding!" Shouted a guard.
Storm Atronaches walked out immediately shooting lightning at a group of civilians.
Kaminari caught all the lighting with his hands taking damage.
Todoroki and Uraraka immediately attacked the Atronaches with their spells.
Oreyn with his helmet back on grabbed Kaminari and ran towards the gate.
"You're coming with me so you can pull out the Sigil Stone!" He yelled.
"You just want to avoid that fine!" Said Kaminari.
"That is absolutely true." Oreyn said.
Kaminari gave him a cold stare.
"Okay I'll let you do some work."
"Thank you." Said Kaminari.
They entered the gate finding it to just look like a normal Oblivion world with little towers surrounding the big one in the center.
"Pshh. This one is going to be a walk in the park." Oreyn said.
"I don't know. I feel like something is going to jump at us." Said Kaminari.
"I'll be the judge of that." Oreyn picked up a rock and threw it into the field of the spinning fire traps causing them to explode.
"Told you. Nothing too crazy in this one." Said Oreyn.
Kaminari started panicking "There are going to be man eating eyeballs. I know it." He said.
"There's no entrance to this tower from here. We're going to have to get in through these smaller towers. No big deal just a lot of climbing and walking." The mohawked Dunmer opened the door noticing a beach inside the small tower on the right.
"When was there a beach inside one of these small towers?" Asked Kaminari.
"You're seeing this too? Could be some sort of illusion." Answered Oreyn.
A giant tsunami headed their way forcing them to shut the door.
"Okay let's try the other tower."
The left tower erupted lava and molten rocks like a volcano.
The rocks rained down around them.
Water broke though the doors and flooded the entire area.
"The inside is normal now." Said Kaminari pointing to the right tower.
"Swim there before the water gets high!" Yelled Oreyn.
A molten rock nearly hits them.
"And before we get hit by those rocks." Denki said traumatized.
They were forced to swim underwater to enter the tower and reached the top allowing them to open the war gate draining all the water.
"Please let the next tower be less dangerous."
They walked to the next tower that leads to the main tower until an earthquake happened and broke the bridge.
"Dammit!" Oreyn yelled.
"Maybe there's another tower to on the other side that will get us inside." Said Kaminari.
"Worth a try." Said Oreyn.
They took a bridge to another small tower surrounded by tornados.
"Crap this is going to be wild."
"I wish I didn't have to witness the scariest part of the Wizard of Oz." Kaminari's thoughts said.
Cutting back to Chorrol the Storm Atronaches are defeated with the cost of some Guards.
Todoroki and Uraraka were both exhausted to the point of sitting down.
"How are you on magicka?" Uraraka asked.
"Very low. So is my stamina." Answered Todoroki.
"I don't think there is anything else coming out of that gate. Here's some magicka potions to refill yours." Said a female High Elf.
"Thank you mam." Said Todoroki.
"Yeah whatever." Said the High Elf rudely.
A uniquely armored Dremora mage walked out with two red katanas.
His armor design resembles a masked samurai.
He easily stabbed many guards on the battlefield with magical Kunais, causing them to scream in agony as they turn into frogs then have their amphibian forms internal organs melt, having being leaked out from their mouths.
Everyone else had their hearts racing as he walked further away from the Oblivion Gate.
"Asui would hate seeing that." Said Uraraka as she's trembling.
"What's next? Mice?" A guard asked.
He stuck one of his katanas in the ground and six volcanoes formed around the city.
They all erupted molten rocks shaped like daggers and fires were created when they hit the ground.
Todoroki and Uraraka were forced to move around until the Dremora samurai leaped in front of them.
He immediately attacked by creating fire slashes damaging the two.
"Shame. We were hoping for the heroes of Kvatch." He finally said in a chill yet frustrated tone.
"We're afraid they're off doing something else. You will have to face us." Said Uraraka.
"Very well. It's still something but won't be challenging. I'll let you attack next." Said the samurai Dremora.
Uraraka casted a gravity spell on the Dremora's katanas trying lifting his arms up.
Then Todoroki created Icicles and threw them at him.
The Dremora let go of his katana and made a molten rock shield to block the Icicles.
He dodged every swing Uraraka made with his katanas and thew his shield at her.
The katanas dropped and he caught them.
"I've seen better. Now it's my turn." Said the Dremora.
Molten Golems were created injuring the two easily despite their best spells being used.
"You need a teacher. You also only have beginner spells. It's too bad because I wanted a challenge."
"Who even are you?" Asked Todoroki.
"Toka. One of the top five of the Valkynaz rank alongside my brother. Consider yourself lucky you're only facing me. Ikke is much more brutal." Said Toka.
Toka caused a landslide in the mountains breaking the walls and damaging the chapel.
A group of mages saved the teens from the golems by piercing them with tiny magic daggers and big frost mists.
"Are you two okay?" Asked an Argonian mage.
"Barely." Answered Todoroki.
"Angalmo, give these two first aid. With the Fighters Guild not here right now we have to hold off this guy." Said the Argonian mage.
"Yes Teekeeus." Said Angalmo.
Toka used his magic to summon bigger molten golems bound to the volcanoes he created.
They threw fire shurikens everywhere one nearly burning Teekeeus.
"Take care of those golems I'll handle this demon." He commanded.
"Prepare to have Black Marsh stomped Argonian. You chased us away once but we will be back there again." Said Toka.
Teekeeus gave Toka the cold stare.
"I hope those guys are having better luck than we are." Said Uraraka.
End of Chapter.

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