Oblivion Crisis Arc: The 6th Champion

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A game disk named Fallout in its case is on a display inside a test lab.
"If it's true they may actually be inside that game." Said Tamakawa.
"Unlikely but we'll give it a try. Just gotta figure out how this crystal works." Said Naomasa.
Kaminari walked in "Haven't seen them come out yet. I'm concerned."
"It's going to take some time. Maybe your other classmates are having better luck. Wolf." Said Tsuragamae.
"Can someone tell me how this thing works?" Asked Naomasa.
"Rub the crystal, like a genie's lamp." Answered Kaminari.
"Worth a try." Naomasa rubs the lamp and the crystal did the same thing to the game disk as the other one.
"So now what?" Asked Tamakawa.
"Somebody has to touch the game disk to enter that world created by the crystal." Answered Kaminari.
"Sounds like a job for Gori." Said Tamakawa.
"If a world has been created inside that disk then why would anybody create something like that?" Asked Tsuragamae.
"Maybe to further advance in science." Guessed Kaminari.
"This suitcase says it's from the Department of Created Magical Artifacts." Said Naomasa.
"Bring the whole department here so we can ask some questions. Tamakawa I need you'll be with Gori to further investigate this crystal's powers." Said Tsuragamae.
"Yes sir." Said Tamakawa.
"Wherever you two are, please stay alive." Said Kaminari's thoughts.
                                  . . .
Tar-Meena spotted Deku walking in "Ah you're back. Have you gat all four volumes?" She asked.
"Yes we did. Kirishima is outside right now so I thought I can ask about our next moves." Said Deku.
"To find their secret shrine to Mehrunes Dagon, you'll need to study the four volumes of Mankar Camoran's "Commentaries." It is a fairly common practice of these kinds of esoteric cults to put hidden messages within their sacred writings. In effect, simply by finding their way to the shrine, prospective members have already passed the first test on the road to "enlightenment." You've piqued my curiousity about this puzzle. I will think on it myself and let you know if I have any ideas. Check back with me tomorrow after I've given this matter some thought." Said Tar-Meena.
"First I want to know a little bit more about Mankar Camoran. Do you know anything about him?" Deku asked.
"The supposed leader of the Mythic Dawn cult. He wrote the infamous "Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarxes". The "Commentaries" are contemporary in the third era, about a few years ago. So he likely predicted the Oblivion Crisis before many others." Answered Tar-Meena.
"Probably. About the Mysterium Xarxes, is it some Daedric artifact or something?" Asked Deku.
"It is the holy book of the Mythic Dawn. Supposedly written by Mehrunes Dagon himself. If it exists, it would be an artifact of great - and evil - power." Answered Tar-Meena.
"Oh God. Well Kiri and I better get busy." Said Deku.
"I'll keep studying the first two volumes of the "Commentaries." Who knows, I might turn up something before you do!" Said Tar-Meena.
"By your knowledge on Daedric cults you probably will." Said Deku.
Deku read through all four books inside the Tiber Septim Inn.
"How is it going bro?" Asked Kirishima.
"Well I've read all four books and the writing is so disturbing and complex at the same time. Brilliant and insane. I'm trying really hard to get something out of these four books but these books barely even hints the location." Said Deku.
"Looks like it's hint time. Okay look closer at the words, find something that stands out." Said Kirishima.
Deku looked through the first volume searching and searching for a clue.
"Well the first letter of every sentence is big and colored red. Must be important." Said Deku.
"You're getting warmer Midoryia." Said Kirishima.
"Okay that means I'm getting somewhere. Honestly this is good for testing my intelligence. Glad I decided not to let you spoil everything else earlier." Said Deku.
"Honestly I think I'm getting more patient now that I've found ways to keep myself busy." Said Kirishima.
"I think I'm going to take a break though. I'm getting exhausted. Perhaps I shall go talk to some people here." Said Deku.
"Sure buddy. I think you've done enough for now." Said Kirishima.
                                 . . .
The next day Deku was discussing the rumors he was told from the residents in the Imperial City on their way to the Arcane University.
"Seriously this place is just beautiful. The brick roads are nice and clean, also the Roman style architecture is very nice." Said Deku.
"I think there are some other cultures mixed in too but you are right. It's a lot more Grand than in the game. There's even a village by the bridge to the main entrance. So how was talking to the people?" Asked Kirishima.
"They said a lot of things. They told me a little about slavery abolition in a country named Morrowind. Also it's violent past. They also mourned about the emperor's death and someone asked me if I've heard of the Unbreakable Mace. Interesting stuff." Said Deku.
"The Unbreakable Mace? That's something I've never heard in the game before. I assume it's a special weapon." Said Kirishima.
"Actually the Unbreakable Mace is a person. The 6th Champion of Cyrodiil is also the only Champion that is not an Imperial. That person didn't know him much but he learned the Unbreakable Mace was a very skilled warrior, so skilled everyone believed he was blessed by the Gods." Said Deku.
"Holy crap I thought the last Champion of Cyrodiil would be the Eternal Champion. I guess he turned down that position in the Order of The Dragon. Or maybe he became part of the Imperial Council." Said Kirishima.
"No idea about him but the Unbreakable Mace was one of the best leaders The Order of The Dragon had making Cyrodiil feel safer back then. My real question is where did his strength come from? I got a book about him and he seems capable of taking out a Nomu. I mean read this. Faced five minotaurs at once and he still stands." Said Deku.
"I wanna see that book." Kirishima grabs the book from Deku and starts reading it.
"Daaaaaaannnnngg. I don't think many are going to top this guy. I mean surviving a giant heavy tower collapsing, many of these insane battles only lasting 1 day and let's not forget defeating the most dangerous barbarian during the time. How is he doing all this?" Asked Kirishima.
"My guess is he's just well trained. Other than that it's a mystery." Said Deku.
"I'm also curious about the Order of The Dragon. I've never got much info from the other games." Said Kirishima.
"Yeah I do wanna know. Maybe Tar-Meena knows." Said Deku.
"The Order of The Dragon? I've never thought you came to ask me that question. But I do know. It is a special band of knights founded by Tiber Septim himself during the 2nd era. They are more skilled and advanced versions of the Imperial Legion, wearing armor of the Legion except colored black and red. A Champion of Cyrodiil is the captain of the guard allowed to accept recruits and lead battles alongside the Emperor or Empress. The ranks can only be bestowed by the Emperor/Empress or the High Chancellor, especially Champion of Cyrodiil." Said Tar-Meena.
"So it's basically just a higher Imperial Legion position?" Asked Deku.
"Precisely. Although the regular Legion soldiers are not without leaders because the Champion of Cyrodiil is only given to the worthy. If there is a Champion of Cyrodiil named he or she is general of the entire legion. If there isn't one which is now then the rest of the order breaks off and the captains and generals of the regular Legion lead the army. I know that sounds ridiculous but I'm not the one who made this system so don't blame me." Said Tar-Meena.
"Well that at least explains that but have you ever known the Unbreakable Mace?" Asked Deku excitedly.
"Ah yes the most famous Champion of Cyrodiil to ever exist within the 3rd era. They call him the Unbreakable Mace because legend says his mace never breaks. Nobody knows his real name or what he looks like without his armor on. In fact there's hardly anyone today who knows his true name, and that's because the ones who do know his name are keeping it secret." Said Tar-Meena.
"I get it. He doesn't want a big crowd surrounding him everyday. I know what that's like." Said Kirishima.
"Well you know. I'm one of the people who happens to know his real name. Like I'll ever tell you though. By the way his deeds are what makes him known not his name. As for what he looks like all you should know is he was a Dark Elf born in Morrowind. I've read he was shipped here in the Imperial City when he was just a child." Said Tar-Meena.
"I knew what race he was. Enough of that for now have you found anything in the commentaries?" Asked Deku.
"I turned up copies of the first two volumes from my colleagues, and I spent a little time rereading them. Mankar Camoran certainly is a fascinating writer. Undoubtedly insane, but fascinating." Answered Tar-Meena.
"Yeah no kidding." Said Deku.
"Ah, but more to the point, it appears to me that the first words of each paragraph may be significant. A message may be hidden there." Said Tar-Meena.
"I knew there was something about those big letters. That took me hours to figure that out." Said Deku frustrated.
"I could be wrong try not to beat yourself up. Anyway I'll continue to study the problem. Come by tomorrow if you like. I may think of something else." Said Tar-Meena.
"Thank you. Tell me though, was his mace designed special or did he just have a regular mace?" Asked Deku.
"The mace was never enchanted, but it was uniquely colored matching the colors of the Order. In fact it's designed a lot like a Daedric mace except it's made of Titanium. If you want to know more about him and how he was rewarded the rank the book can tell you or you can ask anyone around Cyrodiil." Said Tar-Meena.
"Okie dokie." Said Deku.
Back at the hotel Deku further studied the commentaries and Kirishima read the book of the Unbreakable Mace.
"This must be a real life version thing because the Elder Scrolls games are pretty limited with some of the histories. Not only did that crystal make this world real but also added a lot of new things." Said Kirishima.
"I guess it's because this is real life. Meaning everything here is not as limited as the game version. By many miles I would say." Said Deku.
A Breton caught Kirishima reading the book.
"That actually makes sense. Though still costly for architecture but doesn't require a certain amount of data for a disk. I'm sure the caves won't be copied and pasted like in the game either. Also more kinds of enemies I'm sure like golems, chimeras, Gargantuas." Said Kirishima.
"Gargantuas. I don't think that's a specific creature." Said Deku.
"I was just kidding about that one. But since this is real life we can't respawn. We better keep watching our backs. Also the choices we make can only happen once and we cannot make a new game. In this case, this is not a game." Said Kirishima.
"Excuse me are you reading the Unbreakable Mace's history?" Asked the Breton.
"I am. Right now I'm reading how he became the Champion of Cyrodiil." Said Kirishima.
"That's great. He was really popular in the fourth century. I do wish he were here, especially in this crisis. He could've probably prevented the Emperor's assassination." Said the Breton.
"That would be great. Although I heard the Fighters Guild Champion closed five gates in one day." Said Kirishima.
"Oh yeah that did happen. But I'm sure the Unbreakable Mace can close even more. I'm not really sure if he's even still in Cyrodiil or even still alive." Said the Breton.
"That doesn't mean it's the end of the world. Doesn't it?"asked Kirishima.
The Breton continued "Oh please he was a big deal ever since he rescued Cyrodiil from those armored golems. Seriously armored golems are pretty rare but very powerful and dangerous. They possess unique and powerful spells enough to split multiple minotaur lords in half. When they come they usually come in groups. (A flashback changed the scene of giant metal golems trashing The Imperial City) There were at least 20 of them that day and The Imperial City was nearly a pile of rubble. It was all hopeless until he came. (A golem was stopped by a mysterious Dark Elf in full Dwarven armor from grabbing Uriel Septim VI. The Dark Elf tripped the golem down with his mace climbed on top of it and stabbed it with a heated sword killing it.) He saved Emperor Uriel Septim VI that day. He and a group of warriors took out the rest of the golems with strength, skill and strategy. Heating swords with fire spells, squirting water for rust and it's hard to explain how they dodged their spells but he somehow avoided them without a scratch. Not many knew how to kill a metal golem since they were hardly studied, but he sure did. After the attack he explained to the Emperor there is a core inside the golems that kills them when taken enough damage. (Flashback ends) After that day he was rewarded the position as Champion of Cyrodiil in the Order of The Dragon while his group of warriors got to join the Order as his companions. He was also rewarded with special armor and mace for saving his life. Over time he's been searching and collecting the best soldiers for the Order. He's always made sure Tamriel was a safer place with his strength and wise leadership. But shortly after the Five Year War happened, the guards saw his armor in his quarters and his mace was missing. He was missing. Everyone waited for weeks but he never returned."
"What happened to him?" Asked Deku.
"Nobody knew what happened. He just dropped off his armor and mysteriously disappeared after he was looking for the Crusader Relics. As for the mace nobody knows where that went." Answered the Breton.
"Crusader Relics?" Deku asked again.
"They are Special Relics from a man who slew an Ayleid sorcerer king in the first era or something. I don't know much about older history but he did say he'll find the Crusader Relics and Restore the Knights of The Nine. He said he will become the next Divine Crusader but unfortunately he never did. At least I don't think so. I don't understand what all that was about but I'm looking into those Knights and their history."
"That's when he disappeared but can you elaborate on his wisdom I'm curious?" Asked Kirishima.
"Of course. He knew every weakness of every enemy. For example he knew most Daedra are weak to shock and so are ghosts. He also knew how to handle every enemy. He has written advice on a piece of paper and later was transferred into copies of the book you have right now. He said minotaurs are possible to face with weaker armor if you avoid its head budding. How to avoid depends on the person's way of fighting whether by magic, melee or range." Said the Breton.
"I'm pretty sure others knew about that disintegrating armor effect before him but he sure knows how to fight. Still one question lingering on me. How did he get all that experience?" Kirishima asked again.
"He was raised by the Imperial Legion so I assume he's picked up some things in his years of training. That's all I know. He's just really skilled." Answered the Breton.
"It was nice chatting with you sir. I'm sure the crisis will be stopped by someone." Said Kirishima.
"You better hope so. These are dark times and no one has left any of the cities. Some farmers are staying in the cities after witnessing some gates opening in their fields." Said the Breton.
"Okay I decided to write out the first word of each paragraph in order. It spells out Greetings, Reader, Enter, Every, Night, Enter, My, Palace, Endlessly, Roaring, Offering, Red-drink, Whosever, Answers, Your, Whisper, Hides, Enraptured, Recorded, Enslaved, The, Oath, Woe, Every, Reader, That, Once, Understood, CHIM, He, Endeth, Starlight, May, I, Deathlessly, Deny, All, Your, Suns, Under, Nothing. Well I says something but still getting us to their hideout." Said Deku.
"Okay let's not look at the books anymore and just focus on those words you've written down. Do you see anything else within those words?" Asked Kirishima.
"Uhhh maybe what Mankar means is that if we accept to believe in his teachings he welcomes us then our subconscious cannot talk us out of joining anymore. If still believing CHIM you don't join and possibly die I assume. Kinda hard to understand but there are some things I figured out." Said Deku.
"Great effort on trying to clarify CHIM, but I don't believe that's what he means. We're also not trying to get the meaning." Said Kirishima.
"Looks like I need to look up what CHIM means. Though every word in these volumes really are trying to say something. Seriously this guy actually thinks this place belongs to Mehrunes Dagon. That's at least what I believe he's saying. Absolutely insane." Said Deku.
"That is what he is saying. It took me multiple reads to figure that out." Said Kirishima.
"Okay I'll trim it down to the first letter of each paragraph and see if it gives me better results. These big red letters intrigued me from the start." Said Deku.
Deku wrote the first letter of each paragraph spelling out "GREENEMPERORWAYWHERETOWERTOUCHESMIDDAYSUN. Okay I don't know what that means."
"Tar-Meena would tell you but playing the game before I will explain. It's the courtyard circling around the Imperial Palace filled with monuments and plants. There is a certain monument that can tell us something about the Mythic Dawn's hideout." Said Kirishima.
"Okay let's go there." Said Deku.
Kiri looked out the window.
"Have to wait until tomorrow now that the sun is not touching the tower. We got the message though." Said Kirishima.
"What about these books though?" Asked Deku.
"Maybe we should keep them for now. Just in case. They may still help us in the future." Said Kirishima.
"I would still like to pay Tar-Meena a visit though." Said Deku.
"Sure. Why not." Said Kirishima.
The boys walked in the university the next day.
"You're back. I think I may have figured out the hidden message in Mankar Camoran's books!" Said Tar-Meena.
"We did too. Green Emperor Way Where Tower Touches Midday Sun." Said Deku.
"That's what I was seeing. So you are familiar with Green Emperor Way. Something must be revealed there at noon! How exciting!" Said Tar-Meena.
"Yeah exciting but also nerve-racking. I guess we better get going. Thank you for the help Tar-Meena." Said Deku.
"No problem. I've half a mind to go down to Green Emperor Way myself and see what's there ... Well, good luck! I hope you find what you're looking for." Said Tar-Meena.
Deku and Kirishima ran to Green Emperor Way and a golden looking Argonian eith glowing yellow eyes walked up behind Tar-Meena.
"That boy could be an issue Tar-Meena. And his friend." Said the Golden Argonian.
"I thought you were still eyeing The Unbreakable Mace." Said Tar-Meena sarcastically.
"I am. I eye everyone. Though the Unbreakable Mace is still avoiding me and is still suffering. He knows better than to face me. For a while now." Said the Golden Argonian.
"Be careful. The may be a day he will come back and face you." Said Tar-Meena.
"He won't. He's too scared to face me. He still has nightmares. Please, come with me. We have much to discuss." Said the Golden Argonian.
"Fine. I'll let the Arch Mage know that I'll be gone for a while. Don't expect me to smile about your motives." Said Tar-Meena.
In the courtyard of the palace, the boys watched a monument with Cyrodiil and a sun rise on it.
"So this is the one?" Asked Deku.
"Yes. It will reveal something." Said Kirishima.
Deku looked and looked.
Once the sun touches the top of the tower the monument glows red.
"Whoa. It's glowing what does that mean? Hold on there's big map marker in the top right corner of Cyrodiil. Could that be where the Mythic Dawn is?" Asked Deku.
Kirishima hugged Deku excitedly "Yes. I knew you could do it bro."
"I did it. Wow I think I'm learning this place even better. Well I guess the books help." Said Deku.
"We better get moving. It's going to be a long way there." Said Kirishima.
"We're better prepared this time. Found some gold in the sewers and bought us some food for the journey." Said Deku.
"Good. We can use the energy." Said Kirishima.
"What are we waiting for. Let's get that Amulet back." Said Deku.
Glowing yellow eyes appeared on a guard similar to those of the Golden Argonian.
"Can you two stop the crisis? If you can this could be a bigger raise for concern. I'll just have to wait and see." Said a scary and loud voice.
End of chapter.

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