Oblivion Crisis Arc: Infiltrating the Dagon Shrine

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They have arrived at Lake Arrius with a door to a cave.
"Well this is the place. Also do not hand over your possessions to them. I have a plan." Said Kirishima.
"What do you mean by not handing over my possessions? Actually forget that question I'll find out myself." Said Deku.
"Just follow my lead." Said Kirishima.
Upon entry an Imperial doorman approached them saying "Dawn is breaking."
Deku is clueless on what to say but Kirishima responded with "Greet the new day."
"Welcome, brothers. The hour is late, but the Master still has need for willing hands. You guys may pass into the Shrine. Harrow will take you to the Master for your initiation into the service of Lord Dagon. Do not tarry. The time of Preparation is almost over. The time of Cleansing is near." Said the doorman.
The doorman opened the door and a Dark Elf named Harrow approached.
"I am Harrow, Warden of the Shrine of Dagon. By following the Path of Dawn hidden in the writings of the Master, Mankar Camoran, you boys have earned a place among the Chosen. You have arrived at an opportune time. You may have the honor to be initiated into the Order by the Master himself. As a member of the Order of the Mythic Dawn, everything you need will be provided for you from the Master's bounty. Give me your possessions, and put on this initiate's robe."
"No, we don't think so." Said Deku.
"What? I must warn you, no one leaves this place who does not bind himself to the service of Lord Dagon. But I am sure you will reconsider. You have proven yourself worthy and dedicated to have come this far. I ask you one last time: give me your possessions. The Master requires it of all initiates." Said Harrow.
"We did not come here for the initiation." Said Kirishima.
"Then you have come here to die." Said an angry Harrow.
"Back away Midoryia." Said Kirishima.
Kirishima smashed a stink bomb in Harrow's face affecting the doorman as well.
Both their eyes were tearing up then Kirishima knocked them out with the handle of his axe.
Kirishima's eyes watered as well having to fan with his hand.
"Damn that stuff is strong. They definitely work."
"Okay so are we supposed to fight these people to get the Amulet?" Asked Deku.
"Not necessarily. I'll disguise as Harrow and you be the initiate I'll escort. I do hope we don't get caught and actually get us close enough to get the Amulet. That thing is needed." Said Kirishima.
All the cultists guards were randomly talking to each other as Kirishima disguised as Harrow were leading Deku to the shrine.
"What if they come and steal the Amulet back. They closed the Oblivion gate at Kvatch they may....." said a Wood Elf cultist.
"Closing one gate does not concern me. If it were at the level of the Unbreakable Mace threat that's when I get scared. Just be thankful it's not him we are facing." Said a female High Elf cultist.
"Okay but I've heard those two have titles of Hero of Kvatch." Said the Wood Elf cultist.
"Only the people along the gold coast knows this so far. Also it's not the title that makes a person threatening it's the actions. They were barely able take down the Daedra so they won't be making history." Said the female High Elf cultist.
Upon entering the shrine they walked down the stairs getting to a group of cultists.
Up on the platform of the shrine there is a High Elf cultist in blue robes and wears the Amulet of Kings.
"Praise be!" He said.
"Praise be!" Said all the other cultists
"Oh my gosh he's wearing the Amulet. How?" Whispered Deku.
"That's Mankar. I've heard he is a Dragonborn. They are known to wear the Amulet of Kings." Whispered Kirishima.
"The Dragon Throne is empty, and we hold the Amulet of Kings. Praise be to your brothers and sisters. Great shall be their reward in Paradise! Hear now the words of Lord Dagon: "When I walk the earth again, the faithful among you shall receive your reward: to be set above all other mortals forever. As for the rest... the weak shall be winnowed; the timid shall be cast down; the mighty shall tremble at my feet and pray for pardon." Your reward, brothers and sisters: the time of cleansing draws nigh. I go now to Paradise. I shall return with Lord Dagon at the coming of the Dawn!" Mankar opens a miniature portal and entered with the portal closing behind him.
"Dammit, he got away with the Amulet." Said Kirishima.
"Now what are we going to do?" Asked a nervous Deku.
"Well he left the Mysterium Xarxes here. That will be able to help us." Said Kirishima.
"You better be right." Said Deku.
Kirishima went to Harrow voice "We have ourselves a new initiate Ruma."
"You have come to dedicate yourself to Lord Dagon's service. Come initiate." Said Ruma.
Deku walked up to the shrine.
"So that man was Mankar Camoran wasn't he?" Asked Deku.
"Yes, he's Raven and I's father. The Master knows the secret mind of Lord Dagon. He speaks with Him and teaches us from His holy book, the Mysterium Xarxes. Now onto the matter. This pact must be sealed with red-drink, the blood of Lord Dagon's enemies. (Deku keeps staring at the Mysterium Xarxes) Take up the dagger and offer Lord Dagon the sacrificial red-drink, as pledge of your own life's blood, which shall be his in the end." Said Ruma.
"Don't do it. They're insane. Please it's not to late for you to turn back to the Nine. Please don't kill me!" Yelled the Argonian sacrifice.
"Silence you filthy Mudcrab. (To Deku) Don't listen to him. Lord Dagon must have the offering to bind yourself fully to his service. The sacrifice is just delusional choosing his puny Nine Divines." Said Ruma.
"Sorry sir I must do what I must do." Said Deku in a sinister tone.
"You evil bastard! Another one has turned to that demon lord! Tamriel is doomed!" The sacrifice yelled.
Deku walked up to the Mysterium Xarxes with a dagger next to it.
Hesitated a little but grabbed the dagger.
Kirishima seemed surprised so he creeped up to the platform.
Deku was ready to stab the sacrifice.
"Please sir have mercy. This place will turn into ash if you let him invade. You're making a mistake!"
"Psst. I'm going to pretend to stab you." Whispered Deku.
"Oh." Said the sacrifice.
Deku continued and purposely missed the sacrifice and spreaded fake blood as the sacrifice was acting.
"Well done. You are now a member of the Order of the Mythic Dawn, one of the Chosen. Your life belongs to Lord Dagon." Said Ruma.
"So Dagon gave him the Mysterium Xarxes and he reads it to us." Said Deku.
"Lord Dagon wrote it with his own hand, and gave it to the Master as a sign of His favor. None but the Master may touch it or read from it. You were fortunate to have heard the Master read from its sacred pages." Said Ruma.
"Yes. It's clear the time of cleansing is near." Said Deku.
Kirishima snuck to the book.
"It is very near, don't worry. We await only the Master's word before we throw open the gates to Oblivion. When Lord Dagon Himself walks the earth, our victory will be complete. He will rule over Tamriel and the Mythic Age will be restored." Said Ruma.
Kirishima grabbed the Mysterium Xarxes without anyone looking.
"Congratulations initiate. You are one of us now. Come and let's tour you around this hideout." Said Kirishima.
"Harrow you never toured anyone around this place before." Said Ruma.
"Uhhh....... it's a new thing I do with new members. Come brother, let me show you the rooms." Said Kirishima.
A loud crack was heard and the statue started breaking.
Deku hurried and saved the sacrifice from the collapsing statue.
Ruma dug herself out of the rubble "Someone must have got their hands on the Mysterium Xarxes. Who's responsible for this!?"
"There's clearly a traitor among us Ruma. We should search every brother and sister." Said Kirishima.
A naked Harrow and doorman ran in.
"No need to. That traitor took it. And his friend saved the sacrifice!" Yelled Harrow.
Kirishima rubbed off the mashed blueberries on his face revealing himself.
"RUN MIDORYIA!" Kirishima yelled in his normal voice.
Deku and the sacrifice followed Kirishima trying to avoid all the cultists.
"The doors closed off." Said Deku.
"We're going to have to escape through the living quarters." Said Kirishima.
The boys quickly ducked from a lightning strike.
"You cannot escape the Master's vigilance." Said Ruma coldly.
Her staff charged up blasting another streak of lightning.
All the other cultists reached the ledge.
"Great we're surrounded. And I'm out of ideas." Said Kirishima.
"I guess I'm dying after all." Said the sacrifice.
Deku continued dodging the lightning emited from several cultists.
Deku saw the stalactites and developed a plan.
"Kiri deal with these other guys for now, I have an idea." Deku ran across the wall and leaped swinging himself across the stalactites avoiding all the destruction spells casted.
"Ooookaaay." Said Kirishima.
Kiri hid himself and the sacrifice behind a stalagmite avoiding the spells.
"That stalagmite can't protect you forever." Said the doorman.
"Midoryia you better know what you're doing." Said Kirishima.
All the other cultists eventually got distracted spotting Deku swinging around the ceiling.
Eventually Ruma ran out of charge in her staff having to use her spells.
She misses Deku every time he swings and stalactites fall.
"What is he doing?" She asked frustrated.
"Is he just going to be swinging like that forever?" Asked the doorman.
"I wouldn't say forever. The ceiling is getting destroyed." Said a female Imperial cultist.
"Don't just stand there, idiots. Help me out!" Yelled Ruma.
All of the cultists started targeting Deku making it more difficult for him to get around.
"Crap. What am I supposed to do here? Think meathead, you played this game before. (Sees a rock) May not work but worth a shot." Said Kirishima's thoughts.
Kirishima stepped out "Hey you big fat cultists. Check this out." He threw a rock at the ceiling.
"Really that's it? Not impressive." Said a Nord cultists.
A sound was heard and giant rocks and stalactites crushed all the cultists.
"Wow I didn't really think that would work." Said Kirishima.
"That will be a whole group we don't have to worry about anymore." Said the sacrifice.
Deku got stuck hanging on a loose stalactite.
"Looks like it's over for you broccoli boy." Said Ruma.
"Hang on Midoryia I will catch you!" Yelled Kirishima.
"We're too far away it's impossible!" Yelled Deku.
"No it's not." Kirishima pulled out a hand made grappling hook and wrapped it around a sturdy stalactites.
Once the stalactite broke off Kirishima swung and caught Deku before he hit the ground.
The stalactite crushed Ruma Camoran.
"Holy moly that was risky." Said Deku.
"That was incredible though. I guess sensei taught you that move well." Said Kirishima.
"Well these wall climbers sure helped. I'm just glad that lady is down. Even if that strategy didn't go quite as planned." Said Deku.
"Thank you for saving me, friends. I don't know who you two are, but it is clear that Akatosh guides you. I am Jeelius, a priest in the Temple of the One in the Imperial City." Said Jeelius.
"It's nice to meet you but we're not out of this yet. Now we don't have to fight those other ones in the living quarters. Just duck and run, unless we really need to fight back. We can try to slow them down too." Said Kirishima.
"Let's do this." Said Deku.
The boys ran as fast as they can through the living quarters having to kick down some crates on the way to the dinning area.
They eventually escaped and rode away on Akemi.
"You will regret this! Lord Dagon will walk on Dawn's Beauty once more!" Yelled a random guard cultist.
End of chapter.

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