Oblivion Crisis Arc: Sancre Tor

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Horses approached a ruined castle looking Fort and some skeletons were defeated by Nahsi and Cyrus.
"I'll unlock the door." The key fell out of Cyrus's hand after his fingers locked up. "Ooopppsssss." He said.
"I got it." Kirishima picked the key up and unlocked the door.
"Hey Kiri, can you give me a hint of what's inside this place?" Asked Deku.
"Expect a lot of spectral activity." Said Kirishima.
They entered the ruins crawling with ghosts and wraiths.
"Midoryia do you still have any of those two Sigil Stones?" Asked Kirishima.
"Yes. Why?" Asked Deku.
"Hand them to me and I'll show you." Said Kirishima.
Kirishima looked at the two Sigil Stones and used one of them on Deku's sword.
The stone lost it's glow and became a normal rock.
"I can't believe it worked that way."
"What did you do?" Asked Deku.
"I used the Sigil Stone to enchant your sword. Now it will do lightning damage every time you strike your enemy. Though it will run out of charge so please use it wisely." Said Kirishima.
"Thank you but why did you do that?" Deku asked again.
"You asked a lot of questions, but I will gladly answer. Ghosts and wraiths can only be damaged by Daedric weapons, Enchanted weapons, Silver weapons or Magic Spells. Since this place is crawling with spirits, he decided to enchant your sword so you can damage them. Silver weapons are always made with some special materials within the ores to damage spirits. Since Daedric weaponry is very rare in Tamriel we use silver." Said Nahsi.
"And you don't have to worry about losing magical charge." Said Cyrus.
"Yes. That too. Here's some silver weapons for everyone by the way. You rather save that now enchanted sword's energy for emergencies only." Said Nahsi.
The background changes to a scroll showing animated images as Kirishima explains the Sigil Stones.
"Wow, there's more to Sigil Stones than opening portals it seems." Said Deku.
"And you can tell a Sigil Stone's enchantment by actually looking very closely at them to see the symbols engraved. Hard to see but the red glow does shine some light on them so they won't be completely hidden. These symbols show the enchantments that gives an item. If you see there are two of them. One for armor or clothing, the other for weapons. For example if you see a figure holding the cards up, that's a fortify magicka enchantment for clothing, jewelry or a piece of armor. There are also different kinds of Sigil Stones. Descendent, Subjacent, Latent, Ascendent, and Transcendent. Enchantment levels depend on how powerful the Sigil Stone is, Descendent being weakest and Transcendent being strongest. Every realm of Oblivion have these, though they may appear differently especially colors. Really cool stuff huh."
"Is this another saying from the Unbreakable Mace?" Asked Deku.
"Actually this is Dragonheart spreading a wizard's info. After finding a collection of some from him he was given all this information and was given permission to spread it into the Books of Champions. Though the Unbreakable Mace did explain about different kinds of ghosts and wraiths and how to kill them in one hit." Said Kirishima.
The background changes back too the scroll with animated images.
"Oh yeah. Anybody can slice, bash, or stab a normal ghost and kill it instantly. Ancient Ghosts however have more powerful spells and are more durable. The area you would want to hit them is through the ears, or up the nose, damaging their nervous system. Or you can just hit them at the back of their necks really hard. Same with wraiths though they are stronger than ghosts. Due to their more broad shoulders, they are capable of carrying swords and can cast silence spells so be careful. Only aim for these areas when the time is right because they do move around a lot. Yeah I ripped that off right from the book." Said Deku.
"Do ghosts even have nervous systems?" Asked Nahsi.
"Likely from what I heard but it would be spectral one." Answered Deku.
"All I know is there are thousands of evil spirits in these ruins. We need to be careful." Said Cyrus.
"Like that one?" Deku said pointing to a wraith in front of them.
Everyone except Nahsi quickly killed it with their silver weapons.
"Just keep moving." Said Cyrus.
They ran down the hall trying to avoid the wraiths coming at them.
"How come you didn't strike?" Asked Deku.
"I only use weapons when I need to. You boys were able to kill it very quickly. I used my fists to slow my enemies down." Answered Nahsi.
"Oh." Said Deku.
"Though ghosts are a different story, Nahsi. I like you but don't you think you're a little too peaceful?" Asked Cyrus.
Nahsi felt doubtful about Cyrus's suggestion.
"He has a point. Ghosts can pass through walls. Even with other creatures it's sometimes necessary." Said Kirishima.
They reached a platform and spotted a walking corpse in blades armor near a bridge.
"That must be one of those four Blades that were lost." Said Deku.
"Nice improvement. They were just skeletons in the game." Said Kirishima.
The corpse drew his blade and attempted to strike Deku.
Deku blocked with his silver sword and push the corpse back with it.
The others started attacking, Cyrus using his Akaviri katana, Nahsi and Kirishima using their fists.
The corpse was a skilled enough fighter to block every attack and push everyone away.
He ran after Deku until he tripped him with his sword and fell over the edge into some large spikes.
The corpse was killed and a spirit ascended out of the body.
"At long last ... you have freed me. Now I can finally complete my lord's last request." The spirit said.
"Freed you? Who are you, and what happened to you?" Asked Deku.
"I was Rielus, loyal Blade of Emperor Tiber Septim. I do not know how long I have been dead. It feels like an eternity." Said Rielus.
"I guess that would explain why he allowed me to trip him. It seemed all too easy for being one of the four mightiest of Tiber's bodyguards." Said Deku's thoughts.
"My three companions and I were sent here by the Emperor Tiber Septim to discover what evil had defiled the holy catacombs of Sancre Tor. We did not know that the Underking, who was Zurin Arctus, had arisen to take his first revenge upon his former lord. The Underking defeated and ensnared us in his evil enchantment, and bound us here to guard forever the defiled Shrine of Tiber Septim." Said Rielus.
"Oh God. I read into this guy a little bit. Once a mage under Tiber Septim, responsible for activating the Numidium alongside Tiber to finish the conquest over Tamriel. He later regretted that decision and destroyed that large construct, being killed in the process." Deku kept mumbling the info of the Numidium.
"Okay I think that's enough info, Izuku." Said Nahsi.
"Sorry." Said Deku.
"Sir Rielus. Is the Underking still here in Sancre Tor?" Asked Cyrus.
"No. He departed long ago. But his evil will remains, preventing any from paying homage at the Shrine of Tiber Septim. Over the uncounted years of our slavery here, we have brooded over our defeat. I believe that we can undo the Underking's evil magic. I go now to complete my duty to my lord Tiber Septim. Free my brothers, and together we may be able to lift the Underking's curse. Farewell!" Rielus walked across the bridge into a circular area called the Entry Hall.
Everyone followed him into the Entry Hall seeing different doors to different areas.
"One of these doors must lead to the armor." Said Deku.
"Just watch sir Rielus enter one of them." Said Kirishima.
Rielus walked along some bridges connecting to a middle platform and some doors below.
He walked through doors and everyone followed, walking into a tomb which seems to contain tombstones of former emperors.
Rielus kneeled down and stuck his sword in the ground.
"What is he doing?" Asked Nahsi.
"Probably trying to clear up that long magic barrier up ahead. It's probably being a part of the curse." Answered Deku.
"That might be where the armor is. I'm afraid Rielus is going to need the rest of his companions to destroy that barrier. They are still under the Underking's curse." Said Nahsi.
"Hey guys. Check out these tombstones." Said Cyrus.
"What about them?" Asked Deku.
"I think they are the buried Reman Emperors. This one here says "Here lies Reman of Cyrodiil. He defeated the Akaviri Horde and brought peace to Tamriel. 1E 2762."" Said Cyrus.
"Ah yes I've heard of him. He was the founder of the Reman Dynasty and god-hero of the Second Empire. Little is known about his early life and ancestry but it was rumored he was born here in Sancre Tor. He was mostly known for fighting off Akaviri invaders with other factions uniting with him as well. Though the province of Cyrodiil was not named after him, but rather adopted after the ancient Alyeid name for the province, Cyrod, as his surname." Said Nahsi.
"I still need to look into Alyeid history, but there's so much more to learn about Tamriel I don't think I can keep up." Said Deku.
Kirishima pointed to a tombstone on the top left side of the tomb. "This one reads "Here lies Reman II of Cyrodiil, crowned Emperor of Tamriel in the year 1E 2812. He fell in battle against the Dark Elves, in the fifty-seventh year of his age, after a reign of thirty-nine years and eight months wanting a day." I should've read these tombstones in the game. Fascinating stuff." Said Kirishima.
"The other ones seem to have the readings scratched up. Though I can assume they may be the ones for Kastav and Brazollus Dor." Said Cyrus.
"This is basically a tomb of the Reman Emperors. Also it seems the 1st era was much longer than the third. Why is the third era so short?" Asked Deku.
"I have no idea." Answered Cyrus.
"That's not important though. We better find Rielus' companions so we can get the armor." Said Nahsi.
"Right. I'm think we can start searching the area next to the way we came in." Said Kirishima.
Entering their next area they saw a cursed Colovian armored skeleton guarding a door.
The skeleton wasn't too hard for them to beat but Deku did receive damage to his right shoulder after being hit with his glass mace.
They found a key on him after he was defeated and his ghost ascended out of the skeleton.
"By the Gods. I thought I was going to be cursed forever. I can't thank you enough for freeing me." Said the ghost.
"Are you another one of the cursed Blades?" Asked Deku.
"No. I was warden Kastav. Names after Kastav of the Reman Empire. A guard of the Sancre Tor prison. It was recently used by Tiber Septim to imprison the Nord invaders that once took over this place. Then the Underking came and cursed this place, including me and those four Blades that walked in." Said Kastav.
"We'll he's gone now, and you're free. Now is there any chance you know where the rest of the Blades are?" Asked Deku.
"Oh yes. You can find Valdemar right here in the prison. Alain can be found in the catacombs. Casnar can be found in the Hall of Judgment. After you finish the prison, I would recommend entering the Hall of Judgment next but there is a door to the catacombs on the right so I would take those doors and you can probably find Alain right in that spot of the catacombs. After you free him, take those doors back to the Hall of Judgment and find Casnar there." Said Kastav.
Kirishima started to feel useless.
"Uhh I'm a little confused on what you just said." Said Cyrus.
"Don't worry. I know you guys can make this place holy again. I'll be floating around in case you need some more advice from me. Just call my name." Kastav floats away and Cyrus attempts to unlock a door again.
"Don't worry I won't drop it this time." He said holding on to the key tightly.
Cyrus unlocked the door with no issues.
"See I told you."
His fingerd locked up as he turned loose of the key and it fell to the ground.
Everyone chuckled.
"Your disability decided after this time." Said Nahsi.
"I'm glad it did. Take that joint locks." Said Cyrus.
Walking through the old dungeon they see a bunch of dead skeletons in the cells and hallways.
"Dang. There must have been hundreds of invaders." Said Deku.
"Yeah. I've read this place has fallen into ruins several times throughout the era's. This place is strange but a piece of history. Tiber Septim gifted his armor to the Blades during his times and later a shrine was built in his honor which includes his armor. Now we finally see it. Well at least until that barrier is down." Said Cyrus.
"Honestly I feel bad for taking the armor off that shrine. I know it's needed to save the world but we're grave robbing a holy shrine." Said Deku.
"I know. Talos will probably understand though." Said Cyrus.
"This prison doesn't look so holy to me." Said Nahsi.
"Could be because of the curse but it may have also been a nightmare in its better days for prisoners. At least we haven't seen any bad ghosts yet." Said Kirishima.
Two wraiths and one ancient ghost appeared from the prison cells.
"You had to say something Kiri!" Yelled Deku.
They fought the ghosts, even Nahsi joining in this time, killing a wraith in one stab to the back of the neck.
More bad spirits came out and everyone ran.
They ran into the corpse of Valdemar towards the end of the prison while being surrounded by spirits.
"Uh warden Kastav is there a chance you can help us against these ghosts?"
Warden Kastav floats in and kills some of the ghosts.
"Call my name, give me a duty and I'll do it." He said.
Valdemar attacks, Cyrus fights him like a samurai as everyone else fights the ghosts.
The battle lasted only 5 minutes and most of the ghosts were gone.
Cyrus's legs locked up after trying to jump.
Valdemar tryied kicking Cyrus away but he bends backwards to dodge it.
Then Cyrus grabs his leg bringing them both down.
Cyrus stabs Valdemar in the chest killing the corpse and his ghost comes out.
"Keep in mind this move doesn't always work." Said Cyrus.
Valdemar nodes to him and walks off.
All the bad ghosts in the area were defeated and Nahsi helped Cyrus on his feet.
"Just like when you were a kid in training. Finding an alternative." Said Nahsi.
"Is it just me or are my joints locking up more than usual." Said Cyrus.
"Maybe you should step out on the next artifact fetch and rest in your hammock for a little while. And perhaps drink some water right now." Said Nahsi.
"I guess you decided to kill some spirits after all." Said Kirishima.
"After seeing Rielus sometimes killing can lead to peace. Maybe these ghosts will no longer suffer." Said Nahsi.
"Hey look at this shield. It's glowing." Said Deku.
"That is Valdemar's enchanted shield. Good for reflecting some damage on your enemies." Said Kastav.
"I would use this if I were you. Your enemies would be feeling the effect of hitting a Clannfear." Said Kirishima.
"Hopefully this works on Clannfears too. Those things are annoying especially when the jump on you just to pin you to the ground." Said Deku
"I would grab Northwind from Alain too. Useful against Flame Atronachs and other fire enemies." Said Kastav.
"No time to waste. Let's free the last two Blades and grab that armor." Said Cyrus.
They entered the Hall of Judgment and remembered to go to their right seeing a small hallway that leads to some doors.
They entered a big area in the catacombs and fought the corpse of Alain.
The reentered the Hall of Judgment with Northwind and they were covered with frost burns.
They reached a big area finding the corpse of Casnar and defeated him in another hard battle.
"We did it. The curse is lifted." Said Deku.
"Not yet. Casnar still needs to get to the tomb first." Said Nahsi.
"Have you seen Alain or Valdemar? Rielus fell in the lower chamber. We were separated ... the fog blinded us ... No ... that was the dream. I am awake now. I must fulfill my oath to the Emperor before I can finally rest." Said Casnar.
He walked away to the tomb.
"Let's get back to the tomb and collect that armor. Can't leave Martin waiting any longer." Said Kirishima.
"Wait, who's that up there?" Asked Deku pointing to a mysterious figure sitting on an old throne.
It was a ghost wearing unique Imperial Legion armor colored black and red.
It's helmet had dragon fins on it.
"Congratulations team. You have freed every Blade that walked in these ruins. But you are not leaving yet." Said the ghost.
The ghost sealed the area where nobody can escape.
"Kastav, did you know about this ghost?" Asked Deku.
"Actually, no." Answered Kastav.
End of chapter.

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