Oblivion Crisis Arc: Dark Times Approach

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Deku opened his eyes finding himself in a medieval dungeon cell.
"Where am I? Is this a dream? Where's Kirishima?" Deku's thoughts asked.
He saw he was in dungeon clothes and had wrist irons on.
Deku crawled around the cell trying to fix his confusion.
Suddenly a voice was heard "Haven't seen anyone look like that before."
"Who said that?" Said a nervous Deku.
"Me, Valen Dreth. You look slightly different from other races but I assume you may be an unusual Imperial. An Imperial in the Imperial Prison." Said Dreth.
Deku stood up and walked to the bars seeing the dark elf prisoner in another cell across from his.
"I'm a human actually." Said Deku.
"Human is another word for Imperials stupid, the main white people of Cyrodiil." Scolded Dreth rudely.
"Cyrodiil?" Asked Deku.
"This is where you are. I guess they don't play favorites, huh? Your own kinsmen think you're a piece of human trash. How sad. I bet the guards give you "special" treatment before the end. Oh, that's right. You're going to die in here, green hair Imperial! You're going to die! Imperial criminal scum like you give the Empire a bad name, you see. You're an embarrassment. Best if you just... disappeared." Said Dreth.
"Kirishima where are you? Where is everyone? I gotta get out of here." Said Deku's thoughts panicking.
Other people are heard talking.
"Hey, you hear that? The guards are coming... for you! He he he he he he." Dreth continues laughing and Deku grows a nervous expression.
"Ah crap. Could be an execution. I'm dead. What did I even do that was bad?" Asked Deku's thoughts timidly.
Deku tried using his quirk to bust any walls but it never activated.
"One for All, it's not activating. These people must have done something to restrain it."
The voices continue.
Renault: "Baurus! Lock that door behind us!"
Baurus: "Yessir."
A female knight named Renault and an old king named Uriel Septim walked down the stairs as they were talking.
Behind them is guard named Baurus.
"My sons... they're dead, aren't they?" Asked Uriel.
"We don't know that, Sire. The messenger only said they were attacked." Said Renault.
"No, they're dead. I know it." Said Uriel.
Cuts to Deku looking to his right then sees a guard named Glenroy right in front of him, giving the poor boy a cold stare.
Renault: "My job right now is to get you to safety."
Uriel Septim: "I know this place ... The prison?"
Renault: "Yes, your Majesty. Beneath the Legion Compound. We're headed for a secret passage known only to the Blades. No one can follow us through here."
Renault appeared in front of Deku's cell startled to see him.
"Hi." Said a nervous Deku.
"What's this prisoner doing here? This cell is supposed to be off-limits." Scolded Renault.
"Usual mix-up with the Watch, I ..." Answered Glenroy.
"Never mind, get that gate open. Stand back, prisoner. We won't hesitate to kill you if you get in our way." Said Renault.
"You! Prisoner! Stand aside! Over by the window. Stay out of the way, and you won't get hurt." Said Glenroy.
Deku ran to the window after the guards opened the door.
They stepped in cornering Deku.
"Stay put, prisoner."
"What are you guys going to do to me. Uraraka, Iida, Kaminari, Kirishima, Kacchan, Todoroki where are you!?" Deku sat and shivered in fear.
"Looks like we have a timid one." Said Glenroy.
A mysterious fourth guard approached behind them.
"Sir who do you think these people he mentioned are I'm curious?" Asked Renault.
"Definitely people he knows I'm sure." Said the mysterious guard.
Uriel Septim walked in and saw Deku.
"You ... I've seen you..." Said Uriel.
"You have?" Asked Deku.
"Let me see your face..." Uriel looked at Deku seemingly recognizing him.
"You actually know me. How?" Asked Deku.
"You are the one from my dreams... Then the stars were right, and this is the day. Gods give me strength." Said Uriel.
"Um, what is happening right now I'm confused?" Asked Deku.
"Assassins attacked my sons, and I'm next. My Blades are leading me out of the city along a secret escape route. By chance, the entrance to that escape route leads through your cell." Answered Uriel.
"About my cell, why am I here? Did I do something wrong?" Asked Deku.
"Perhaps it was the Gods who have placed you here so that we may meet. As for what you have done... it does not matter. That is not what you will be remembered for." Said Uriel.
Deku stood up.
"Okay then. Another question. Who are you?" Deku asked again.
"I am your emperor, Uriel Septim. By the grace of the Gods, I serve Tamriel as her ruler. You are a citizen of Tamriel, and you, too, shall serve her in your own way." Answered Uriel.
"Oh. Sorry if I offend you. I am just so confused and don't remember a lot right now." Said Deku.
"I understand." Said Uriel.
"What should I do then?" Asked Deku.
"You will find your own path. Take care... there will be blood and death before the end." Answered Uriel.
Baurus walked up to the mysterious guard.
"Please, sire, we must keep moving." Said Renault.
The secret passage opened and the bodyguards walked through.
"Better not close this one. There's no way to open it from the other side."
"Come with us young man. Your journey awaits you." Said Uriel.
"Wait you're actually setting me free." Asked Deku.
"We're not closing this door anyway. Might as well but we have our eye on you prisoner." Said Glenroy intensely.
"Looks like this is your lucky day. Just stay out of our way." Said Baurus.
"Okay then." Said Deku.
"Psst Midoriya." Said the mysterious guard.
"How did you know my last name?" Asked Deku.
He takes off his helmet revealing his red spikey hair.
"Dude it's me, Kirishima. I disguised as a blade member so I can bust you outta here. Though things are going unexpectedly according to plan. I know we're in the game but we appear to be here during the events of it. Didn't think that would happen while the disk wasn't in the council." Said Kirishima.
Deku hugs Kirishima. "Ah whatever I'm just glad you're here." Said Deku.
"I'm glad I found you too. Now I'm afraid our quirks don't seem to work in this world. I tried using mine when I came across that necromancer and tried to red gauntlet him, and my hand didn't harden at all no matter how hard I try and concentrate." Said Kirishima.
"How come? And did you say necromancer?" Asked Deku.
"I think I found that out. I'll explain everything that happened later right now we need to get out of here." Said Kirishima.
"Oh yeah." Said Deku.
Kirishima put his helmet back on and they followed the guards and emperor through the secret passage.
Some cult looking assassins in armor appeared.
"Close up left! Protect the Emperor!" Yelled Renault.
The bodyguards charged after the assassin's.
"Stay here Midoriya I got this." Said Kirishima.
Kirishima joined the fight.
Renault slain an assassin but was sliced by another.
"Renault!" Kirishima leaped on the assassin killing him.
All the assassin's were dead and they appear in robes instead of armor.
"Did you see that? Their armor just disappeared." Said Deku.
"Must be a magic spell to give them bound armor." Said Glenroy.
"Are you all right, Sire? We're clear for now." Asked Baurus.
"Captain Renault?" Asked Uriel.
"She's dead. I'm sorry, Sire, but we have to keep moving." Said Baurus.
Everyone walked towards the door to the next area.
Uriel spoke to Deku before he entered.
"Here you must find your own path. But we will cross paths before the end, I am sure of it." Said Uriel.
"I can't come?" Asked Deku.
"Sorry dude. But this is good because he's giving you a chance to explore your abilities in this world." Whispered Kirishima.
"I wonder what they are?" Asked Deku.
"I saw these symbols of what I have as my abilities right as I entered this place. I hope what you saw you can remember." Said Kirishima.
"Actually I did remember seeing a skull with a clear lightning bolt." Said Deku.
"That is a destruction spell, a type of shock one. Probably spark a very weak one but you can get stronger spells from other mages. That is if you got enough magicka." Said Kirishima.
"I don't understand all of this at all." Said Deku.
"I gotta go now. I think you can figure some of your abilities out. I believe in you." Said Kirishima.
Uriel and Kirishima closed the door and a piece of the wall fell apart with a rat running out.
Panicking, Deku tried to activate his shock spell.
"Come on. Ahhhh how do I do this." Said Deku
"Maybe I should picture myself shooting out lightning." Said his thoughts.
Deku focused and lightning came out of his hands killing the rat.
"Holy crap lightning came out of the palms of my hands. Let's see if I can remember anything else I have."
Deku saw a cave in the hole of the wall.
"Maybe I can get somewhere through that cave."
He picked up Renault's katana and explored around the cave finding his skills.
"I remember seeing a smiling face mask and a hand holding a knife. I wonder what that means."
He tried picking locks, shooting arrows at a bucket, swinging Renault's katana and other weapons in the air, he even found out he can heal himself.
He snuck by a goblin cooking a rat, lit the way with a lighting spell, and fought other goblins with his weapons and spark spell.
Deku wearing rusty iron armor made it out of the cave and saw Uriel and the bodyguards on the ledge.
"I think that was all of them. Let me take a look around." Said Baurus.
"Have you seen the prisoner?" Asked Uriel.
"Do you think he followed us? How could he?" Asked Baurus.
"I know he did. I know he found a way." Answered Uriel.
"Your Majesty, we need to keep moving." Said Glenroy.
"Not yet. Let me rest a moment longer." Said Uriel.
Kirishima saw Deku and waved.
Deku waves back.
Glenroy: "Please, sire. We can't stay here. We have to go."
Glenroy catches Kirishima waving.
"What are you waving at?" He asks.
Glenroy saw Deku on the ledge and pulled out his katana. "Dammit, it's that prisoner again! Kill him, he might be working with the assassins."
"No. He is not one of them. He can help us. He must help us." Said Uriel.
Glenroy puts his sword away. "As you wish, sire."
Deku dropped down and walked up to the emperor.
"I found my way here your highness. Though the guards don't seem very amused." Said Deku.
"They cannot understand why I trust you. They've not seen what I've seen. How can I explain? Listen. You know the Nine? How They guide our fates with an invisible hand?"
"I don't know who the Nine are, but I'm sure they are very important." Said Deku.
"I've served the Nine all my days, and I chart my course by the cycles of the heavens. The skies are marked with numberless sparks, each a fire, and every one a sign. I know these stars well, and I wonder... which sign marked your birth?" Asked Uriel.
"Oh, mine is.....uhhhh......" Deku couldn't answer but Kirishima signals him to look at his right shoulder.
He partially took of his cuirass revealing his birthsign, showing it to the emperor.
"The signs I read show the end of my path. My death, a necessary end, will come when it will come." Said Uriel.
"What about me?" Asked Deku.
"Your stars are not mine. Today the Lord shall prove a faithful patron as you confront your fate." Answered Uriel.
"Can you see my fate?" Asked Deku.
"My dreams grant me no opinions of success. Their compass ventures not beyond the doors of death. But in your face, I behold the sun's companion. The dawn of Akatosh's bright glory may banish the coming darkness. With such hope, and with the promise of your aid, my heart must be satisfied." Said Uriel.
"But aren't you afraid to die?" Asked Deku.
"No trophies of my triumphs precede me. But I have lived well, and my ghost shall rest easy. Men are but flesh and blood. They know their doom, but not the hour. In this I am blessed to see the hour of my death... To face my apportioned fate, then fall." Said Uriel.
"Where are we going?" Asked Deku.
"I go to my grave. A tongue shriller than all the music calls me. You shall follow me yet for a while, then we must part." Answered Uriel.
"Let's keep moving sire." Said Baurus.
Glenroy gave Deku another cold stare and said "The Emperor may trust you, but I don't. Stay out of our way." Then walks away.
Baurus gave Deku a torch. "You may as well make yourself useful. Here, carry this torch and stick close."
"So you are knights called The Blades is that right?" Asked Deku.
"We're the Emperor's bodyguards. Our job is to get him out of situations like this. Although I admit, things are not going according to plan. Now stick close and let us do our job, and you'll be all right." Said Baurus.
Getting around the area more assassins came out of nowhere.
One leaped in front of Deku.
Deku fought then stabs the assassin.
All the assassins are killed.
"Oh my God I actually killed one." He said horrified.
"You did, did you? Maybe the Emperor is right about you. The best way you can help is to let us do our jobs and don't get in our way." Said Glenroy.
"Uhh.... thank you." Said Deku.
"There is a lot of blood slaughter in this world making it more acceptable. I should have warned you about that." Said Kirishima.
"I thought it was only okay to kill rats, zombies and goblins." Said Deku.
Everyone reached another area.
Glenroy stops them "Hold up. I don't like this. Let me take a look." He moves further in looking around.
"Looks clear. Come on. We're almost through to the sewers."
Deku tries opening a gate that leads to the sewers. "I can't get it open."
"Dammit! The gate is barred from the other side! A trap!" Yelled Glenroy.
"What about that side passage back there?" Asked Baurus.
"Worth a try. Let's go!" Said Glenroy.
There was no way through the side passage either once they enter.
"It's a dead end. What's your call, sir?" Asked Baurus.
"I don't know. I don't see any good options here." Answered Glenroy.
Kirishima heard a sound and yelled " They're behind us!"
"Wait here sir." Said Glenroy.
"Prisoner, stay with the emperor. Make sure he's safe." Said Baurus.
Glenroy started charging at the assassins. "For the Emperor!" He yelled.
Baurus and Kirishima charged in as well.
"My guards are strong and true, but even the might of the Blades cannot stand against the Power that rises to destroy us. The Prince of Destruction awakes, born anew in blood and fire. These cutthroats are but his mortal pawns. Take my Amulet. Give it to Jauffre. I have a secret son, and Jauffre alone knows where to find him." Said Uriel.
"Wait what amulet." Asked Deku.
"The Amulet of Kings. It is the Empire's sacred emblem of rulership. It must pass to the last of the Dragon's Blood. Keep it safe from the pawns of the Destroyer." Said Uriel.
"So this is it then?" Deku asked again.
"For me, it ends here. You are our only hope to stem the blood tide. Give me your hand." Uriel handed Deku the Amulet Of Kings.
"I have more questions but you seem to have no time to answer them. I will never forget you Uriel Septim." Said Deku.
"Remember me, and remember my words. This burden is now yours alone. You hold our future in your hands. Now go. Close shut the jaws of Oblivion." Said Uriel.
An assassin stabbed Uriel and went after Deku.
Deku was forced to stab the assassin right before Baurus ran in.
The redguard knight knelt down looking at the emperor's dead body. "No... Talos save us..."
Kirishima carried Glenroy's katana in.
"We've failed. I've failed ... The Blades are sworn to protect the Emperor, and now he and all his heirs are dead.
The Amulet, where's the Amulet of Kings? It wasn't on the Emperor's body." Asked a worried Baurus.
"It's okay. The Emperor gave it to me. (Shows the Amulet) See." Said Deku.
"Strange. He saw something in you. Trusted you. They say it's the Dragon Blood, that flows through the veins of every Septim. They see more than lesser men. The Amulet of Kings is a sacred symbol of the Empire. Most people think of the Red Dragon Crown, but that's just jewelry. The Amulet has power. Only a true heir of the Blood can wear it, they say. He must have given it to you for a reason. Did he say why?" Asked Baurus.
"He said I must take it to some guy named Jauffre." Answered Deku.
"Jauffre? He said that? Why?" Baurus asked again.
"He said there is another heir." Answered Deku.
"Nothing I ever heard about. But Jauffre would be the one to know. He's the Grandmaster of my Order.
Although you may not think so to meet him. He lives quietly as a monk at Weynon Priory, near the city of Chorrol." Said Baurus.
"Well that answers that question. How do I get there?" Asked Deku.
"First you need to get out of here. Through that door must be the entrance to the sewers, past the locked gate. That's where we were heading. It's a secret way out of the Imperial City. Or it was supposed to be secret. Here. You'll need this key for the last door into the sewers." Said Baurus.
"The sewers?" Asked Deku.
"There are rats and goblins down there... but from what I've seen of you, I'm guessing you are an experienced Spellsword. Am I right?" Asked Baurus.
"Kiri. I have no idea how I was able to see those symbols but I do remember them. I saw a smiling face mask and a hand holding a knife. I also saw one giant sword colliding with a small one, a shield bending a sword, an axe, hammer and mace, two fists, some iron armor, a skull showing a brain, and two faces that reminds me of the Gemini constellation. I remember those but what do they mean. I guess it could be my....."
Kirishima covered Deku's mouth with his hand. "Attributes: Personally and Strength. Major skills: Blade, Block, Blunt, Hand To Hand, Heavy Armor, Illusion and Speechcraft. His class is a Knight sir."
"I wasn't far off. Funny you seem to know this guy." Said Baurus.
Kirishima took off his helmet and armor.
"Yeah I have a confession. I'm not part of the blades at all. I only disguised as one to rescue my friend here. I guess I could've just explained this but I thought it would be cooler if I rescued him this way." Said Kirishima.
"I heard this boy was accused of creating black soul gems with stolen grand soul gems. If course no one else in the blades got to know his crime yet. Now is that true?" Asked Baurus.
"No sir. I saw him. He was knocked out by a necromancer and threw his robes and those soul gems on him to make it look like he did it. That jerk. If you wanna make black soul gems find or buy your own grand soul gems." Said Kirishima.
"(To Deku) If you were only framed then we apologize for arresting you. (To Kirishima) And as for you I'll let this one slide since you were only helping out a person who seems innocent, but impersonating a guard or Blade is a serious crime. Be careful next time. In any case, rats and goblins won't give you any trouble." Said Baurus.
"After the sewers, then what?" Asked Deku.
"You must get the Amulet to Jauffre. Take no chances, but proceed to Weynon Priory immediately. Got it?" Asked Baurus.
"No. Please explain more. There's so much to do I might forget." Said Deku anxiously.
"Take it easy. You'll be fine. I know this is a lot to take in all at once. No one's more surprised than me that I'm sending an escaped prisoner off with the Amulet of Kings! But the Emperor trusted you for a reason, and I trust the Emperor. The Amulet of Kings must get to Jauffre at Weynon Priory. He'll know what to do with it. Jauffre should know how to find the heir that the Emperor spoke of. The Amulet must reach Emperor Uriel's heir so a new emperor can be crowned!" Said Baurus.
"Escaped prisoner?" Asked Deku confused.
"You're considered one because there are no release forms yet." Answered Baurus.
"What about you? What will you do?" Asked Kirishima.
"I'll stay here to guard the Emperor's body, and make sure no one follows you two. You guys better get moving." Said Baurus.
"Thank you sir. Uhh I found this katana here. It belonged to that lady." Said Deku.
"I got Glenroy's too." Said Kirishima.
"Thank you for recovering my comrades' swords. I'll see that they are given a place of honor in the halls of the Blades." Baurus took the blades.
"If you need to remember us my name is Izuku Midoriya, but you can call me Deku. My friend here is Eijiro Kirishima." Said Deku.
"Well it's nice to meet you Izuku and Eijiro. May Talos guide you." Said Baurus.
The two boys fought the goblins and rats through the sewers.
"So you know this game pretty well. You think you can help me get around this place?" Asked Deku.
"Well I don't think we were able to choose our birth signs or class which is disappointing. There may be other things we won't be able to do like in the game either. I guess that's what happens when you have no controller." Said Kirishima.
"I guess that makes sense." Said Deku.
"Anyway we're outta here. Just gotta get through that gate." Said Kirishima.
"Oh sweet." Said Deku.
Deku stepped further into the sunlight once he was out of the sewers, feeling joy by the beauty of the world.
"Wow this place looks beautiful."
"Well the design is definitely better in person." Said Kirishima.
"I wonder what happens in the game since we're in it?" Asked Deku.
"I'm gonna try not to spoil everything so you can experience it yourself, but I will throw in some hints and recommendations cause I would rather have us survive. Things can get really violent and dangerous in this place." Said Kirishima.
"Sounds like our world. I'm used to it. Except the killing." Said Deku.
"Let's not dilly dally any further we have an amulet to deliver." Said Kirishima.
"Your right. Now which way is Weynon Priory?" Asked Deku.
"Don't worry there are signs to the big cities everywhere. We just gotta read the ones to Chorrol." Said Kirishima.
"Well adventure awaits." Said Deku.

The scene changes to a tapestry looking background with a four armed demon above a scary looking gate.

A different narrator takes place introducing the upcoming event.

Martin Septim: This is the beginning of their four adventures. The Oblivion crisis is the first adventure they will come across, and my destiny to be crowned emperor of Tamriel.

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