Oblivion Crisis Arc: Delivering The Amulet

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The game disk shows in the hands of Naomasa.
"So they got sucked into this game you say." Asked Naomasa.
"Yes. I saw it with my own eyes. It was like some magical effect or something." Rambled Kaminari.
"Magical effect. I need you to elaborate on that." Said Naomasa.
"Don't bother Kaminari is just an idiot." Said Bakugo.
"It was that crystal. It shot a beam at that disk. I guess it made the world in that game allowing them to enter it just by touching that disk." Said Kaminari.
Naomasa pulled the crystal out of the case. "You mean this crystal?"
"Yes that one." Said Kaminari.
"True or not I'm just concerned for those two. Something could happen to them." Said Iida.
"Okay I will report this to the chief. We'll have the game kept in a special room. We'll try to activate the crystal on something else so we can prove Kaminari's answer." Said Naomasa.
"Thank you sir." Said Kaminari.
"Class. I recommend searching around the city in case they show up somewhere else. They may not have been transported into the game." Said Aizawa.
"No they are in the game. It's worthless to search around town. A complete waste of time." Said Kaminari.
"Eh worth a shot. I'm looking around." Bakugo starts walking and shouting. "DEKU, KIRISHIMA, YOU BETTER NOT BE PLAYING TRICKS ON US!"
Everyone started leaving.
"Wait. At least one of use needs to stay in case they come back out of the game." Said Kaminari.
"How about you do it then. You believe in this craziness anyway." Said Todoroki.
"Good idea." Said Kaminari.
"There is a window you can look through but you cannot enter the room." Said Naomasa.
"A window is all I need." Said Kaminari.
"Well no school until those two return. We better take a look around. They can be anywhere in the globe." Said Nezu
Inside the game Kirishima taught Deku how to read the signs.
"Just follow the arrow the sign is pointing too. Best to stay on the road that way it's easier to get there." Said Kirishima.
"Good. I hope beating this quest will send us back home." Said Deku.
"We'll just have to find out." Said Kirishima.
They travel down the path while a Legion Soldier slowly rode by on a horse.
"Good day gentlemen. What brings you on the rodes?" He asked.
"We are just making a delivery sir. To Weynon Priory." Answered Kirishima.
"Before you go, let me give  you some advice. If you've got to travel, by the Nine Divines, stay on the roads! The wilderness just isn't safe anymore. We've had sightings, you see. The Daedra..." Said the Soldier.
"Thank you for that warning. I hate to run into those on our way, whatever they are." Said Deku.
"Anytime. If you run into trouble. You can find me or another guard, and we'll get the job done." Said the soldier.
The soldier rode off.
"So what Daedra are is they are creatures from the oblivion planes, practically serving their princes. Daedric princes are the rulling daedra with spheres that judge their personalities." Said Kirishima.
"Okay interesting. Do you think there are any books that are related to Daedra? Perhaps I can learn about these princes spheres." Asked Deku.
"There are. I actually don't remember every one of their spheres or every prince's names. I do know the one that we're about to face though." Said Kirishima.
"I need to find a book store and get some books to learn about this place more." Said Deku.
"If you got enough gold I think I can take you to that one in Chorrol." Said Kirishima.
"Sure. Maybe at least one or two that will be very important. I don't want to carry too much." Said Deku.
"Very important you don't over encumber yourself. Otherwise you can't move. It's even worse when you're underwater." Said Kirishima.
After hours they realize they are not even halfway to their destination.
"How long is this road?" Deku asked as he catches his breath.
"I swear everything here seems more expansive then in the game. In the game the Imperial Palace was just a circle with a pole on top, well it still has that but now it also seems to have more buildings connected to it as well. It looks bigger too. As for the city surrounding the palace it has more houses. That is actually pretty cool. Just like the designs of everything looking better in person." Said Kirishima.
"Interesting. But it's not cool when we have to walk so far." Said Deku.
"Oh no the traveling isn't awesome, I was just talking about the buildings." Said Kirishima.
"We may have to camp somewhere for the night." Said Deku.
"I don't see any campsite but I think we can try sleeping under a tree." Said Kirishima.
"Is there a better idea you can think of?" Asked Deku.
"There's rocks, logs, maybe just the ground." Said Kirishima.
"Okay ground or tree it is." Said Deku.
After more hours pass they stopped and sleep by a tree but lying on the ground.
Morning arises, Deku opened his eyes and saw an angry wolf huffing and puffing in his face.
Deku quickly grabbed a big stick to hold off the wolfs biting.
Kirishima was awoken by Deku's screaming then he pulled out a club. "Midoriya!" He wacked the wolf's head then used Deku's sword to stab it.
"Holy crap." Said Deku.
"That was close to getting bit. I had a feeling some wild animals would attack us." Said Kirishima.
"And that's telling to get the heck outta here. How much further are we from Weynon Priory?" Asked Deku.
"Probably a little more than halfway now." Answered Kirishima.
"If only there were a faster way to get everywhere." Said Deku.
"Maybe a horse but they are pretty expensive." Said Kirishima.
"Let's just go before anymore wolves come." Said Deku.
After so much walking they reached a farm looking area with a small church.
A dark elf greeted them "I'm the shepherd here. Eronor's the name. And this is Weynon Priory."
"We're here. Thank God my feet are killing me." Said Deku.
"We're here to see Jauffre. Is he here?" Asked Kirishima.
"If he's not sleeping or eating, he'll be fussing with his books, I reckon, over in the Priory House." Answered Eronor.
"Thank you sir. Really nice to meet you." Said Deku.
Upon entering the house they find a Breton priest sitting at the table.
"Welcome to Weynon Priory, a monastic retreat dedicated to Talos and the Nine Divines. I'm Prior Maborel, head of our community, and responsible for all our religious and secular affairs." Said Maborel.
"We appreciate your welcome. We are here to speak to Jauffre." Said Kirishima.
"He's upstairs. Go ahead." Said Maborel.
An older Breton was reading a book then lowered it seeing the two boys.
"I'm Brother Jauffre. What do you want?" Asked Jauffre.
"Hi. I'm Kirishima and this is Deku. The Emperor sent us to find you." Said Kirishima.
"Emperor Uriel? Do you know something about his death?" Jauffre asked.
"Yes we were there when he died. At least I saw it. He was stabbed by some cult assassin. Seriously there are these assassins that wore robes that can transform into armor. Anyway he gave me the Amulet of Kings before  he died. He told me to bring it to you." Said Deku.
"This cannot be. No one but the Emperor is permitted to handle the Amulet. Let me see it." Said Jauffre.
"Sure." Said Deku.
Jauffre held the amulet and took a good look. "By the Nine! This IS the Amulet of Kings! Explain yourself. Why did he want you to give this Amulet to me?" Asked Jauffre.
"I think I do. He said the Prince of Destruction is awakening. His last words were Close Shut The Jaws Of Oblivion, and that's when the assassin stabbed him. Do you believe me." Asked Deku.
"As unlikely as your story sounds, I believe you. Only the strange destiny of Uriel Septim could have brought you to me carrying the Amulet of Kings." Said Jauffre.
"Thank you. By the way who is the Prince of Destruction? And what does those words mean?" Asked Deku.
"His meaning is unclear to me as well.  But I do know the Prince of Destruction he referred to is none other than Mehrunes Dagon, one of the lords of the demonic world of Oblivion. The Emperor's words-- "Close shut the jaws of Oblivion"-- certainly suggest that he perceived some threat from Oblivion. But all the scholars agree that the mortal world is protected from the daedra of Oblivion by magical barriers." Said Jauffre.
"So Kirishima was right. It is a Daedric Prince threatening us. I learned the name of the dark lord but there are far more important questions to ask." Said Deku's thoughts.
"How can Oblivion threaten us if there is a barrier though?" Asked Deku.
"I'm not sure. Only the Emperors truly understand the meaning behind the rituals of coronation. The Amulet of Kings is ancient. Saint Alessia herself received it from the gods. It is a holy relic of great power. When an Emperor is crowned, he uses the Amulet to light the Dragonfires at the Temple of the One in the Imperial City. With the Emperor dead and no new heir crowned, the Dragonfires in the Temple will be dark, for the first time in centuries. It may be that the Dragonfires protected us from a threat that only the Emperor was aware of." Said Jauffre.
"Could be that. You said there's no Emperor. Actually there may be, Uriel also told me about his son. Is it true you know this son?" Asked Deku.
"I am one of the few who know of his existence. Many years ago, I served as captain of Uriel's bodyguards, the Blades. One night Uriel called me in to his private chambers. A baby boy lay sleeping in a basket. Uriel told me to deliver him somewhere safe. He never told me anything else about the baby, but I knew it was his son. From time to time he would ask about the child's progress. Now, it seems that this illegitimate son is the heir to the Septim Throne. If he yet lives." Said Jauffre.
"Do you know where he might be now?" Asked Kirishima.
"His name is Martin. He serves Akatosh in the Chapel in the city of Kvatch, south of here. You must go to Kvatch and find him at once. If the enemy is aware of his existence, as seems likely, he is in terrible danger. And please, let me know if there's anything you need. My resources here are limited, but I will help in any way I can." Said Jauffre.
"Yes we could use some assistance. I hope you have some heavy armor." Said Kirishima.
"I keep a few things here in my chest to resupply traveling Blades. Help yourself to whatever you need." Said Jauffre.
He got up from his chair and unlocked a chest.
Deku opened it and picked up an iron cuirass.
"Nice, looks much cleaner than the one you're wearing." Said Kirishima.
"This will do. There's another one in there for you. Oh I also see two gauntlets in there too, probably iron." Said Deku.
"Yeah they are. I see only one pair of iron greaves though. I'll let you take those ones and I'll take some of the leather stuff for my lower body." Said Kirishima.
"Those are the only pair of boots I see but there are a pair of shoes though. Hey they look like a medieval version of my shoes, that's cool." Said Deku.
"They look like your size. More sturdy than those sandals." Said Kirishima.
After changing in a room Deku came out wearing a much nicer iron cuirass, iron gauntlets, iron greaves and some buckled shoes with some red color.
Kirishima walked out wearing the iron gauntlets and cuirass like Deku but he is wearing leather greaves and boots.
"I'm going to be honest this looks better designed than the game." Said Kirishima.
"Hey Jauffre I wonder how the Dragonfire thing works other than the barrier." Said Deku.
"The coronation of each new Emperor is sealed when he uses the Amulet of Kings to light the Dragonfires in the Temple of the One. The Dragonfires of Akatosh remain lit until the death of the Emperor. His successor then lights them anew upon ascending to the throne. Waste no time. You must find Martin before the enemy does." Said Jauffre.
"What about the amulet?" Asked Deku.
"I will keep it in a safe place right here in the house. Now go." Said Jauffre.
"He's right. I imagine it's going to be a while to get to Kvatch." Said Kirishima.
"Oh dear. At least all that traveling is good for our legs." Said Deku.
Maborel came to them "I know that you two are on an important mission for the Blades. Please, if you need a horse, take mine from the Priory stables." He said.
"That's a very generous offer. Thank you." Said Deku.
"Go with Talos's blessings. Do not fail." Said Maborel.
The two boys climbed on Maborel's horse.
"Okay horsey we need to go to a city named Kvatch. Can you get us there." Said Kirishima.
The horse started to walkout of the stables.
"Hey we got a responsive horse. That's very helpful." Said Deku.
"Do you think we should name the horse?" Asked Kirishima.
"I'm thinking of Akemi. It means beautiful." Said Deku.
The horse nayed.
"You like that name?" Asked Kirishima.
Akemi nayed again.
"I guess I'll take that as a yes." Said Kirishima.
"Okay Akemi can you pick up some speed we are in a hurry." Said Deku.
Akemi started running.
A random Dark Elf in iron armor and full faced helmet ran down the road as the two boys were leaving Weynon Priory.
Akemi was forced to stop after nearly running over the Armored Dunmer.
"Watch where you're going you're going to get run over!" Yelled Kirishima.
"Sorry boys I'm in a hurry." Said the Dunmer.
"So are we. Just be careful." Said Deku.
"You be careful too. Lots of danger along these rodes, unless you know how to fight. Be seeing you." Said the Dunmer.
The Dunmer ran off.
"How many more things in this place are going to give me a heart attack seriously." Said Deku.
"I don't see anyone else coming down the road. Let's go girl." Said Kirishima.
They rode off.
End of chapter.

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