Oblivion Crisis Arc: Into The Deadlands

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Upon arrival at a campsite near Kvatch the two boys noticed a high elf named Hirtel running towards them.
"Come on! Run while there's still time! The Guard still holds the road, but it's only a matter of time before they're overwhelmed!" Yelled a panicky Hirtel.
"Wait hold up. Run from what?" Asked Deku.
"Gods' blood, you don't know, do you? Daedra overran Kvatch last night! There were glowing portals outside the walls! Gates to Oblivion itself! There was a huge creature... something out of a nightmare... came right over the walls... blasting fire. They swarmed around it... killing..." Yelled Hirtel.
"Wait. There's got to be some of the city left. We need to grab someone important. There has got to be some survivers." Said Deku.
"Go and see for yourself! Kvatch is a smoking ruin! We're all that's left, do you understand me? Everyone else is dead!" Yelled Hirtel.
"Oh dear. Wait how did you escape?" Asked Deku.
"It was Savlian Matius... some of the other guards... helped some of us escape... they cut their way out, right through the city gates. Savlian says they can hold the road. No... no, I don't believe him. Nothing can stop them. If you'd seen it, you'd know... I'm getting out of here before it's too late! They'll be here any minute, I'm telling you. Run while you can!" Hirtel ran away.
"I can't imagine what the gates will look like in reality. Probably really scary." Said Kirishima.
"So we go up this path?" Asked Deku.
"Yes. And we better get up there fast." Said Kirishima.
Once the two boys reached the city gates they noticed a big firey portal with a black eye looking thing in the middle.
"That's a big scary portal." Said Deku nervously.
"Why do I have to be right?" Asked Kirishima rhetorically.
"What's with the eye in the middle. Is that part of it in the game." Asked Deku.
"Actually I don't remember seeing that in the game." Said Kirishima.
Savlian Matius approached them "Stand back, civilians! This is no place for you. Get back to the encampment at once!"
"Yeah he's right we better get back." Deku attempts to run away.
"Now wait a minute. What happened here sir?" Asked Kirishima.
"We lost the damned city, that's what happened! It was too much, too fast. We were overwhelmed. Couldn't even get everyone out. There are still people trapped in there. Some made it into the Chapel, but others were just run down in the streets. The Count and his men are still holed up in the castle. And now we can't even get back into the city to help them, with that damned Oblivion Gate blocking the way." Answered Matius.
"Can't you do something about it?" Asked Deku.
"The only thing we can do. We'll try to hold our ground, that's what. If we can't hold this barricade, those beasts could march right down and overrun the encampment. I have to try and protect the few civilians that are left. It's all I can do now." Matius' tone starts to turn grim. "My home.... my goddamn home, in flames. It kills me that I can't get in there and DO something. We couldn't have been any less prepared for this. Seems like they came out of nowhere. There were just so many of them... If only I had a way to strike back at the enemy. But we can't leave the barricade until that Oblivion Gate is closed."
"How are we supposed to close this portal to Oblivion then? We have got to find Martin." Asked Deku.
"Martin? You mean the priest? Last I saw him, he was leading a group towards the Chapel of Akatosh. If he's lucky, he's trapped in there with the rest of them, at least safe for the moment. As for the gates the enemy used them to attack the city -- they appeared outside the walls and daedra poured out! They've opened one right in front of the city gates. I don't know how to close this Gate, but it must be possible, because the enemy closed the ones they opened during the initial attack. You can see the marks on the ground where they were, with the Great Gate right in the middle. I sent men into the Gate, to see if they could find a way to shut it. They haven't come back." Said Matius.
"Perhaps this may be what the emperor meant by close shut the jaws of Oblivion. We close this gate." Said Deku's thoughts.
"Perhaps we can go in there and try to close it. Perhaps we can find those knights too." Said Kirishima.
"You want to help? You're kidding, right? Hmm... if you're serious, maybe I can put you two to use. It'll likely mean your deaths, though. Are you sure?" Asked Matius.
"I don't know if I want to go in there." Said Deku nervously.
"Nobody likes the thought of it, but somebody's got to go in there and put an end to this. We can't get to Martin with that gate in the way. We're heroes it's our job to help people." Said Kirishima.
"You're right. I'll go in." Said Deku.
"We're going in together. (To Matius) Sir we are going in." Said Kirishima.
"If you can get in there, find out what happened to them. If they're alive, help them finish the job. If not, see what you can do on your own. The best I can say is, good luck. If you make it back alive, we'll be waiting for you." Said Matius.
Five Scamps poured out of the gate.
"Oh crap demons!" Yelled Deku.
"Don't just stand there slice them into pieces!" Yelled Matius.
Deku pulled out his iron longsword and Kirishima wields and iron war axe.
"Uh how do I use this?" Asked Deku.
"Just swing it for now. We may still have our physical abilities from our world." Said Kirishima.
"Physical abili... Oh the dodging and jumping you mean?" A Scamp jumped on Deku.
The Scamp attempted to claw him as he was pushing him away.
Deku pushed it off then it casted a fireball at him.
Deku rolled over, got up and slashed the Scamp with ease, then ran to the gate.
Kirishima bashed his Scamp then followed Deku.
"How do we enter this thing just walk right in?"
"In the game I had to press a button to enter. I don't think we can just walk right in. But I think touching that eye may let us in." Said Kirishima.
Deku touched the eye and he was sucked in.
Kirishima did the same.
"Wow this actually looks like hell." They could not stop seeing the red, ash and lava plane filled with towers and giant spikes sticking out of the ground.
"Look at those towers. Don't they remind you of that tower from those movies with that ring that corrupts you when touched?" Deku asked.
"Now that you mentioned it, yes." Said Kirishima.
An imperial named Ilend Vonius killed some scamps, then spotted the two heroes.
"Thank the Nine! I never thought I'd see friendly faces again..." A relieved Vonius said.
"What happened to the others?" Deku asked.
"The others... taken... they were taken to the tower! Captain Matius sent us in to try and close the gate. We were ambushed, trapped, and picked off. I managed to escape, but the others are strewn across that bridge. They took Menien off to the big tower. You've got to save him! I'm getting out of here!" Said Vonius.
"Well I would say you need to rescue that guy but Matius could use your help out there. The encampment could be overrun if there are less guards out there. Kiri and I can help find Menien for you." Said Deku.
"The Captain is still holding the barricade? I figured I was the last one left alive. Alright. I'll try to get out of here and let the Captain know what's going on. If you are able to rescue Menien that would be great." Said Vonius.
Vonius ran towards the Oblivion gate leading back to Kvatch.
"Okay this gate is closed. We need to open it if we are going to get in that big tower. It's remote controlled so we can't just push it." Said Kirishima.
"Maybe that smaller tower will have a switch to open it." Deku pointed to a small tower to their right.
"Oh yeah. The smaller towers do play a role." Said Kirishima.
They entered and stepped on the corpse masher sending the boys up like an elevator.
"This is some weird elevator." Deku said.
"Yeah it definitely works like one. It's also a death machine if you get impaled by the spikes. Be careful were you are standing on this thing." Said Kirishima.
The corpse masher stopped. "Alright we need to go up the rest of the way by foot."
"I'll be honest this actually could be worse. This spiral ramp could've been stairs." Said Deku.
"True. Stairs would make this much harder." Said Kirishima.
As the ran up the ramp Deku asked a question. "So if it were possible for these characters from this game we're in to enter our world. Would their abilities be disabled within our world, like our quirks don't work within here?"
"Probably. At least the magic spells and blessings likely would. Although now that I think about it the mutant quirks might be able to function within this world probably thinking they are another race. Not sure how the power disabling thing works but it happens. I think entering this world only halts the emitter and transformation quirks. It's all confusing but interesting." Said Kirishima.
The boys reached the top.
"Well I wish I had a clear answer why it's like this but it may have something to do with the ways our worlds are supposed to be set. That's the only answer I can think of but I feel like my theory has holes in it." Said Deku.
"Well that may actually be the least of our worries right now. Better flip that switch." Kirishima pulled the gate control lever then the giant gears made loud sounds as they bushed the loose spikes attached.
"HOLY CRAP that was loud!" Deku screamed.
"But that war gate is opened now so let's find that man and close this gate." Said Kirishima.
Once they crossed the bridge they ran into two Dremoras charges at them.
Deku and Kirishima are already skilled fighters but struggled to take down the Dremoras.
They finally entered the big tower and made their way into the Corridors of Dark Salvation.
"Okay we need to do some more training after this." Said Kirishima.
"Perhaps we should find some trainers." Deku couldn't open a door. "It won't open."
"Try that door over there." Said Kirishima.
They found themselves on a bridge to the Reapers Sprawl tower then entered it.
They reached the top finding Menien Goneld locked in a cage.
"That must be Menien in that cage." Deku said.
"Be careful. There's a Dremora Sigil Keeper here, and he doesn't like outsiders in this tower." Said Goneld.
"What?" Deku asked.
The Dremora approaches them "You should not be here, mortals. Your blood is forfeit, your flesh is mine!" He yelled.
He attacked with his mace.
Kirishima held him back.
"Try to get Menien outta here Midoriya, I'll handle this guy!" Kirishima pins the Dremora.
"We'll get you out of this cage sir." Said Deku.
"Don't worry about me you need to get that key and close the gate." Said Goneld.
"I got the key." Kirishima held up the key.
"We can't leave you behind." Said Deku.
"I'm willing to accept my fate. Tell Vonius I decided to stay. Now quickly! There's no time! You must get to the top of the large tower. The Sigil Keep, they call it. That's what keeps the Oblivion Gate open! Find the Sigil Stone. Remove it, and the Gate will close! Hurry!" He yelled.
"Okay. I hope you will be okay." Said Deku.
They went back to the big tower and reached the Sigil Keep.
They saw a black orb in the top of the fire pillar.
"That black ball up there must be the Sigil Stone Menien mentioned."
The ran up to it.
"I believe you just have to grab that stone out of the fire." Said Kirishima.
"Really that's it? Okay but I might get burned." Said Deku.
Deku grabbed the Stone and the fire pillar shoots up into the sky.
The Sigil Keep starts to fall apart.
"Hurry let's get out of here before the gate closes!" Yelled Kirishima.
The guards finished off the remaining scamps right as the two boys jumped back out.
The gate's ring of fire portal fades away and the rocks on top explodes.
"Too be honest that felt a little too easy." Said Deku.
"Maybe it's because there weren't that many Daedra in there. They must have been somewhere else in the Deadlands. I say we got lucky." Said Kirishima.
"I guess that means it's going to get crazier, and harder." Said Deku.
"You... you closed the Gate?" Asked Matius.
"Yes we did, apparently." Said Deku.
"I knew you two could do it! This is our chance to launch a counterattack! I need you two to come with us. You've got far more combat experience than these men. Are you able to join us now?" Matius asked.
"I don't know about more experience but I hate for this city to crumble any further. We will help." Said Deku.
"Wait Menien isn't with you. Did you not find him?" Asked Vonius.
"We did, but he decided to stay. We're sorry." Said a devastated Kirishima.
"Poor Menien. But if it was his choice he is a brave soldier." Said Vonius.
"Okay this city isn't going to stop the Daedra itself so let's get in there and drive them out. For Kvatch!" Yelled Matius.
Everyone ran into the city as the smoke continues to drift in the air.
End of chapter.

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