Oblivion Crisis Arc: Training

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"I can't believe they would even touch the Mysterium Xarxes. And for what? To give it to that fool that is Martin Septim!" Yelled Mankar.
"Believe us those two are the most determined boys I've seen. They would stop at nothing to steal the Amulet back." Said Raven.
"After you came back here, they took the Mysterium Xarxes. They may be trying to use it to open a portal." Said Ruma.
"That's exactly what they're planning. Martin is looking for the four items to open a portal to paradise. Let's see how that works out for them. Those two boys think they can make it into the Order of the Dragon. Neither of them will be as good as the other Champions. Especially the 6th, the only Mer to ever be one." Said Mankar.
Deku read a book about the Order of Dragon and is currently reading the Unbreakable Mace's legacy.
"Oh my god not only his mace is unbreakable but his spirit as well. He always bounces back after losing a battle. He never lost a war. No wonder he's best out of the 6 champions. He's like the All Might of this world." Said Deku.
"I still gotta admire War Maiden for being the strongest women in Cyrodiil during the time. She was the one who did take out that crazy Chimera. Also Iron Knuckles for only using his fists." Said a Khajiit Blade.
"True. They're all good. Razorblade did have mad blade skills I can learn from and Siegreich was very handy with an axe." Said Deku.
"Fun fact. Many of the Blades are named after historical people. Cyrus is named after that hero of the late second era." Said a female Imperial Blade.
"I need to find some books to read so I can learn this place and its people more." Said Deku.
"We have a whole selection here in the library. I recommend starting with the Brief History of the Empire in all four volumes." Said the Imperial lady.
Kirishima ran in excitedly "Midoryia it's training time."
A female Khajiit entered the courtyard.
"Good she has arrived. Izuku, Eijiro, this is Nahsi a friend of mine since we were kids." Said Cyrus.
"It's so nice to meet you two. I heard about the Great Gate opening near Bruma pretty soon. Our Guildmaster, Vilena Donton, has agreed to have the entire guild participate in helping Bruma. The Mages Guild has yet to make a decision." Said Nahsi.
"Good. We need all the help we can get to protect the Emperor. Hope the Mages Guild makes a decision soon." Said Cyrus.
"The leaders won't be here until Jauffre gives the order. Every contract has been closing Oblivion gates near someone's property right now. Someone's gotta take care of them in the meantime." Said Nahsi.
"That Great Gate better not open too soon." Said Cyrus.
"So how long have you been friends?" Asked Kirishima.
"Ever since we were kids. We both took training together but Nahsi decided to join the Fighters Guild." Said Cyrus.
"We weren't trained under the Blades just so you know. Cyrus wanted to be one, I had no interest. I was more into the Fighters Guild. Once we were free to leave the nest we decided to spend our wings in different directions. We do send letters to each other to keep in contact and sometimes we visit one another." Said Nahsi.
"I assume today marks one of your visits." Said Kirishima.
"Definitely. Now normally I only give training to guildmates but since you are the ones guiding Martin Septim to light the Dragonfires I wouldn't mind teaching you a few skills. Sometimes you may either forget to bring your weapon or it may be broken to the point of being unusable. I will teach you a few tricks on fighting with only your fists while Cyrus will teach you how to use a blade." Said Nahsi.
"Well at least Izuku. Eijiro uses an axe and I don't know how to wield one." Said Cyrus.
"Azzan is quite busy but I think I can ask Vilena if Vigdis can teach him." Said Nahsi.
"Alright let's get started. We see you already have some combat experience through althetics and flexibility. That's already a good enough start so today we're going to teach you some of the basics. Nahsi you start training Eijiro and I'll get Izuku started on his sword skills." Said Cyrus.
"Yes sir. Follow me to the other side of the courtyard so we will be out of the way." Said Nahsi.
Pretty soon Cyrus teaches Deku the Oberhau by physical demonstration.
"Your left foot is leading foot. Your right foot is at the back. Hold your sword at your shoulder level. Alright now you want to close the line between your opponent and yourself. Now bring your sword forward, and step forward at the same time a little to your right out of the line of your opponent should there be any counterattack. Now bring your blade down in a straight line and hit your enemy. This should protect you from any last second counterattack as well. Now watch me do this technique to see what the Oberhau looks like in combat." Cyrus showed Deku the move which is a strike from above with a head of lettuce.
"You see. That was what you were doing only I broke down the steps for you. (Puts another head of lettuce on the wooden pole) Alright I want to see you try doing it a little faster."
Deku attempted the Oberhau but missed the lettuce.
"Remember. Move a little to the right when you take a step."
"Oh right. My bad." Said Deku.
"Don't apologize. It's going to take several tries to get it right. I know you can do this. You have great potential. Believe me it took me many tries to get that basic move right. So many, my trainer almost quit." Said Cyrus.
"Holy crap. How did you finally pull it off?" Asked Deku.
"I have been a klutz ever since I was born. Always messing up even the simplest things. I have a disability that causes my bones to function slower than others sometimes and I thought I was nothing but a fool to ever become a Blade. But ever since Nahsi came into my life she started having me lift some sacks full of flour. I worked hard to get my bones moving. She gave me milk to keep them strong. I am still clumsy but I have been much better now becoming one of the greatest swordman of the Blades. I even used some of my clumsiness to better my combat. Enough about me though. You still have a lot to learn. You may even become a better swordsman than me. Even come up with some of your own techniques." Said Cyrus.
"That's really great you were able to overcome that obstacle. If you can do it I should be able to, whatever that obstacle may be." Said Deku.
"Sometimes we don't know what our problems may be until someone points them out. Best to keep training. It's the best way to find one's own faults." Said Cyrus.
"This is so different compared to using One For All. I like it." Said Deku's thoughts.
Kirishima was punching a dummy multiple times.
"Even in martial arts I find peace within. Fighting is violent but sometimes it can lead to harmony once the problem is settled. Really I find martial arts as a way to make peace with your enemies. That's why I joined the Fighters Guild despite other members preferring brute strength." Said Nahsi.
"Even creatures?" Asked Kirishima.
"I usually get their attention and lure them into traps, not killing them of course. I catch them and have them taken to the arena. The guild understands my character and even asks me for help whenever someone gets really anxious or angry. Modryn Oreyn especially. Sometimes he gets so angry he throws up. He's probably my biggest client." Said Nahsi.
"That poor man. Dealing with inexperienced people who never get better can be really frustrating." Said Kirishima.
"That's one thing that makes him blow up in fury. There are plenty more things that makes me have to travel to Chorrol." Said Nahsi.
"That must be exhausting for you." Said Kirishima.
"It's quite alright I was able to write down some calming methods for him. I do hope that makes me travel there less often. I have contacts I gotta do. Also there are two Argonian ladies who can help him too." Said Nahsi.
"Those methods better work. So what's going to be my first technique?" Asked Kirishima.
"You have already told me about some of your techniques you already know with that power you used to have. You can definitely punch hard without that power but I do believe I can show you some techniques." Said Nahsi.
"Alright let's do this. What do you have to offer first?" Asked Kirishima excitedly.
"Come at me." Said Nahsi.
"Wait what?" Asked Kirishima.
"Come at me." Nahsi said again.
"Okay." Said Kirishima.
Kirishima ran up and attempted a straight punch at her.
Nahsi performs a spinning backfist herself at Kirishima almost knocking him to the ground.
"Never rush at your opponent without thought. Your enemy may just stand there but that could be a trap. That's a rule in combat every experienced fighter knows. If you want to get better get more creative. Mix up some techniques more. I could've pushed you to the ground after that backfist, but I decided not to because that's not one of my most impressive examples." Said Nahsi.
"Are you saying I lack strategy?" Asked Kirishima.
"I'm saying you're not using your abilities to your full potential. You're already good but not good enough. This is why I'm here." Answered Nahsi.
"Well I have been only doing straight punches most of the time. I guess you're right." Said Kirishima.
"I am right. That spinning backfist is the first thing I'm going to teach you. Never practice it out of my watch until you're a pro okay." Said Nahsi.
"Yes mam." Said Kirishima.
Nahsi demonstrates using the move on the training dummy. "Alright so what you are doing is a jab, cross and hook to begin with. As you're moving you are going to step across, spin, then your left foot follows through. (She preforms it again on the dummy)"
"That looks simple." Kirishima tried but failed causing himself to fall face on the ground.
"Baby steps first Eijiro. Don't rush progress." Said Nahsi.
"You made it look so easy though." Said Kirishima.
"Believe me it took me years of practice to get it right. Try it a few more times and we'll move on to something else." Said Nahsi.
Kirishima went into position.
"Don't straighten your back so much. That's how you will mess up this move. Bend it a little."
Kirishima bent his back very low.
"Now that's too slouchy. Straighten it some more."
Kirishima straightened his back more.
"That's better. Now try it out. Remember, one step at a time."
Kirishima slowly did the spinning backfist, then did it three more times slightly improving.
"I'm impressed. It's about time we move on to something else now."
"I didn't really think you would start me off with a hard one." Said Kirishima.
"I thought I could show that move to you because it's not often used in combat. I wouldn't recommend doing it a lot in fighting anyway because you are showing your back." Said Nahsi.
"I understand mam." Said Kirishima bowing.
Deku was watching Kirishima.
"You're doing great Kiri." Deku said in his thoughts.
Deku got startled after a katana was near his neck.
His eyes turned white and his mouth was wide open.
"You lost your focus Izuku. Your head is now cut off." Said Cyrus.
"I'm sorry." Said a frightened Deku.
The day passes while the two boys were resting in the east wing.
"That was something Midoryia." Said Kirishima.
"I know. I had no idea I have better martial arts skills than you. I guess throwing different punches and kicks with my quirk kinda helped. Even then I still have much to learn." Said Deku.
"Man this sounded like a cool idea at first. Then as you experience this world more, it's not as cool as it seems." Said Kirishima.
"Uriel did warn us about blood and death. Doesn't mean we can't enjoy this. Handling these demons may be hard but I also see joy in this world. Friendly people and fun activities. This place is more than war. It's home to these people. Perhaps when this invasion ends everything may be peaceful, and we can find great things to do." Said Deku.
"You're right. I guess I got tense." Said Kirishima.
"It's okay. We proved several times we can survive in this world. Even thrive. Let's make sure we continue that." Said Deku.
"Midoryia seems to be getting used to this world more and more. He's learning about the people, the religions, everything. While I'm learning things that were not apart of the game at all. This life version may not be a game, but that doesn't mean we can't enjoy it." Said Kirishima's thoughts.
"So how was sword training?" Asked Kirishima.
"Uhh..... I was expecting you to say something about continuing to survive this world but it was good." Answered Deku.
Kirishima's jaw dropped "Oh crap I messed up! I forgot to respond to his sentence! I should've said okay buddy, but I didn't!"
"I'm sorry Midoryia! Yes let's continue to survive!" He yelled.
"Kiri calm down. It's okay." Said Deku.
"It's not okay! I cut off an important subject! That was unmanly of me! Why did I cut off that subject without a proper finish?!" Kiri yelled again.
"Please calm down. It wasn't that bad." Said Deku.
"I had no idea he would be this boisterous. A good boy though. So how was training Izuku?" Asked Nahsi.
"He's at a good start. Got distracted at one point but he did well for his first time. He said this is the first time he's held a weapon in his life and he's better than some of the Blades in training." Answered Cyrus.
"Nice to know these two are not frustrating to deal with, unlike some incompetent warrior wannabes that couldn't even get past the first task to enter the Fighters Guild." Said Nahsi.
"There are really people that bad at combat?" Asked Cyrus.
"Hell yeah. Thankfully they are a minority but it was like they didn't want to be a part of the guild. That's how I know these two boys have potential." Said Nahsi.
"I bet those initiates were probably trained by idiots." Said Cyrus.
"All I know is they were worse than we were as kids. You as a kid fight hell a lot better than those disgraces." Said Nahsi.
"And I was a joke as a kid? (Laughs) Anyway I'm looking forward to training that kid again." Said Cyrus.
"Same with Eijiro. He's a good learner, even if he can get too excited." Said Nahsi.
Kirishima is shown calming down by taking deep breaths.
"Can't wait to show Izuku one of my best techniques." Said Cyrus.
"It's the one you made up as a kid isn't it?" Asked Nahsi.
"Yes." Answered Cyrus.
"I thought so." Said Nahsi.

. . .

Bakugo shouted at the top of his lungs for Deku and Kirishima all around the city.
Todoroki and Uraraka waited in the dorms in case the two boys came back.
"What if Kaminari is right. Maybe they are in the game." Said Uraraka.
"I still refuse to believe that." Said Todoroki.
"If you think about it. Why would sensei believe that crystal would blast that game just to teleport them somewhere else in the world?" Asked Uraraka.
"Uhhh.... malfunction." Guessed Todoroki.
"Could be that but I thought a malfunction would send them somewhere glitchy. An unfinished extension." Said Uraraka.
"Perhaps, or maybe it's just a toy." Said Todoroki.
"A toy. A TOY! Kaminari told us that crystal was from the Department of Created Magical Artifacts. That place is a science lab." Said Uraraka.
"I always found that place a joke. Seriously they never actually made anything magical." Said Todoroki.
"You're not wrong about that but science experiments are not toys." Asked Uraraka.
"They are to them." Said Todoroki.
"Okay I see what you mean. But I want to find out if that crystal really is magical." Said Uraraka.
The gravity girl went for the door.
"Where are you going?" Todoroki asked.
"To the police station." She answered.
"Wait for me." Todoroki followed her.
End of chapter.

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