Oblivion Crisis Arc: Spies

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Tar-Meena visits an Alyeid ruin along the coast northwest of the city of Anvil.
Walking though the halls there were golden Daedra eyeing her.
She even saw a mysterious dark orb on a platform.
She reached a throne room and the same Golden Argonian was talking to an Altmer cultist of a different cult.
"Oh she's here. I will leave you two alone so you may speak." Said the Altmer cultist.
"Do bring me the prisoner. I would like to demonstrate something to her." Said the Golden Argonian.
"Yes your highness." Said the Altmer cultist.
The Altmer walked away.
"My cult is more loyal than ever. Their new leader took extra measures, who is also my right hand man recently taking ownership of a mercenary group." Said the Golden Argonian.
"You were going to discuss those two boys to me?" Asked Tar-Meena with a mean tone.
"There is more to be discussed than those boys. Just allow me to transform back into my actual form first." The Golden Argonian transformers into his real form being a large golden half Alyeid and half Daedra looking being. "It feels good to be back in Tamriel." He said with his actual booming exciting voice.
"Umaril the Unfeathered. I know you but only because my parents made me listen to your tales. So do you plan on taking over Tamriel again?" Asked Tar-Meena.
"(His voice turns more chilling) You're spot on. That will begin with killing anyone associated with the Gods. Especially the ones that dare stand up to me. The Gods will pay for what they did to me, and their mankind." Said Umaril.
"You realize there are no Alyeids left do you." Said Tar-Meena.
"True. But the people who don't worship the Gods will live. They will be my mortal peasants. Not doing a perfect job but my right hand man is already making progress with the non priest believers. Now you must perform some special tasks I will hand out. For eras and centuries many of your ancestors has always looked up to me as a worthy savior. I was never physically around for them to aid me but they hoped one day a descendant will help me return to White Gold Tower. That person is you Tar-Meena. You have been chosen by time." Said Umaril.
"They may be my ancestors but I never gave in to their immoral beliefs. My parents were never good people and I will not be like them by serving you. Just skip to the part about the boys and I will be leaving." Said Tar-Meena angry.
"I knew you would try to resist. (Footsteps were heard) Looks like my prisoner is here. I highly recommend you to watch what I do to this prisoner." Said Umaril.
The Altmer with a bunch of the golden Daedra entered.
Two of them carried an Imperial priest in.
They released him in front of Umaril.
"We have him here as you wish sire." Said a golden Daedra.
The priest looked up at the scary sorcerer king "What do you want with me?" He asked trembling in fear.
"You pray to the gods, you worship them, and they give you protection from the dangers that come at you. But that would be false because you are here now. You are about to be executed by me. Still hoping the gods will save you? Well guess what you may as well be dead. But that doesn't have to be the case." Said Umaril.
"Excuse me?" Asked the priest.
"Allow me to explain. I want to make a deal with you. You abandon the gods you worship and join my right hand man's cult, I will spare your life. The cult will protect you. My Aurorans will protect you. I will protect you. That's right. The Gods you prey on are weak, spinless fakes who use mortal champions to do their work. I, Umaril, the true god will protect you from the dangers you are prone to. How will you know? I'm physically here. I will be your god you pray." Said Umaril.
"You're lying. The Gods have aided me for a long time. They are not weak. They have lost a lot of power but they were the ones who took part in creating Mundus with Shezarr you fool! I will never join the cult demon!" Yelled the priest.
"Yes I'm aware. The Aedra were the ones the took part in Lorkhan's world. They can create some things that aid you like the Crusader Relics. In the end though it was Meridia, the Daedric prince of Life and Light, who gave me immortality. Daedra are better at protecting mortals than the Aedra are. You are brave but lack the strength to defend yourself because you rely on the so called gods." Said Umaril.
"The protection I receive is not physical. They protect my spirit. Unlike the Deadra who never bother to protect our spirits. They only corrupt. Is that what happened to you?" Asked the priest.
Umaril hesitated to speak and instead said "My father has been abusive to me. I wanted to worship The Eight Divines but he forced me to worship the Daedra instead. I tried to resist but he would physically assault me if I did. I never even knew my mother because she died giving birth to me. It's too late for me now. This is who my father turned me into for years. I cannot escape this because I'm to far gone. Join me or die. Those are the only two options you have even if I actually hate it."
"I'm sorry this happened to you. Maybe it's not too late. I can help you understand the Nine Divines better. Once you start bettering yourself, you can atone for your sins and the Gods will forgive you. You don't have to be this demon anymore. The sadness in your eyes tells me there is good left in you. You can reach your full potential. I believe in you Umaril. You must believe in yourself too." Said the priest.
"I don't know what to say. Even what I tried to do to you. You have faith in me. You see the good in anyone. Even a half Alyeid. I'm touched, that is if my father really did abuse me. It amazes me how easy it is to manipulate mere mortals. You really think there's an angel inside me. That makes you an even bigger idiot than you look." Umaril badly shocked the priest to the point of showing his insides and some flesh was torn off.
The priest screeched in agony until he fell dead and charred making Tar-Meena frightened but kept a partially calm expression.
"Yes that backstory was made up. I deliberately followed my father's footsteps. The way I destroyed that priest will happen to you too if you resist any further. Your magic is powerful but it won't be enough to save you from me. Plus you are surrounded by my Aurorans."
The Aurorans drew their blades.
"Fine. What do you want me to do first?" Asked Tar-Meena miffed.
"I need you to keep an eye on those two boys. I fear they may become the Champions of Cyrodiil if they continue to handle the Oblivion Crisis. If they do then at least one of them might walk the pilgrims way and collect the Crusader Relics, which I'm weaker to. I could be smited again. I know I'll come back again but it took forever to regain my physical form." Said Umaril.
"So that's what you wanted to discuss with me. You are worried those two will find the Relics and defeat you again. They don't even know you exist. Hardly anyone knows the tale of Pelinal Whitestrake nowadays. Also there can only be one Champion of Cyrodiil." Said Tar-Meena.
"The Crusader Relics are still out there. For now it's for the best nobody knows me until I order my Aurorans to invade the chapels. They don't know me now but they can be a threat. Like the other champions. Dragonheart, War Maiden, Razorblade, Iron Knuckles, Siegreich and especially the Unbreakable Mace. I fear they would try to stop me. I couldn't be more thankful only one of them attempted to walk the pilgrims way, we all know who that is. They don't know but they have an idea thanks to that Dunmer. Champions of Cyrodiil causes bigger concern but even if they don't achieve that rank I cannot afford another Pelinal Whitestrake. But they can be helpful to end Dagon's invasion. They already figured out how to close the gates. They can stop the crisis. I will have to get started on closing some gates myself. Meridia guide me." Said Umaril.
"What's with the dark orb in that room?" Asked Tar-Meena.
"That is something that will be very important in the future." Answered Umaril.
The boys finally returned to Cloud Ruler Temple with the Mysterium Xarxes.
Jauffre showed up in his armor.
"Thank Talos you've returned safely! Do you have the Amulet?" Asked Jauffre.
"We're afraid Mankar Camoran escaped with it sir." Answered Kirishima.
"Please tell me you have some good news..." Jauffre said worried.
"Maybe. We have the Mysterium Xarxes." Said Deku.
"Ah. Good. You should take that to Martin right away. He'll be in the Great Hall, reading. He's hardly taken time to sleep since you two left." Said Jauffre.
Martin has a study area set up at a table.
He is reading a book on the Amulet of Kings.
"Ah, you're back. I told Jauffre not to worry. ... I can see you have bad news. You didn't recover the Amulet, did you?" Asked Martin.
"No but we did get the Mysterium Xarxes. I'm sure you may be familiar with it." Answered Deku.
"(Gasps) By the Nine! Such a thing is dangerous even to handle!" Yelled Martin terrified.
Deku's expression grew with guilt and he dropped the book on the ground. "Sorry we just thought it may help us get the Amulet back."
"Forgive me. You were right to bring it. But you'd better give it to me. I know some ways to protect myself from its evil power." Said Martin.
Martin picked up the Mysterium Xarxes.
"Mankar escaped to this place called Paradise through a miniature portal. Do you think he learned how to do that with the Mysterium Xarxes?" Asked Deku.
"I don't know. Maybe." Answered Martin.
"Let's hope it can get us there." Said Deku.
"I do believe the secret of how to open a portal to Camoron's Paradise lies within these pages. But I will need time. Tampering with dark secrets, even just reading them, can be very dangerous. I'll have to proceed carefully. In the meantime, you should speak to Jauffre. He was concerned about reports of spies in Bruma." Said Martin.
"Spies not on our watch." Said Kirishima.
"Do be careful Martin-san." Said Deku.
Jauffre walked up to them saying "I hope Martin knows what he's doing with that evil book. I fear for what it could do to him if he's not careful." Said Jauffre.
"So there are spies lurking in Bruma." Said Deku.
"Ah, yes. I hope you can help. The gate guards have reported seeing strangers on the road for the past several nights. I cannot leave Cloud Ruler undefended while my men search the whole mountainside, but these spies must be eliminated." Said Jauffre.
"Don't worry sir. We will find these spies." Said Kirishima saluting.
"Thank you. Talk to Steffan. He can tell you where he has seen them. Captain Burd in Bruma may also be able to help. I've asked the Countess to have the guard keep an eye out for strangers. Track down the spies and kill them. Find out what they know, and what they're planning Izuku and Eijiro, if possible." Said Jauffre.
"Kiri, why didn't you warn me that book could corrupt us?" Scolded Deku.
"I thought I did. Did I. I guess not. Sorry I'm not doing as good as I thought at being your guide." Said Kirishima.
"Nevermind. I think we're fine. Let's just find these spies." Deku said more relaxed.
"Let's split up. You head down to Bruma and ask Burd and I'll stay around and watch that runestone nearby." Said Kirishima.
"Okay but where would Burd be." Asked Deku.
"I recommend checking the castle barracks. He most likely will be there." Said Kirishima.
"Then I'll see you later." Said Deku.
"Bruma is just to the south right from this place. You can definitely see it over there." Said Kirishima.
Deku looks over the edge seeing the city.
"Oh yeah I see it." Said Deku.
Captain Steffan walked up.
"It seems that you have been given the freedom to attack the enemy that we all crave! Good luck. We will keep the Emperor safe here, don't worry." Said Steffan.
"I don't know about safe cause he's reading something dangerous." Said Kirishima.
"Good point. But we can still help." Said Steffan.
"I better get going. Those spies won't stop themselves." Said Deku.
"Please take this scarf Midoryia. It cold out there." Said Kirishima.
"Thank you Kiri." Said Deku.
Deku enters the city of Bruma with citizens already recognizing him.
"Hey, you're one of the two they call the Heroes of Kvatch, aren't you? The ones that closed the Oblivion Gate and saved the city?" Asked asked a Nord.
"Uh..... yeah..... that is me and Kirishima.
"It's nice to meet you Izuku. Everyone started talking about you and your partner. The Imperial city has got the word just today." Said the Nord.
"Oh. That's pretty awesome. I'm honored. I wish I could talk more but I have to go see someone." Said Deku.
"Okay. If you see any more Oblivion gates though, close them. They have been opening everywhere." Said the Nord.
A Nord guard was shining his sword until Deku entered.
"Izuku, Hero of Kvatch. I'm Captain Burd, commander of the Bruma Guard." Said Burd.
"Greetings commander. I've heard there were spies here. Have you noticed any strangers entering town recently?" Asked Deku.
"Except for Jearl coming back from a trip down south, things are pretty quiet. Not much travel right now with the Oblivion Crisis. I've told my men to keep a sharp eye out, but I've had no reports of any strangers in town. What about you? Turned up anything suspicious?" Asked Burd.
"Nothing of interest to report yet sir." Answered Deku.
"Alright. Anything I can do for you, just let me know." Said Burd.
Kirishima spotted Baurus walking down the wall.
"Hey Baurus!" He yelled excitedly.
"Eijiro. Hey were's Izuku?" Asked Baurus.
"He's down in Bruma right now. We're trying to find the spies lurking around here." Answered Kirishima.
"Oh yeah. Looks like Jauffre assigned you gentlemen for this job." Said Baurus.
"I'm glad to see you here. We didn't get the Amulet but we got something that may help us." Said Kirishima.
"You mean the Mysterium Xarxes. I better get back to Martin and keep an eye on him if he's reading through it. Nice talking to you again." Said Baurus.
Baurus ran inside while Kirishima saw a glowing light close by in the dusk horizon.
He quickly ran close to the rune stone seeing a female Dark Elf named Saveri Faram and a female Redguard.
"They haven't come out for several days. This is it. We're going to do it." Said the female Redguard.
"Martin can run but he can't hide." Said Saveri Faram.
"I've always wondered what they were saying out loud." Whispered Kirishima.
Kiri went stealth taking out the two spies.
Cutting back to Deku he is sitting in a guild hall with an Argonian and female Orc warrior.
"It's actually awful nice you are letting me in here." Said Deku.
"We welcome any guests as long as they don't steal something or murder anyone. Besides how can we ignore the presence of Izuku Midoryia." Said the lady orc.
"I'm Right-Wind by the way. Me and Bumph gra-Gash admire you and Eijiro's bravery entering that gate. All of us in the Fighters Guild were inspired by your efforts, except for our second in command. He believes saving Kvatch was okay but doesn't make you two Champions of Cyrodiil. Although only one can be named." Said Right-Wind.
"Actually true. I would definitely say we got lucky. I mean two guys at the Imperial City said he closed five gates in one day. Me and Kirishima cannot compete with that." Said Deku.
"Yes he's a great warrior. It's like he was blessed by the Divines or something." Said Right-Wind.
"I also heard you guys were dealing with a rival company. Is that true?" Asked Deku.
"Well our skills may have improved thanks to the Unbreakable Mace's tips in his book but I've heard Blackwood Company has been ridiculously good at wiping out enemies even the Unbreakable Mace couldn't compare. I'm sure there are a few people in Tamriel better than him but that was like a big group facing that army of minotaurs though. Those minotaurs went down so fast it's pretty concerning." Said Bumph gra-Gash.
"Damn how is that possible?" Asked Deku.
"I don't know, but I did hear the bodies weren't there though. They must have cleaned the mess afterwards. Or perhaps you weren't minotaurs." Said Bumph gra-Gash.
"Blackwood Company could still just be normal rivals but those conspiracy theories are something to think about. We haven't had as many contracts recently probably because of them but right now we're too busy focusing on the Oblivion Crisis to worry about them. In fact the ones with Oblivion gates are the only ones we've been getting right now." Said Right-Wind.
"How is handling the crisis going for you guys?" Asked Deku.
"Ehhhh. I say okay but new ones open fast. It's exhausting even for our best guildmates." Answered Right-Wind.
Kirishima ran in.
"Midoryia, I took care of the two spies." Said Kirishima catching his breath.
"You did? We better go see Burd then." Asked Deku.
"I guess we'll see you later." Said Bumph gra-Gash.
"It was nice talking to you two." Said Deku.
"Nahsi will be here soon. She said she is visiting someone from The Blades." Said a Fighters Guild porter.
"So that's what she's coming here for." Said Right-Wind.
This time Burd is in the great hall.
"God's blood! So she was the spy?" Asked Burd.
Both the boys nodded.
"It seems there's no one you can trust these days. Since you're working with Cloud Ruler Temple, I'm going to authorize you to search Jearl's house. I'll pass the word to my men. We won't interfere." Said Burd.
"Thank you sir." Said Kirishima.
The were in Jearl's house and entered the basement.
"Maybe there's something down here." Said Deku.
Deku found Jearl's orders on a table and read it.
"They're planning an attack on Bruma with a Great Gate. Just like at Kvatch. We better report this to Jauffre right away." Said Deku.
Cuts to Cyrus and Jauffre in the main hall.
"Seriously why not bring the Amulet here instead?" Asked Cyrus.
"I don't know. I guess I didn't think the Mythic Dawn would find it so easily. Perhaps they followed those two boys to Weynon Priory." Answered Jauffre.
"Okay but I wouldn't consider that a good excuse." Said Cyrus.
"You're right. I don't think there's any good excuse for my mistake." Said Jauffre.
The boys ran inside with the orders.
"Good to see you guys again. What have you learned about the spies?"
"We good their orders and they are dead." Said Kirishima.
"Excellent work. I knew I could count on you boys. The gods did not idly choose you as their agent, whatever you may think. But we have not eliminated the threat against Bruma and Cloud Ruler Temple, only delayed it. I will warn the Countess of the danger." Said Jauffre.
"So now what?" Asked Deku.
"Cyrus and his friend Nahsi were thinking about training you guys to better your combat while Martin is handling the Mysterium Xarxes. Baurus even has a few skills to show you." Said Jauffre.
"Excellent. We did struggle to handle the Mythic Dawn and Daedra." Said Kirishima.
"Your training begins in the courtyard as soon as Nahsi gets here. In the meantime feel free to look around the temple. The best place to start is the great hall filled with katanas of former blades hung up along the walls." Said Cyrus.
The boys took a look at the katanas, including the fireplace.
"Renalt's and Glenroy's are the two on the left side of this fireplace. Every time I look at them they remind me of our failure to protect the Emperor. But now that I know Martin is alive I will protect him with all my might and effort. I never had time to properly thank you for your help back in the Imperial City. I wouldn't have made it back here if it weren't for you." Said Baurus.
Deku bows with his hands together and says "You're most certainly welcome Baurus-San. I hope you succeed with Martin."
"This isn't going to be easy, but I'll do the best I can." Said Baurus.
"Midoryia I'll race you to the armory." Said Kirishima.
"I'll meet you there." Said Deku.
Deku ran first then Kirishima took of shortly afterwards.
Glows of green shows it being a magic orb allowing Tar-Meena to see them.
Tar-Meena is just outside the temple.
End of chapter.

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