Oblivion Crisis Arc: Behind the Gates (Part 1)

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Belisarius and Roliand were sparring in the courtyard until Belisarius stopped.
"Halt. We need to discuss something important." Asked Belisarius.
"What's wrong?" Asked Roliand.
"It's Martin.... insecurity I mean. I'm just not sure we're doing enough. He's the the last Septim line and his death would spell our doom." Answered a worried Belisarius.
"I highly value your judgement Belisarius. This is why we trained harder than we ever have before." Said Roliand.
"What concerns one of us concerns all of us." Said Belisarius.
"It's definitely certain. We've failed once. We shall not fail again. What may the Blades shall stand ready." Said Roliand.
The Griffon flew towards the Temple alerting the two Blades, preparing to draw their Blades.
"Stand ready Roliand. This Griffon could be aggressive." Said Belisarius.
The Griffon placed Akemi down and landed in the courtyard.
Deku slid down holding Tiber Septim's armor.
"Don't worry this creature won't hurt you. He gave us a ride back here." He said.
Kirishima slid down.
"I will admit. He did get us back here quicker than Akemi." Said Kirishima.
"Somebody still needs to take care of her." Said Deku.
"I will. The Griffon seems to like you the most." Said Kirishima.
"Excuse but is that the armor of Tiber Septim?" Asked Roliand.
"Yes. We need to give it to Martin right now." Said Deku.
"We will keep an eye on your animals." Said Cyrus.
They ran inside the Temple.
"Good day Martin. How goes your research on this book?" Said Kirishima.
"My progress on the Mysterium Xarxes is slow, I'm afraid. How goes your search for the Armor of Tiber Septim?" Asked Martin.
"Consider it done sir." Answered Deku.
He was handed the armor.
"The Septim blood may flow through my veins, but you have the souls of a hero. The Armor of Tiber Septim himself! Jauffre will be amazed to see it." Said Martin.
"But will he be upset the armor will be destroyed?" Asked Deku.
"You can reassure Jauffre that I will not destroy the armor. All I need is a scraping of Talos's divine blood. The Blades are as touchy as priests about relics of Tiber Septim, it seems!" Said Martin.
"So what else do you want us to do?" Asked Kirishima.
"I haven't got the third item deciphered yet. In the meantime I think you should check on your friends in Bruma. An Oblivion gate opened inside Chorrol and they faced two of Dagon's most powerful soldiers. They managed to close the gate but the entire town of Chorrol had to evacuate." Said Martin.
"Oh no. Kiri let's go."
They ran to Bruma seeing the Mages and Fighters Guild hall crowded with people.
"Let's check the Fighters Guild hall first. Oreyn would probably at least be there." Said Kirishima.
"I still don't like that guy, Kiri. He also intimidates me a little. Was he like this in the game?" Asked Deku.
"Yeah he does start off pretty aggressive towards the player. Though I only recently started the Fighters Guild quest line and I haven't got the chance to finish it before the whole crystal situation. I at least heard he does warm up to the player from others so he might do the same with us." Answered Kirishima.
"That better be the case." Said Deku.
The entered the hall seeing Right-Wind in the crowd of injured Chorrol soldiers.
"There you guys are. Your friends are waiting in the basement." Said Right-Wind.
They were taken to the basement to to check on their friends.
"Midoryia, Kiri!" A slightly bandaged Kaminari ran up and hugged Kirishima.
Kirishima hugged his friend back.
"It's good to see you are okay Kamibro." He said.
"Yeah I recovered from my short-circuit on the way here but they wanted to check me for other injuries. Uraraka and Todoroki are also okay. I don't think Oreyn is going to bake us sweetrolls anytime soon though." Said Kaminari.
"He got hurt did he?" Asked Kirishima.
"The old man is wrapped up like a mummy. It's all because I was too weak to do much." Said Kaminari very upset.
"Denki it's fine. I've had worse." Said Oreyn.
They peaked in a room seeing Oreyn heavily wrapped in bandages.
Angalmo, Vilena and her two sons were beside him.
"I assume you claimed the armor without injury. Not bad for rank amateurs." Said Oreyn.
"Greatings Heroes of Kvatch." Complimented Vitellus.
"Hi Vitellus." Said Deku waving his hand.
"How bad are his injuries Angalmo?" Asked Vilena.
"They're not as bad as I thought. I placed a healing spell on him so he will be fine in about two weeks. Make sure he drinks plenty of water. He looks dehydrated." Said Angalmo.
"I already talked to Martin about this. Oreyn won't be able to help you with anything right now so Martin decided he will no longer fine him any gold for every Sigil Stone he pulls out." Said Vilena.
"Yeah because I'm injured." Said Oreyn.
"Oh come on. Martin said he was thinking about lowering the penalty before those two Dremora's attacked." Said Viranus.
"You really think that makes me feel any better?" Asked Oreyn.
"It's still something." Said Kaminari.
"Quiet dunce face. I'm sure the fine was still the same." Said Oreyn.
"How about we talk upstairs." Said Vitellus.
Everyone met upstairs, Todoroki and Uraraka joining in as well.
"He's still a jerk. But I think he might gain a slight liking to me." Said Kaminari.
"He still needs time to get used to you guys. Though he seems to care more about that Ikke Dremora he keeps mentioning." Said Vitellus.
"That's because he's said some things about me and him. Now he can't stop thinking about it." Said Kaminari.
"What did he say?" Asked Kirishima.
"Mostly about Oreyn hiding his true strength but also me and him having some similarities in our past." Answered Kaminari.
"Toka has said some things to that lizard mage as well. Something about him rivaling another mage." Said Todoroki.
"At least he's not thinking about Blackwood Company right now. He wouldn't stop talking about them until that Oblivion gate opened inside Chorrol." Said Vitellus.
"Speaking of Oblivion. I wonder what happens behind those gates?" Asked Deku.
"Now that you mention it I imagine it's like hell. (The scene switches to the Deadlands) Dremora are probably plotting their next attack on us. I wonder how the Mythic Dawn are able to help the Daedra open the gates even?" Denki asked.
A giant Daedric city showed with Dremora carrying large objects around.
Four Varlet ranked Dremora are being kicked around inside a training room for their poor efforts.
"You impossible fools! Dregs! Overly soft maggots! You will never achieve Valkynaz rank if you can't even master the most simple moves!" Yelled the Kynreeve ranked trainer.
A Markynaz ranked female Dremora walked in. "Excuse me." She said. "The Markyn have made an agreement. These four are clearly unfit for combat and are better suited for miners for the pocet voids of Oblivion. For now on they will be mining Quasi-crystalline morpholith for the Sigil Stones."
"Very well. Come on you four up. You heard her." The Kynreeve said.
The four Varlets were whipped by their trainer from behind as they walked out.
"Get moving!"
Many Dremora and some Mythic Dawn agents are mining and collecting morpholith.
"Now mining Quasi-crystalline morpholith takes enchanted chiseling and great care. Mess it up I will throw you in the lava!" Yelled the one eyed Dremora named Kynal.
The Varlets were forced to stand up straight showing their desperate obedience.
"Now these enchanted chisels have the ability to excavate these mines. They will have the ability to easily loosen the rock within an area of 8 meters wide, 3 meters high and 4 meters in depth. Just poke it in the ground and it will loosen. The rock can easily loosen around the morpholith too but if you poke the morpholith it will crumble too. Please use these chisels with care."
The Varlets each took one enchanted chisel.
"Those are powerful chisels. Anything else?" Asked Varlet 1.
"Once the mineral is dug out you will check the morpholith if they are stable. If it has no fire ring around it, it is stable and is usable for Sigil Stones. If the fire ring is big, it's unstable and will be used for other rituals. Those wheelbarrows in front of you will tell you which one to put in. Then the stable ones will be taken for cleansing and the unstable ones will be taken elsewhere. Of course you won't be the ones carrying them." Said Kynal.
"Uhh I have a question? How are the morpholiths turned into Sigil Stones?" Asked Varlet 2.
"They are taken to Lord Dagon for the inscription of the sigil, idiot! Dagon and the mechanic of the Sigil Stone must then jointly invoke the conjurational charter, transporting the Stone through the barrier and create a portal. You should be thankful for the Mythic Dawn for keeping the barrier down, keeping the portals open indefinitely. Make sure you low lives help our master keep his goal going. Now get to work maggot clan!" Yelled Kynal.
The maggot clan started chiseling.
"We got a clan name. Awesome." Said Varlet 3.
"Let's just dig." Said Varlet 4.
Meanwhile inside a large tower there was Ikke and Toka with three other Valkynaz rank Dremora.
A warrior covered with razors and blades, an archer with a powerful fire bow, and a female armored mage with a skirt and a unique Daedric staff.
"We are disappointed you two decided to be the ones to destroy Chorrol without the masters permission. Yes you wanted to look for those boys at first but you should've let all of us know. You're lucky he wasn't too furious. Besides you did force the whole town to evacuate, we can't discredit you too hard." Said the female mage.
"We're sorry mam. It's just that one Argonian interested me." Said Toka.
"You tell me. I had an encounter with some Imperial named Denki and a Dark Elf keeping secrets. Then some other people came and took the Sigil Stone out." Said Ikke.
"Alright enough of that. The Mythic Dawn wants a Great Gate opened near the city of Bruma. Those three Nords will handle Martin and the Siege Crawler will take out the city. And perhaps maybe we should keep the siege crawler out this time. Finishing off Chorrol and destroying the rest of the cities." Said the female Dremora.
"Excellent plan. Destruction! REVOLUTION!!!" Yelled the razor Dremora excitedly pumping up his arms.
"Now wait a minute. Wouldn't the mortals get their hands on the Sigil Stone?" Asked the Dremora archer.
"Maybe, but Martin would be dead already so the mortals would be too hopeless to do anything." Answered the female Dremora.
"There will be change." Said the razor Dremora.
"Except we have another problem. Meridia's champion is trying to foil Dagon's plans as well. The Mythic Dawn just messaged us about him." Said Toka.
"Yes. We have noticed the Aurorans are shutting some gates. Umaril is capable of at least hurting Daedric Princes we must be careful. He and his army could be as bad as the Argonians and Blackwood Company. Probably even worse." Said the female Dremora.
"He is capable of showing up himself but usually he prefers to have his army do the work first before he strikes. He's probably going to use the Aurorans to collect the things he needs to enter Gaiar Alata and end their leader." Said Ikke.
"Then we need to stop him too!" Yelled the razor Dremora.
"Since you two like to enter the mortal world I would like you and your army to take care of the Aurorans closing the gates around the Gold Coast, West Weald, and the Colovian Highlands. The rest of us will take part in finishing the Great Sigil Stone." Ordered the female Dremora.
"Yes Elkayna." Said Toka.
The Maggot Clan were very careful digging and chiseling in the rock.
Every touch crumbled the rock into dirt, even exposing Quasi-crystalline morpholiths halfway.
Unstable ones were put into the wheelbarrow labeled unstable and stable ones were put into the wheelbarrow labeled stable.
Kynal came back to check on them. "Excellent. You boys are doing very well. Keep it up." He said.
"Maybe one day we can be warriors again." Said Varlet 2.
"Excuse me. I need these four for the battlefield." Said Ikke approaching Kynal.
"Really. These jokers?" Questioned Kynal.
"Yes. That is an order from the Valkyn." Said Ikke.
"My apologies Ikke." Said Kynal.
"Come on boys let's go." Commanded Ikke.
The Maggot Clan followed Ikke out of the mines.
End of chapter.

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