Oblivion Crisis Arc: The Path Of Dawn

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Upon arrival they noticed Eronor running away.
"Help! You must help! They're killing everyone at Weynon Priory!" He yelled.
"Hold up. What happened man?" Asked Kirishima.
"I don't know! I think they're right behind me! Prior Maborel is dead!" Said Eronor.
"The one that gave us the horse. Oh no not him." Said Deku.
"Okay who's attacking Weynon Priory?" Asked Kirishima.
"I was in the sheepfold when they attacked. I heard the Prior talking to someone. Looked around the corner to see who it was. They looked like travellers, ordinary. Suddenly weapons appeared in their hands and they cut the Prior down before he could move! They saw me watching and I ran." Answered Eronor.
"Could be bandits." Said Martin.
"What about Jauffre is he okay?" Asked Deku.
"I don't know. He was probably in the Chapel praying earlier, I think. You must help us!" He answered.
Eronor ran down the road to Chorrol.
Kirishima pulled up the horse further seeing more of the armored cult assassins like the ones that attacked the emperor.
"Ah crap those people got here before us." Said Kirishima.
Then his thoughts spoke "I know the game is set like this but this is a real life version I thought things would be different. I guess it doesn't matter."
"Who are they?" Asked Martin.
"Assassins that murdered your father. Stay here for a minute." Deku jumped off of Akemi and attacked the assassins.
Kirishima then joined the fight along with Brother Piner.
All the assassins were down.
"Gods blood! They came out of nowhere. Have you seen Grandmaster Jauffre?" Asked Piner.
"Eronor said he was in the chapel I think." Answered Deku.
"Quick! He may need our help!" Yelled Piner.
Everyone ran into the chapel helping Jauffre take out the last two assassins.
"You're back. Thank Talos! They attacked without warning. I was praying in the Chapel when I heard Prior Maborel shout. I had just time to arm myself. The Amulet of Kings! I fear that was the target of this attack. I kept it in a secret room in Weynon House. We need to go see if it is safe." Said Jauffre.
"I'll go check on it." Said Kirishima.
"We'll go together. But I fear the worst." Said Jauffre.
"Me too." Said Kirishima.
Kiri and Jauffre darted for the Priory house.
"Poor Prior Maborel. He was dead when I came outside." Said Piner.
"I know. The Emperor wasn't kidding about blood and death along my path. It's sad but it's life I guess." Said Deku.
"Indeed it is. Some say death is just another part of life. That part that ends someone's life." Said Martin.
"I agree. Some fates are worse than death like being cursed to live with permanent physical pain that may never heal and disable you permanently, while also having your kiwis........"
"Okay we get it, please don't say that again." Deku interrupted Piner.
"Sorry I guess I should just be proud Marborel probably died quick and painless." Said Piner.
"That's a good way to look at it. The Amulet we should check on it." Said Martin.
"Oh shoot!" Yelled Deku.
Everyone else ran inside the house only to hear grave news.
"They've taken it! The Amulet of Kings is gone! They tore up the entire room and punched a hole in the wall, and they took it! The enemy has defeated us at every turn!" Yelled a devastated Jauffre.
"Not exactly. We found Martin he's here safe with us." Said Kirishima.
"So it has not all gone against us. Thank Talos for that! We gained Uriel's heir, and lost the Amulet of Kings. Martin cannot stay here. We have driven them off, but they will be back once they learn of Martin's survival. Which they will." Said Jauffre.
"If he's not safe here then where can he be shielded then?" Asked Deku.
"Nowhere is truly safe against the power arrayed against us. But we must play for time, at least... Cloud Ruler Temple, I think. The hidden fortress of the Blades, in the mountains near Bruma. A few men can hold it against an army. We should leave at once." Said Jauffre.
They travelled off to Cloud Ruler Temple.
"Is it true the Emperor really was my farmer?" Asked Martin.
"He was. I never entirely knew why but he did tell me he saw something in his dreams. What is happening now may have been what he saw. He wanted to keep you safe Martin. Just in case." Said Jauffre.
"Yet it's happening. Hearing from you it's likely true." Said Martin.
"Hey Jauffre is this Cloud Ruler Temple?" Asked Deku.
"Yes we are here." Answered Jauffre.
They arrived at a fortress high in the mountains.
The doors opened with a blade named Cyrus running out.

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