Oblivion Crisis Arc: The First Item

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Monoma creeps up behind Kaminari startling him.
"Well well, look at the man who believes in people getting sucked into a videogame. Still waiting until they jump back out?" Mocked Monoma.
"I'm actually beginning to worry even more now. Knowing some of the violence in that game they probably got killed." Said Kaminari.
"Killed? (Rudely laughs) You're saying Midoryia, one of the most powerful students in the school can get killed in there." He mocked again.
"Medieval times is brutal Monoma! You will never guess what may happen. Medieval wars, medieval diseases, medieval torture devices." Said a nervous Kaminari.
"Come on, he will easily get by because of his quirk. He will breeze right through those enemies cause they don't have quirks. And Kirishima can punch right through their armor." Said Monoma.
"You don't know that. Medieval times are unpredictable." Said Kaminari.
"Please our world of quirks is far more dangerous." Said Monoma.
Kendo slapped Monoma at the back of the head.
"That's enough Monoma!" Yelled Kendo.
"Ow. That hurts." Said Monoma.
"Then stop insulting the other class." Said Kendo.
"But he's obviously talking crazy. Why would you side with him?" Monoma asked.
"I know he's an idiot but you were being rude." Said Kendo.
"Kendo you believe this right?" Asked Kaminari.
"Sorry Kaminari I don't. I know they're missing but being stuck in a videogame does sound pretty bizarre. We'll find them don't worry." Said Kendo.
"Just ask the police. They were testing that crystal and speaking with the Department of Created Magical Artifacts." Said Kaminari.
"Wait, they already got answers from the crystal?" Asked Monoma.
"One of the officers is inside another videogame right now but they can't get the full report until that cop is back." Said Kaminari.
"No way." Said Monoma.
"Go ask officer Tamakawa. He will answer that." Said Kaminari.
Todoroki and Uraraka met with Tamakawa talking to Gori on the phone.
"I know this is unbelievable. That crystal is their best work yet." Said Gori.
"Just make sure you avoid those vicious dogs and ghouls." Said Tamakawa.
They both hung up.
"Guys you won't believe it. That crystal really does work. Gori is actually in that game we tested and is currently on missions. This is crazy."
"No way." Said a surprised Todoroki.
"Yes way." Said Tamakawa.
"Any news from the Magical Artifacts Department?" Asked Uraraka.
"We have talked to them. All they know is it was made by an Irish engineer named Cormac Cunningham. Where that man is now we do not know." Answered Tamakawa.
"He better be found. I got some things to say to him." Said Todoroki.
"We have the entire force looking for that man. If he has the head of a Condor, that's him." Said Tamakawa.
"Okay I'm going to check on Kaminari, care to join." Said Uraraka.
"Sure." Said Todoroki.

. . .

Martin kept piling books to help him better understand the Mysterium Xarxes.
He uses magic to translate then runs into terrible words that nearly possessed him.
He struggles to hold back its evil power and his eyes started glowing red.
He then starts talking gibberish in a demon voice and floats in the air..
Martin fought and fought until eventually he was on the ground exhausted.
Baurus helped him up.
"Are you okay sire?" Asked Baurus.
"I'm fine. Just another part of the Xarxes trying to corrupt me." Said Martin.
"You got to be more careful. This time you nearly got possessed for real." Said a worried Baurus.
"I need to take a break for a while. I'll be in my room if you need me." Said Martin.
Martin walked to his room following a montage of Deku and Kirishima continuing their training.
Deku started to flourish his sword then dropped it.
Kirishima failed at a spinkick and falls.
They failed at many other moves they tried the first time, then slightly improving the more they do them.
While not in training they read books on combat techniques and other books as well.
Deku reads some history books on the empire, factions and even the Nine Divines.
After a week Deku was flourishing his sword better and Kirishima has mastered flipping over Nahsi.
Deku even made his own move named Sharp Summersault a similar move to California Smash except with a sword.
Kirishima even got the spinning backfist almost right.
Two more days pass and Martin hasn't touched the Mysterium Xarxes since the time he was nearly consumed by evil magic.
"Martin. You haven't touched the Mysterium Xarxes in days. What's going on?" Asked Jauffre.
"I can't do it. I thought I could get around it's power but I nearly got corrupted by the last page I read. Those letters are more tricky than I expected. If you read those Daedric words they will look like they leaped into your eyes and possessed you. I've heard some who got fully corrupted by that tomb never wanted to even let it go or let others touch it. Mankar Camoran probably doesn't like me handling it." Said Martin.
"Maybe but no Mythic Dawn agent has even attempted to attack Cloud Ruler Temple. Wouldn't he even try?" Asked Jauffre.
"He may try with the use of Oblivion Gates. Perhaps the Great Gate included. The point is the book is too dangerous for me to even read. We're never getting that Amulet back." Said Martin depressed.
"That is not something I would hear from an Emperor. You're supposed to light the Dragonfires with that Amulet." Said Baurus.
"But I'm not emperor. I never was meant to be one. The Mysterium Xarxes answered that." Said Martin.
"Don't say that. I believe you can handle the book again. I'm sure you can handle that book better than any other emperor. You have unique magic that can fight the pages. I think you just need to find a different strategy, and some rest." Said Baurus.
"And does that make me emperor?" Asked Martin.
"What makes you emperor is your bravery and leadership. Looking out for your people. I know you're scared of that book but you have got to get that Amulet back. It's probably the only way we're ever going to stop this crisis before Dagon is physically here. You're far more than just some priest, Martin. You're the one who's going to end the crisis." Said Baurus.
"Baurus is right. Those boys may be the heroes of Kvatch but they are only some of your special body guards that's helping you retrieve the Amulet. You may not be crowned yet but Tamriel rests on your shoulders. If no one lights the Dragonfires all hope is lost." Said Jauffre.
"I still remembered the story you told me Jauffre. Yes I'm related Uriel Septim but the only reason you call me emperor is because I'm his last heir." Said Martin.
"Yes but everyone is counting on you. We promise to keep a closer eye on you this time." Said Jauffre.
"I don't want Cyrodiil destroyed either. I'll try again for the people. It's worth a shot." Said Martin.
Hours later Martin continues to read through the Xarxes then translated a paragraph title Ritual to Paradise.
He excitedly read through more and smiles.
"Jauffre, get the boys. Found something."
Eventually Deku and Kirishima ran in the main hall.
"You needed us?" Asked Deku.
"I've made some progress with the Mysterium Xarxes, finally!" Answered Martin excitedly.
"You did?" Asked Deku.
"Yes, I've deciphered part of the ritual needed to open a portal to Camoran's Paradise. The Xarxes mentions four items needed for the ritual, but so far I have only deciphered one of them: the 'blood of a Daedra Lord'." Answered Martin.
"That is progress. But getting blood from a Daedric prince might be difficult cause I can't actually physically see them anywhere." Said Deku.
"They do have physical appearances but they don't enter mundus too often. But don't worry. Daedric artifacts are known to be formed from the essence of a Daedric Lord, from whence they derive their great power. Not an easy thing to come by, obviously, but we will need a daedric artifact. Bring it to me when you have acquired one."
"It sounds easier than taking blood out of them with a syringe. We'll do it." Said Deku.
"Do you know how to summon the princes Midoryia?" Asked Kirishima.
"I read the Modern Heretics. It takes an offering of something." Answered Deku.
"Good. We just need to find a shrine to get an artifact from." Said Kirishima.
"Hey boys. If you want, you can try Meridia's shrine. It's west of Skingrad and it takes an offering of anything from the undead." Said Nahsi.
"Wait how did you know the offering?" Asked Kirishima.
"I've encountered some Daedra followers before on my contracts." Answered Nahsi.
Nahsi gives them some mort flesh.
"If you decide to summon her this should do it. Good luck."
"What do you think?" Asked Deku.
"I've never done her quest before. Let's do it." Said Kirishima.
"So Martin. I heard you have unique magic to protect yourself from that book. Once I heard you nearly got possessed I was worried. I hope that doesn't happen to you." Said Deku.
"It was a close call but now that I think about it it may be because I started translating several pages at a time. It must have drained my magic more and made it easier for this book to try to warp me into evil. I'm doing one page at a time in all hope that would help me." Said Martin.
"That better help you. I'm curious how you got those kind of powers though." Said Deku.
"I haven't always been a priest. In my youth, I followed a different path. I know more than I want to about the seductive power of daedric magic. Let's just leave it at that." said Martin.
"I understand." Said Deku.
"You ready to go Midoryia?" Asked Kirishima.
"Oh right. We need to get an artifact. We'll be back." Said Deku.
"Be careful out there. (To Martin) I knew you could do it." Said Baurus.
"Thank you Baurus. We may be able to get that Amulet back after all." Said Martin.
The boys have found the Shrine of Meridia and offered the mort flesh to her.
The flesh disappeared and the statue started talking.
"By the detritus of the profane, I am brought forth. And by your offering, you have made the profane your interest, mortals. The undead are foul, unnatural things. Some of my rivals take pleasure in these abominations. Not Meridia. I wish these creatures destroyed. Hidden behind a door, deep in Howling Cave, are necromancers. They rob graves for the materials to raise their undead armies. Find these necromancers. Destroy them and their abominations. Do this, and earn the gratitude of Meridia."
"Okay let's go get those necromancers." Said Kirishima.
"This doesn't seem so bad. I don't like the idea of raising the dead anyway." Said Deku.
They found the cave with the first area filled with 2 undeads and several rats and wolves.
They reached the second area with 2 necromancers spotting them.
They immediately raised their small army of undead from the human corpse laying around.
The zombies were easily defeated though they were caught in the necromancers levitation spells.
They summon crystal pillars in all directions to drain their fatigue.
Kirishima threw and broke a paralysis poison on one of the necromancers and he was dropped.
He dodged the fireballs thrown at him and did a spinkick on the second necromancer.
A third necromancer came in and shot an ice bolt.
Deku sliced it in half with the Oberhau move then stabbed the third necromancer.
The last two necromancers were killed and they existed the cave.
"Hmph. Maybe they weren't the most powerful necromancers."
"Or maybe they weren't so competent." Said Deku.
"Oh well. We got the artifact and that's what matters." Said Kirishima.
The statue spoke again once they returned.
"Well done. Those creatures were an affront to all life, and they have paid the price for their actions. Take this ring and go with my blessing."
A ring was formed on the statue and Deku took it.
"Alright let's take this to Martin." Said Deku.
A damaged Legion soldier limped along the road and fell.
Deku helped him up.
"Sir are you okay?" Asked Deku.
"No, Daedra is overwhelming Fort Sutch. Once we spotted that Oblivion gate we swore to protect that sick warlord living there but they all stormed out of that gate nonstop. I eventually escaped to get help but they were all over me." Said the soldier.
"Don't worry sir we will help the other soldiers. We know how to close these gates. Though we should get you to a doctor first." Said Kirishima.
"Just take me to Skingrad they may have doctors there. After you do that I can give you the location." Said the soldier.
Kirishima lifted the soldier by the legs as Deku carried his upper half.
"Thank you sir." Said Kirishima.
"You're welcome. Thank you for giving me help." Said the soldier.
"Anytime." Said Deku.
End of chapter.

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