Oblivion Crisis Arc: The Elder Council

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Showing several days ago the Elder Council were arguing about the Oblivion Crisis.
"We are weak. With no Emperor to light the Dragonfires, we are doomed." Said a Dunmer elder.
"We shouldn't lose all hope. Remember we received news of another heir from the Blades weeks ago. They call him Martin, right? He can save us." Said an Imperial elder.
An Altmer battle mage in red fancy robes named Ocato of Firsthold is sitting with his arms folded watching the argument with a tired expression.
"But they lost the Amulet of Kings. The assassin's that have murdered Uriel VII took that amulet and now it's with their leader in some other plane!" The Dunmer yelled.
"They are trying to get it back. Martin especially is." Said the Imperial.
The Dunmer elder slammed his hand on the table in frustration. "How can they get it back from another plane! Besides all Martin is doing is sitting around reading a book!"
"That book is the Mysterium Xarxes! He believed it contains the ritual to open a portal to that cult leader's Paradise. If him and the Blades are successful, we can end this crisis." Said a female Khajiit elder.
"Martin's still a coward Ma'Dara. I know he needs time to look through that book but that doesn't mean he can't go with those two Imperials to fetch those items with them." Said a Nord elder.
"Give him a break. He's new to being an emperor. Besides the grandmaster wants to keep him safe." Said Ma'Dara frustrated.
"What's the matter? You can handle me being right." Said the Nord rudely.
"You're just saying that because you hate me. Not surprising considering you're a snobby rich man who hates beast races." Said an angry Ma'Dara.
"Tell that to the Khajiit who hates Dark Elves even more. Seriously everytime you look at Daehiro you give him the cold angry stare." Said the Nord.
"That is not true!" Yelled Ma'Dara.
"Actually Alghani is right. And I don't even like him." Said Daehiro.
Ma'Dara gave Daehiro the angry stare.
"I don't want either of you to be right! Daehiro gives up too easy and Alghani is only here to live out his rich lifestyle, getting drunk and piggybacking on what everyone else says no matter what is right or wrong!" Yelled Ma'Dara.
"Now Ma'Dara I agree with what you say about those two but that doesn't mean they're always wrong. You're not always right either." Said a female Breton elder.
"Shut your mouth! I am a sorceress! I know all!" Yelled Ma'Dara.
"More like a hater who thinks she's right about everything." Said Alghani.
"What do you know? You're obviously too drunk to even know what everyone is saying. Actually even when you're sober you don't pay attention." Said Ma'Dara.
"She's crazy. How did this furball even get in the Elder Council in the first place?" Alghani whispered to an Argonian elder.
"I heard that!" Yelled Ma'Dara.
Everyone except Ocato, the Argonian elder, and the female Bosmer elder started yelling over each other.
"This needs to stop." Said the lady Bosmer.
Ocato shot a mild exploding magic missile with his staff in the air.
The fighting stopped.
"That is enough. We are the Elder Council. We are supposed to be working together, not yelling at each other. Tamriel is meant to be a united continent." Said Ocato.
"I'm sorry but I refuse to be united with ugly animal people who whine about being in slavery. Oh I'm a beast folk who suffered slavery, everyone must pay attention to me like I'm the most important thing in the world." Said Alghani rudely.
"You try being enslaved by the Dumber. It's not pleasant." Said Ma'Dara angrily.
"Oh please. Man has been enslaved by Alyeids before. So what?" Said Alghani.
"And did you just say Dumber?" Asked Daehiro.
"Yes I called your hypocritical race Dumber because they are not as intelligent as they seem. Especially you!" Yelled Ma'Dara.
"Don't you realize I was the one who wanted to abolish that slavery in southern Morrowind!" Yelled an offended Daehiro.
"You see. You guys are trying the best you can to get at each others throats rather than focusing on the actual problems. Belina, how are things in Valenwood?" Asked Ocato.
"We lost some soldiers stationed in Elden Root. With the Daedra being innumerable it's starting to get impossible to keep defending the other provinces." Answered Belina.
"It's starting to get crazy here too. I think we better at least pull some troops out of Black Marsh. The Argonians their have taken care of the gates already." Said the Argonian elder.
"But what if they come back stronger than ever. Their leaders are counting on us and I can't lose their trust." Said Ocato.
"Are you worried they may attack us?" Asked Ma'Dara.
"Not necessary. But they would be unhappy and never offer us help again." Answered Ocato.
"Who even needs them anyway. Their leaders are too selfish." Said Alghani.
"Not all of them are. And sometimes the other provinces have to take care of themselves before they can help others. I do agree some soldiers can be pulled out of Black Marsh though. The Argonians can probably take care of themselves again if the Daedra do come back." Said the female Breton.
"We already have the stinky Blackwood Company taking care of gates around Leyawiin. I would say so." Said Alghani.
"Seriously? I agree we need more people here but Blackwood Company has been getting more business ever since they got a new leader. Hell they're closing gates faster than the Fighters Guild and can outrank the Unbreakable Mace." Said Ma'Dara.
"I don't know. There's something about Blackwood Company's strength that rubs me the wrong way. I've recently heard about some possible indiscriminate killing in small villages from them. Not only that but there doesn't seem to be a single Dunmer there anymore. They just disappeared. Doesn't that sound suspicious?" Asked Alghani.
"Oh please. You've sent that insulting letter to them years ago. That was before all the so called suspicion around them. Also I'm sick and tired of idiots looking at Unbreakable like he's some immortal being. If he actually did achieve immortality that would be a different story but he didn't, didn't he. Besides he disappeared a long time ago he's probably dead by now." Said Ma'Dara.
"He's the Unbreakable Mace for a reason he may return one day. You were never fond of him because he's a Dunmer." Said Alghani.
"That is not true." Said Ma'Dara.
"Yes it is." Said Daehiro.
Everyone looked at Ma'Dara noticing her fur was sticking up from the rage.
"Ma'Dara I'm the one who silences other members. Perhaps we should all take a break." Said Ocato.
"Agreed." Said everyone.
"Really Ma'Dara if you like Blackwood Company so much maybe you should go to them." Said Alghani.
Ma'Dara thought to herself about it. "That actually might be a good idea. At least I'll be treated better."
She walked around the palace thinking more and more about Blackwood Company until she was encountered by a Golden Age cultist.
"Excuse me mam. I noticed you seem miserable being part of the Elder Council. Incompetent fools they are. How would you like to join the Golden Age Cult. Our Lord and Savior, Umaril the Unfeathered, will listen to you. He will promise you happiness. He's Tamriel's Emperor. Has been even after the rise of men. Unlike the Alessians, Remans, and Septims, Umaril will understand you. He always understands his followers. Have some time to think about it but don't tell anybody about Umaril. Or else." Said the cultist.
He disappeared into the dark.
Three days from then Ma'Dara was at Garlas Malatar speaking to Umaril about her experience.
"I just can't stand the Elder Council anymore. There is an Oblivion Crisis happening and Ocato seems to care more about protecting the interests in other provinces, including Morrowind, home of the foul Dunmer. Also that Nord was an asshole. He praises the Unbreakable Mace." Said Ma'Dara.
"I see you hate Dunmer as much as we all do. And rightfully so. Not only are they foul but they lost their gold once that battle happened. It especially sucks there is one in the Elder Council." Said Umaril.
"I refuse to have any Dumber be apart of the Elder Council and even alliance of the empire. Since I heard you hate Dumber too, I thought I come here." Ma'Dara said.
"You have made the right choice Ma'Dara. The Dunmer will face severe punishment. Especially the Unbreakable Mace." Said Umaril.
"I hear you. Alghani annoyed me every time he talked about him. I hope that Nord will face punishment for appreciating him too. So what kind of punishment will you bring them?" Asked Ma'Dara.
"I already got some in the dungeon. Allow me to show you." Umaril opened the dungeon doors revealing a barely lighted and dirty dungeon containing blood, spider webs, bones and several Dunmer getting sick and beaten.
A cell contained one getting whipped by an Auroran non-stop, another had one so cold and feverish he couldn't move, and the cell at the end had a female covered in blood and wounds, frozen in fear.
"This chamber is where all the Dunmer will stay. Forever tortured by the curse I will place upon them. They will live as long as I do, even when I'm being reformed in the waters of Oblivion. Gives torturers and slave drivers a chance to test any extremely painful punishments they can think of. So painful they will beg for death."
A horrible scream in agony sounded out of the male Dark Elf that was being whipped. Pleasing Umaril as he smiles sinisterly.
A brief showing of him crying hard and some blood was shown at the center front of his pants behind his hands.
"I wonder where that Dumber got whipped? This is very nice Lord Umaril. Though this dungeon seems too small to fit every Dumber." Said Ma'Dara.
"No worries. This dungeon will be expanded and new ones will be built in other Alyeid cities. There will be a special cell for Unbreakable. It will be here for now. Once I get The White Gold Tower back he'll be moved to that special cell in what is now called the Imperial Dungeon by the Imperial invaders." Said Umaril.
"Nice. I'm quite surprised to hear he's alive. I always thought some stranger found his armor and brought it back to the Imperial Palace without much information. Or The White Gold Tower in your words." Said Ma'Dara.
"Oh he's very much alive. He is the one who secretly dropped off his armor and left the Palace for good. Once I have him I will put the curse on him. As for the punishments you and your brothers and sisters will think of some that will make him suffer the most out of anyone else. He's not suffering enough." Said Umaril.
"I already have some ideas to discuss with the others. I thank Meridia for creating our God and savior." Said Ma'Dara.
"Thank you. Keep in mind this is the church of Meridia too. Every acolyte must know this even if they don't worship her." Said Umaril.
"I understand. I will follow every rule." Said Ma'Dara.
"Good. All brothers and sisters must beware. Befriend a Dunmer you may suffer the same fate as them. Or just die. That will be my decision. This won't seem like an issue to you though." Said Umaril.
"Not at all." Said Ma'Dara.
"Now every Dark Elf will be a slave, picking out crops, growing crops, shearing sheep, removing honey from the bee hives, building and rebuilding structures, fetching items for others, anything really. I want to show you a preview of the future. Follow me."
They stepped outside and walked behind the ruins, crossing a long bridge to a huge piece of land containing farms and ranches having Dark Elves in chains being worked to death. Some being whipped even with their best efforts.
"Unbreakable will work outside too. I will set days he works and days he gets tortured. Keep in mind I will sometimes take part in the torturing too."
"You are the boss. I can't wait until your reclaiming of Tamriel." Said Ma'Dara.
"Remember. We have to rid of the Oblivion Crisis first. And I have an idea. I will be Martins hero. I will enter Paradise, take the Amulet of Kings from Mankar Camoran, give it to Martin and overthrow him after he lights the Dragonfires. Who needs those two Imperials if I can grab the Amulet better than them. Auriel and the Eight, now the Nine, will be the ones bowing to me. My perfect revenge." Said Umaril.
"But can't you light the Dragonfires yourself?" Asked Ma'Dara.
"It still has its Alyeid connection still possibly allowing Alyeids to wear it, but I'm afraid from what I've seen the lighting of the Dragonfires only seems to work with Dragonborns. It could work for me but I'd rather let Martin live until I can find out myself. I know they're weakened from the creation but the Eight and One are probably too angry with me to allow it even." Said Umaril.
"The Nine be damned. That throne was rightfully yours to begin with." Said Ma'Dara.
"Some of those Aedra worshipping Alyeids would try to say otherwise are just pathetic. It's too bad he's gone because I pay respect to Laloriaran Dynar for taking part in stopping the planemeld. Nenalata will belong to someone again one day. All the Alyeid cities will be restored. Anyway you may meet up with the others now. I must check in with that Argonian watching those boys. The last news I heard, they have other friends helping them too. It's getting more concerning." Said Umaril.
"Why are they so important to you?" Asked Ma'Dara.
"It's a long story." Answered Umaril.
The same Altmer cultist from the throne room walked up to them with a crying baby wrapped up. "Sire. I found this baby by Crowhaven. What should we do with it?" Asked the Altmer.
"Give it to me." Said Umaril.
He was given the baby and took a look at it.
"It's a male Imperial, wrapped in a blanket of the Nine Divines. His parents were probably devoted to those bastards, which would explain the blanket."
"Perhaps we can ditch the blanket and raise the baby into our cult." Said Ma'Dara.
"Yes. He must be nurtured and raised into our ranks. He shall learn the horrors of the Nine Divines and the greatness of me. Here, you should take him. I don't care who raises him but he must be raised right." Said Umaril.
"I think I'll raise him." Said Ma'Dara.
Ma'Dara was handed the baby and Umaril threw the blanket into the fire pit.
The blanket has been burnt to ashes and sparks raised in the air.
End of chapter.

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