Chapter 2

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Author's Note : I forgot to tell you but this take place in the Original Undertale. 

As the second alarm rang, we all took our places in the classroom, I was at the back of the class, near the wall, as Daniel was just ahead of me. "Hey, they're about our age no ?" Daniel asked, turning his body to talk to me. "Yeah, what of it ?" I asked, should I care about their age ? "That means that there's a chance that they will be in the same class as us." Daniel said. "Yeah right." I said as I put my bag onto my table to rest my head on it. 

Then, the teacher entered the classroom. The kind of teacher to let students talk if they aren't disturbing the class, focusing on those who want to study, Mr. Barr. "Hello everyone, I hope that Spring break was refreshing for all of you. I hope you know and understand that in less than 3 months, you'll be taking your exams, and their results will either let you move on, or repeat a year here." He said, clearing his throat, seemed like he had something important to say.

"Dear students of mine, today is rather a special day as, not only one, but two new students are coming into your class of final year. For those who saw them, you know who am I talking about." He said as he made his way towards the door. Daniel turned once again to look at me, and could enjoy the look of defeat I had on my face. "'Yeah right.' You said that too ?" He said, smiling like a child. "Okay okay, you don't have to pay for the next takeout." I said, defeated. I saw him pumping his fist softly in the air. I scoffed as I was more amused by his antics than sad because I would have to pay for my own food.

But then, I looked ahead as the teacher opened the door to let the Dreemurr sisters walk in the classroom. As expected, the class made a clear sound of hype. Frisk smiled at all of the person who was happy, and Chara just looked at them as if she wasn't interested by them. I just smiled at her clear unwillingness to be here, at least I have something to relate with one of them.

"Even if everyone here knows who you two are, please introduce yourselves." The teacher said to the sisters, you could guess who was happy and who wasn't.

"Hello, as you may know, my name is Frisk Dreemurr, I hope that we will be good acquaintances !" Frisk happily said, I looked at Daniel as he put his back against the wall, making him able to look at me or Frisk and Chara without moving much. "I hope those guys doesn't have hope to be with her." He said, I tilted my head a little and he smiled. "They'll be turned down almost instantly." He said, I understood what he meant and I simply let out a brief laugh.

"Hello, name's Chara Dreemurr. Pleased to meet you all." She just said, she forced her voice and facial expression to be as close as possible from being happy. "She needs to work on that act." I said as I yawned. "She could take lessons from you." Daniel said, not even hiding his mocking smile. "Don't make me punch you." I said lowly as I looked at Chara.

"Very well, please, take the seats you want !" The teacher happily said. And then I looked at my left, only to see that the place to my left and Daniel's left was unoccupied. Sure, they were only single desks in that class, but still. "Please do not seat near us." I whispered, but it seems that Daniel heard me. "Come on, it wouldn't be as bad as you think." He said, I knew that he wasn't against the idea. "I don't want to deal with something that won't last." I said as I looked at the sisters who were moving between the single desks.

Frisk pointed the desks at our left and Chara nodded. I just sighed as I dived into my bag face first. "Oh, you're those dudes from earlier, fancy seeing you again here." Frisk said, taking the place at Daniel's left, I was lucky in my misfortune. At least I won't be talking to Chara. 

Just as I thought that, Chara swiftly took the place at my left. I decided to reveal fully my face. And as I did that, Frisk just smirked at me. "Mr. I don't want to give my name. What a pleasure." She said, she seemed either mad or happy. "Hey there, maybe you'll hear it from the teach. Unfortunately he doesn't say my name very often." I said as I managed to hide my cocky smile from them. "She'll find a way to have it." Chara suddenly said. Her voice wasn't as dead as I thought. "I'm sure she will." I replied to Chara as she just barely flashed a mocking smile at me.

"Okay, since they're sat next to you two. Y/N, Daniel, I assume you won't be listening to my class. Show them the entire school, take your time." He said, smiling at Daniel and me. "You both know our names now." I said as I sighed. Of course it would be us. "Come on, let's go." Daniel and I said at the same time. He just looked at me and I shrugged. "This school is quite big, we'll need time to make you visit it." Daniel said as I only nodded. 

"Why can't I take a break." Chara said, groaning. "Come on Chara, we got Y/N and Daniel to do a visit." Frisk said, clearly saying our names loudly enough to make sure we heard her. Soon enough, the sisters got up and waited for us. I just sighed as I got up, Daniel was already ready. I lazily took my bag and put it at by back. "Come on, let's go." I said as I started to leave the classroom. "Wait for us !" Frisk said as she and Chara started to follow me, Daniel followed them just after.

Seems like I was right, that wasn't the last interaction with them.

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