Chapter 37

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A/N : I finally got that Future Gohan, after spending 1500+ DS on his portal. Fuck that one armed Saiyan.

I woke up without the sound of my alarm. I looked at my window to see that the Sun was already up and shinning, warming the world once again. I sighed as I picked up my phone to see the time. It was 6:50. 

I woke up 10 minutes earlier, yeepee. I took a dark blue t-shirt with a black cargo jeans as I made my way downstairs. 

Once downstairs, I saw that Dad was reading something on his phone. "Hey Dad." I greeted him as I took the milk who was already on the table. "Hey champ." He only said as he was seemingly focused on his phone. I poured the milk in my mug and chugged it in one go. I was quite thirsty.

"Son, you might want to see this." Dad said as he showed me his phone, a clear line of message on Twitter. 

'We are the chosen one, we will finally bring the two races together.' 

I looked up at my dad and he had relaxed expression. How ? 

"Those son of bitches." I grunted as I put my mug in the sink. "Why's that ?" He asked, he must've thought that it was a pro-monster account. But I thought that it was Merged who said that. "I've got a bad feeling about that message." I only said as I made my way to the shower.

"Don't think of it too much, it might be a good message after all." I heard my dad say as I closed the bathroom's door. 

He might be right, and I'm the one paranoid. 

Once I was done with my shower, I dried myself as I dressed up. I brushed my teeth and put some cologne and deodorant as always. Then I got out of the bathroom, I immediately went to my room and took my bag.

Then I went downstairs, said my goodbyes to my dad and went out. I waited on the spot where I usually wait for Chara and Frisk and then I thought of something. Something that was on my mind.

Frisk and Chara ... They seemed to know everything there was to know about monsters and their history. Even if she had a memory who could remember all of those things, there was no way that they could remember everything in their two weeks inside the Underground.

Even then, they both had the same expression when they talked about the monsters, of their encounters or their memories with them. Both had a distant expression, trying to remember not the memories itself, but when it happened. It was 7 years ago, but people could remember things from 7 years ago. 

Even more, they both had some chocked expression when I said or showed something to them. As if they already saw it in a bad way. As if they remembered some bad things. 

But what threw me off was that only Frisk was hailed as Savior from the monsters, as for Chara, the monsters didn't seem to recollect that she was there. 

As if Chara just appeared when Frisk freed the monsters.

Maybe I was diving in too deep in my paranoia, but I couldn't help it. 

"Y/N !" Chara's voice threw me out of my scheming thoughts. I looked at her and Frisk next to her. They seemed to be in a good mood as they both smiled. Well, Frisk always had a bit of a smile, but Chara was somewhat grumpy in mornings. 

"How're you ?" I asked the sisters as they were next to me. "Good, did you fall asleep yesterday ?" Chara answered, she still smiled but her tone seemed to be ... unpleased ? "Yeah, was a bit tired." I said as we began to move towards the school. "Would've been nice to know beforehand." She said, pouting a bit. Then I looked at Frisk and she smiled at me.

"Bad Y/N." Frisk said as she laughed a bit, I was only confused as I looked at Chara once again. "I'm sorry ?" I said whilst I wasn't sure of myself. She scoffed as she lightly hit my shoulder. "Tell me next time." She said as she seemed in a better mood, if I could say that.

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