Chapter 18

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I woke up panting and sweaty. I quickly looked at the time and saw that it was 12:13. I sighed as I recovered myself from that bizarre waking up. I could feel my left hand trembling but as I looked to it, it wasn't moving at all. 

I had a nightmare. And there wasn't anything else to nightmare about. 

I shook my head as I was right. I couldn't tell the sisters why I hate those guys so much. I couldn't tell more about that past, that fucking night. 

Then I felt bloodlust from within. I wanted to make them suffer as I suffered because of them.

I slapped my face as I didn't want to remember anything else. Then I got out of my bed and made my way downstairs. Then I saw that Dad wasn't here at all, but as I saw a little note on the kitchen table.

I went to grab it and on it was that text :

"Hey Y/N, I'm out of the town of the week-end, if you bring your friends here, just remember to not break anything and to wash your mess after. Dad"

"As simple as that." I said to myself as I chuckled. Then I took my mug and filled it with milk. Since I had time, I slowly drank it as I took my phone and saw that I received a message from Chara. Basically she said 'good morning.' It was weird that she sent a message out of nowhere.

Then I had an idea. I pressed the phone button near her name. You could say that I wanted to surprise her.

"Hello ?" I heard Chara from my phone, I put my phone on speaker and put it on the table. "Good morning as well, Chara." I said as I took a sip out of my mug. "It's noon now, didn't you see the time where I sent the text ?" She said, laughing a bit. "I do remember, who the hell wakes up at 9:00 on a Saturday ?" I asked, then I could hear a grunt. "Frisk woke me up, pleading me to help her with her political things." She said, then I wanted to ask a question.

"Everything good in that department ?" I asked, before I didn't even care about politics for monsters. To be it was natural that they should have the same rights as us. "Yeah." She said while sighing. "Just some racists who wants monsters to have less rights." She said as she sounded angry. "That's humans for you." I said as I finished my mug of milk.

"You dislike humans Y/N ?" Chara asked with a surprised but happy voice. "Can't say that I like them that's for sure." I started. Then I sighed to myself as I didn't want to do a monologue. "If I can ask, why ?" She asked again, well she wanted it. "Humans do things because it brings them self-joy. You could ask a 100 humans a specific question and 95 of them would answer yes." I said, then silence.

"What is the question ?" She asked, then I laughed. "If you could kill one person without any complications, would you do it ?" I said as I sighed. "That's a fucked up question." She said, but she did laugh. "Yeah, for sure." I only said as I got up.

Then, for 3 minutes, no sounds of Chara was heard. I taped my screen to see if I was still calling her. "Y/N ?" She asked out of nowhere. "Oh, didn't know you were here." I said, smiling. "I heard your sarcasm." She said, unhappy, I just scoffed. "Want to do something today ?" She asked, to be honest I planned to finish Borderlands 3. "What's that something ?" I asked, surprising myself.

"We could meet up with Frisk and Daniel and go to the mall. Frisk and I need to do something there." She said, and honestly, the idea of goofing around at the mall was appealing to me. "Yeah sure, could be fun." I said as I opened my message app. Then I created a group chat with Daniel and Chara. "There, I don't have Frisk's number so could you add her please ?" I asked Chara. "Sure." She only said as after a few seconds, I saw that Frisk was added to the group.

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