Chapter 13

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Chara's POV.

What was that ? How did he do it ? What was that tiny pressure I felt ? 

Those questions popped up in my mind as I was taken away from them by Y/N. 

That surprised me, there's so much things. First point, he countered that Toby guy effortlessly, as if he knew he was going to do that. He was familiar with it, with Toby doing that, and with his way to disarm him without fighting. 

Second point, he said 'spawn' like he was ordering his magic to manifest on his arm. Normally, in order to create something with their magic, people would concentrate as much as needed. But not him, not Y/N. He just said one word and his shield was created without a flaw.

Third point, his magic didn't feel like it was only his magic. I couldn't feel their magic, but I felt Y/N's magic. I could only feel anger, grudge, pain, and even if it was small, even if it was barely noticeable, I could feel bloodlust in it.

Those feelings I once was familiar with. No, not just familiar. I was those. 'That's right, you were, and still are, that thing who fused them all together.' Shut up, I'm not like that anymore. I've changed. 'Humans never changes, once they go to that territory, they're not coming back.' Shut the fuck up. I'm not killing anyone anymore. 'It doesn't matter, dear Chara. You still did it.' 

"Hey, Chara, are you okay ?" Y/N's voice snapped me back from myself. I could feel his worries in his eyes. As well as some regret. "Sorry, if I knew, I wouldn't have call you." He apologized. He thought that was because of those wanna-be tough guys. How naïve. "Don't worry, I'm alright. I'm good." I said, I didn't notice but my voice was a little shaky. "Are you sure ?" He said, his words were worried but warm. "Yeah, just thought of something else." I said, shaking my head and dismissing that subject I forced myself into.

"If you wanna talk, I'm here." He said, then I looked down to see that our hands were still holding each other. I squeezed his hand and nodded. "Thanks, but as I said, I'm alright." I said, this time sounding more confident as I smiled to him. "Alright, I trust you." He said, squeezing his hand back. "Oh, and please, do not talk about my magic to anyone." He said, sounding serious. I couldn't know why he was this unwilling to talk about his magic, or even magic as a whole. "Of course, that's a secret." But I agreed to his request nonetheless.

Whatever happened to him, it must've scarred him greatly.


"Okay, this time, see you tomorrow ?" He asked me, I nodded as I smiled to him. "Yeah, see you tomorrow. And savor those ramens." I said, he chuckled as he started to walk towards his way home. "I sure will, savor your ramens too." He said, waving at me without looking back. I nodded as I made my way towards home.

"I'm home." I said, walking in my home. "Was a good date ?" Frisk said without looking at me. She was still on her work. I just grunted as I put my bag of items on the table. "Wasn't a date, and if it was, it didn't end up wholesome." I said, sighing. "What happened ?" Frisk asked, snapping all of her attention at me.

Then I explained what happened to Frisk, without telling a thing about Y/N's magic. "Wow, couldn't expect him to do that." Frisk said, then I tilted my head a bit in curiosity. She sighed and put down her pen which her left hand was holding. "I mean, he gives a chill vibe. Well not a chill vibe, but more of a 'I could watch the world burn and do nothing about it' vibe." She explained, I nodded as he did give that vibe.

"You know, you could've just used the word 'unbothered' or 'uninterested' instead of that explanation." I said, scoffing a bit. Then she rolled her eyes and her attention was going back to her ambassador job. "Too tired to think about words." She said, sighing. "Still need my help ?" I asked her. "No, thanks." She said, I nodded as I made my way into my room. "Your ramens are in that bag, please save one for me." I said, then I heard her laugh a bit. "I will, thanks Uber Eats." She said, I scoffed at that nickname as I opened my room's door.

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