Chapter 9

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"Are you alright ?" Chara asked me while we were walking towards her house. "It hurts a bit, other than that yeah." I said as I tried to yank my arm to see if I could walk alone, but the pain wasn't letting me do it. "Don't force yourself, we're nearly there." She said, her voice was a mix between calm and panic, it was quite unique to hear. "Thanks, Chara." I said while I was looking down.

If only my magic wasn't like that, I could heal myself.

"Don't worry, I'm just repaying the kindness you offer to me." She said, I could only scoff. "I'm not being kind to you just for you to be kind to me." I said as I looked at her, while I could see, our height wasn't that different, she was smaller than me, yeah, but it was a 3 or 4 centimeters difference. Which was surprising since I'm 1m88. 

"I know, but I would feel bad if I can't help you." She said. "Whatever helps you to sleep at night." I said, sighing. I could hear a small laugh. Then she sighed in relief, which caused me to look at her. "We're nearly there, hang on for a little while please." She said, I nodded as I looked to my injured shoulder. There was a few details that put me off.

The magic spell wasn't dissipating, I didn't bleed, and I couldn't feel the magic link between the spell and the user. Which meant...

"It wasn't a random attack." I whispered my thought out loud. But it seemed that Chara heard it as we slowed down a bit. "What are you talking about ?" She asked, I sighed as I knew that not telling her would not be smart.

"The spell isn't disappearing, I'm not bleeding, and I can't feel the link between that thing and the user of it." I explained, she looked ahead and seemed to be in her thought. "For the bleeding, that might be because we didn't touch it. As for the other thing, looks like the user didn't want us to find him out." She said, approving my theory. Well, if I feel the same Magical Imprint, I could find that guy.

"We're here." She said as she stopped at a gate. I looked up as I saw a house. Flowers neatly disposed in a pretty garden, some decorative things put all around. "That's a pretty house you got there." I said as she opened the gate. "My father loves gardening." She said as we walked towards the house's door. She opened it and I was greeted by a warm feeling. It reminded me of something, something that I couldn't remember.

"Mom, I need your help please !" Chara yelled as soon as she entered her home. "Coming my child !" I heard a distant, loud, but a kind voice yelling across the house. "Let me put you on the couch there." She said as we made our way towards her couch, it was bigger than my bed easily.

As she put me on the couch, I could feel the pain in my shoulder rising up in intensity. The pain was kinda like a bee sting. I winced because of the pain and Chara noticed that. "I'm sorry ! Are you okay ?" She said in a more panicked than calm voice this time. Looks like she didn't like seeing people being hurt. 

"Yeah, that's alright, wasn't your fault don't worry." I said as I looked at the magic spell. Now that I could clearly see it, it looked like a stone sharpened to make penetration easy. That guy knew what he was doing with it. It really wasn't a random attack.

"What do you need..." The voice trailed off, I looked at the source and I saw a huge humanoid goat with a pretty robe, at the center of it was the monster's emblem. "My friend got injured, could you heal him please." Chara said, her voice was pleading instead of asking. "Of course Chara, what is your name, child ?" She said, looking at Chara then looking at me. I didn't know why, but her mere presence in the room felt ... good, relaxing. The same warmth that I couldn't remember.

"M-My name is Y/N, ma'am." I said as I winced due to the pain who spiked a little, I looked at it and saw that it was barely vibrating. "Very well, my name is Toriel, please do not be afraid." She said as she made her way towards me. Soon enough, she kneeled down and put one hand, or paw near the magic stone penetrating my shoulder, and then, a bright green energy came out. Healing magic. 

After a couple of seconds, the pain didn't died down a bit. It was increasing as Toriel was using her magic. Then it was vibrating more than before. I understood why it was vibrating.

"Why doesn't it heal already ?" Chara said, Toriel shook her head, showing that she didn't know. "Stop using your magic please." I said as I tightened my teeth, preparing myself. "Why ?!" Chara yelled, and I looked at her and nodded, telling her that I knew. "Are you sure, Y/N ?" Toriel kindly asked me, I slightly smiled at her and nodded. Then, I saw the green aura died down. 

"Close your eyes, it won't be pretty." I said as I grabbed the magically infused stone with my good hand. I took a deep breath and nodded to myself. "Sorry if I put my blood somewhere." I said as I started to pull the stone out of my body, I felt the pain it gave me as I forced it to exit my shoulder. Then I used more strength to finally fully put it out of there. 

My breathing was shaky, but I was still conscious as I held the vibrating stone. Then Toriel immediately started to heal me once again, but this time it worked flawlessly, as I could feel the pain go away.

A couple of seconds later, the pain was fully gone, but the hole that thing made wasn't closed up entirely. "Stay put, I'm going to find some bandage." Toriel said as she quickly stood up and ran elsewhere in the house.

"Are you okay ?" Chara said, sitting next to me, I looked at her and I could see worry being replaced by relief. "Yeah, that thing is more of a bother than a pain." I said, scoffing as I looked at it. The vibrating pulse that it had slowly stopped. "Do you mind telling me why my magic wasn't healing you correctly ?" Toriel said, coming back with bandages and disinfectant.

"That thing was eating the magic you used to be more dangerous." I simply said as it didn't need a whole essay to explain. "I see, now please, let me see your wound." Toriel said as I couldn't see another way of her seeing it than simply stripping my shirt off. But I simply stripped the half of my shirt to let Toriel see the wound. I didn't want them to see the other half of my body.

"It'll sting a bit." Toriel said as I nodded. Then she put some disinfectant on a cotton that I didn't see and slightly taped my wound, and to be honest, it didn't gave me an ounce of pain. Then I looked at Chara and she seemed timid, I smiled at her and I saw her head turning to me, only to snap back at Toriel. I mean, I wasn't willing to see my body like that, even if it's only half of it.

Then Toriel started to apply the bandage to my shoulder. It wasn't tight and was made with carefulness. I could tell that Toriel was experimented. 

"All done." Toriel said, I quickly put on the half of my shirt. "Thanks, you helped me a lot." I said, standing up and bowing a little. I was aware that she was the previously Queen of the Underground. "Now, care to tell me who did that ?" Toriel asked in a not-so-kind voice. So Chara decided to tell her.

Then, she looked at me and smiled warmly. "Thanks for protecting my daughter, Y/N." She said, I nodded and smiled a bit, looking at the said daughter. "I did what I had to do." I said, then Chara blushed a bit more but still smiled at me. "To repay your kindness, I must invite you to eat here, and I won't take no as an answer." Toriel said, quickly leaving us to go to the kitchen.

"I know where you take it from." I said, laughing a bit. Then Chara laughed a bit as well. "Don't worry, she's worse than me." She said, smiling. But her smile had something different compared to the other smiles. It was brighter, cuter than the others. It was genuine. And then I felt that my heart was beating faster than normal.

That's a normal reaction if you see something cute, right ? 

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