Chapter 26

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I woke by the sound of the birds chirping outside, I groaned as I felt something holding me down. I looked at my knees and saw that Y/N's head was still laying on my thighs. Then I remembered that I fell asleep after Mom went upstairs.

Good thing Mom let us skip school for that day.

I didn't want to move as I didn't want to leave Y/N's side, but I needed to do it. After all I needed to eat and shower properly.

So I did all that, and when I showered and looked at myself in the mirror's reflection. I could see that my eyes were darker than normal. I was a bit surprised by that but again, I didn't care of it too much.

After all, those were the eyes of a demon who was hated long ago. 'And still being hated on.' This time, I looked at the mirror and saw that my reflection changed. 

Dark eyes with red pupils, a disturbing smile showing blooded teeth. I shook my head but the reflection was still there. 'Still trying to flee from yourself ? How cute.'  "Shut up, I don't need that right now." I said as I had better things to do. 'Oh yeah, I vaguely remember, it's that boy, Y/N. Right ?' It responded while showing more of its disgusting smile.

"Why're you asking when you completely know the answer." I whispered as I gripped on the sink. 'I could ask the same question right now.' It said, giggling. 'What if he won't wake up ?' It said, trying to get me angry. 'What if he can't use magic again ?' It said, my grip got stronger as I trembled. 'What if he won't remember you ?' It said, then I slammed my hands on the sink, causing a loud noise. "Just shut up !" I said as the reflection became normal again.

"Chara ?" I heard Frisk's voice behind the closed bathroom door. "Yeah, I'll be out in a minute." I said as I tried to collect my thought. Once I dressed myself, I looked one last time in the mirror and saw that there was a single black tear flowing on my cheek. I quickly wiped it as I unlocked the door.

"Are you okay ?" Frisk asked, I smiled to her and nodded. "Yeah, why'd you ask ?" I asked back. "I don't want to be rude, but you seemed ... off last night." She said, I tilted my head as I didn't know what she talked about. "Off ?" I asked back again. "Yeah, you were clingy to Y/N. You aren't a clingy girl normally." She said, then I laughed a bit.

"Please Frisk, I just want my friend to be okay and wake up." I said as I smiled to her. I mean that was a normal thing to do. Waiting for your friend to wake up after a brutal fight with dudes and collapse and pass out due to mental and magic exhaustion. Completely normal.

"If you say so..." She sighed as she entered the bathroom. Then I made my way towards the couch and saw that Y/N wasn't awake yet.

"You gonna make us wait huh." I said as I sat just next to his head, carefully sitting so none of his long H/C hairs will be under my butt.

Talking about colors. Y/N had E/C eyes, which were good looking to be honest. But when he went into that fighting state, perfectly using his magic, his eyes were different. I noticed red and purple in his eyes, but couldn't see more.

Then I sighed and looked down on his body. To fight like that, you must need stamina and a muscled body. I wondered if he was well-built as my hand was travelling near the collar of his shirt.

Then I stopped my hand. Seriously Chara, trying to look to your unconscious friend body ? 

I sighed once again as I felt different from the day before. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I disliked it quite a bit. There was something wrong with me at the moment, I knew it but I decided to forget about that as there was a bit more serious situation near me.

Then I heard a nearby stomp near me, I didn't look back as I knew who it was. "Still near him huh." His deep voice said as I looked at him. Of course he would grin. "Come on Sans, you can figure it out why I'm here." I said as I put my hand on Y/N's hair.

"You're in love ?" Sans said, it caught me off guard so I snapped my head at him while I felt that my face was getting hotter. "What ?! He's just a friend !" I said it out loud. Then Sans laughed a bit and smiled a bit more. "Messin' with ya." He said as he made his way just ahead of me. 

"You feel guilty, right ?" He just said, I hated that he knew exactly those things.

After all, he learned to read people back in those runs.

I just nodded as he was right. He sighed and put his hands out of his pockets. "Nothing you could do. If I heard correctly, one of those guys could cancel out magic. Your strength comes with magic. You did what you had to do." Sans said, I couldn't help but to let a shaky laugh out.

"I could've done more for him, he already did so much for me." I said as I could feel tears going up, but I controlled it and did not let those fall. "He won't mind at all, that's the vibe I got from him when he protected you from those guys." He said. He was right.

Even if his magic made him let out a more savage, feral and aggressive side of himself, Y/N won't mind it. 'I'll do it again if needed.' I knew that it would be his words when he'll wake up.

And that's how much kind he is, no matter what. And I felt a bit disgusted by myself.

I did nothing to help him, I just watched and let it all happen.

The complete inverted situation from the Underground. 

I sighed as I looked at Y/N and smiled as I patted his hairs.

'I'll be sure that you won't need to do such things in the future, Y/N.'

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