Chapter 10

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I snapped back into reality as I felt that my cheeks were hotter than usual. Did I just blush because of Chara's smile ? 

Meh, can't lie to myself.

"Anyway, who were those guys ?" Chara asked me, having a serious expression. "As if I could know. The only thing I know is that they aimed that attack for you." I said, copying the same expression she had. But why though ? She did nothing wrong, as much as I was aware. But then, I basically knew nothing about her, just that she chose to not be social and that she liked chocolate.

Even if I consider Chara as a friend, she could be corrupted by that city's greed for power. I looked into her eyes and once again, even if I searching for a tiny bit of that tainted corruption, I couldn't find it. Then I felt a bit ... guilty. Even if she showed that she wasn't like those persons from that city, I still tried to find a way to say that she might be corrupted.

"Mom ! Chara ! I'm home !" Suddenly, Frisk's yell was snapping me into the real world. I looked at her surprised and she looked at me, dumbfounded. "Uhhh, hey Y/N ?" She said, still disturbed as of why I'm here. "Fancy meeting you there, Frisk." I said, rubbing my neck, then I felt Chara and Frisk looking at me like I was a dumb dude. "You DO know that's my home, right ?" Frisk said, I couldn't help to laugh a bit as she said that. "Yeah I know." I just said as I looked to Chara, she nodded to me and this time, I was the one explaining the previous events.

"Oh damn, it must've hurt quite a bit no ?" Frisk said, sitting down on her couch, near her sister. As for myself, I preferred to stay on my feet. "Just a slight inconvenience, I couldn't use my shoulder or walk properly." I said, but if that magic stone was feeding on magic, how did it manage to impair me ? "That sucks, but then, thanks for protecting Chara." Frisk said, smiling to me. I couldn't help to smile at the sisters.

"That's nothing, I couldn't do nothing when I felt that magic." I said, shrugging. "Seems like your magic is quite developed to sense something like that. I didn't even feel that." Chara said, then I found myself frowning.

Yeah, my magic was developed, too developed even. I still got those memories, the feeling of anger, spite, I couldn't forget about that.

"Y/N, are you okay ?" Chara's voice brought me back, so I was surprised for a millisecond, but nodded to her. "Yeah." I said, my voice was more dead that I wanted it to be. "What's going on ?" Frisk asked. Then I looked at my hand, I noticed that my left hand was shaking, so I used my right hand to hold it strongly. "Nothing." I said, calming myself.

Y/N, get it together. You're better than that.

"Are you sure ?" Chara asked me, I looked up to see that the both of them was looking at me with some worry. It was surely new to me that anyone besides my dad and Daniel was worrying about me. It felt good. "Yeah, that's the past." I said, but I didn't want to say the last part. "I see, better not ask about it then." Frisk said, which surprised me. Normally I would imagine her trying to get her curiosity satisfied. She could've saw that as she smiled to me. "We all have something that we don't want to talk about. Including us." Frisk said, I nodded and smiled as I knew that both of them also had secrets.

"Children, dinner's ready !" Toriel's voice was calling to the kitchen. And well as the scent of the food. "Come on Y/N, you need to eat." Chara said, getting up and taking my hand. I was surprised but decided to not talking about it. I could hear Frisk squeal behind us, but I didn't really care.

"Take your seat, Y/N." Toriel said to me as Chara, Frisk and I entered the kitchen. I saw a huge plate of diced potatoes and some neatly cooked beef. "That looks godly." I said as I carefully took my seat. Chara sat right next to me as Frisk sat ahead of me. Soon enough, Toriel sat down net to Frisk. "Before we eat, Y/N, have you told your parents about this ?" Toriel said, and then my blood ran cold. "Oh shit I forgot to tell my dad !" I exclaimed, making Chara laugh loudly, Frisk laughed silently, and Toriel just smiled. "Go call him quick, we'll wait for you." She said, I nodded as I got up quickly. "Thanks, I'll be quick." I said as I speed-walked towards the main door.

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