Chapter 38

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The human soul. The core of your entire being. The core of your entire magic.

The soul is a very complex subject, humans know everything about it. But at the same time, they know nothing yet. As if humans forget something about souls at the moment they learn it.

The one thing they could not forget is the seven main traits.

Integrity, Justice, Bravery, Kindness, Patience, Perseverance, and Determination.

Those seven traits aren't the same in terms of global prowess. As human nature is un-killable, one trait is known to be the strongest amongst the seven.

Determination, the will to never give up, no matter how hard the task is. Determination holders are quite unique, as a Determination soul comes to life very rarely. But, they all had one thing in common.

They all had a greater power than expected. They were seen as leaders in immemorial times. Great people with great ideas for their human subjects.

But, at some point in forgotten history, an accident came into reality. Creating the dual-traits. Those humans were rarer than Determination holder. So rare that people believed that it was just a legend back then. 

But, as you're the one holding the 'accident', you do know that it isn't a legend, after all, you're alive and existing.

Dual-traits are far more powerful than your average human magically. Their magic comes into reality with two traits, instead of one.

That power, seemingly free, quickly comes into a double edged sword. Or even worse.

The sword of Damocles. A life ending event coming due to sheer power and bad decisions. 

The power granted by the dual-traits comes from two different type of traits. 

You do know that positive times two is negative.

I see that you're beginning to understand what I am saying to you.

You see me quite happy about that, I feared that you won't be able to assimilate my words correctly.

After all, I don't even know if you'll remember our little conversation. But it doesn't hurt to tell you.

Maybe you'll remember, and know that you need to take actions quickly.

Maybe you won't remember, and then you'll have to suffer, as you did before.

After all, that soul comes with a curse. A curse created by humans for humans.

Pathetic, isn't it ?

Oh, I see that my time had come to an end. 

Try to make good decisions, for I cannot guaranty your fate.


I shot myself up as I was awoken by something, I looked around the classroom and I see that everybody was taking their test very seriously.

I looked at my sheet of paper to see that I already completed the test, but then I saw a word that I couldn't remember writing before.

'Accident'. I scratched my head as I didn't know why that word was there, but I shrugged and cleanly crossed it. 

I yawned and felt that my headache was going away, I still got some throbs here and there, but it wasn't difficult to deal with.

I, once again, looked around and saw that Chara was playing with her pen, carefully and skillfully spinning it around her fingers. I smiled a bit as I saw Chara's dexterity.

Cursed. [Female!Chara x Male!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now