future rust and that bard, flaming friend

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The screen start to show old man jaune at center of vale

Unlike the past one, this vale seem to be an abandom city with rust, debris falling down, crack can be see on window and building. There's no people on remnant. No more Grimm or any living organic exsit on remnant but just old man jaune.

Jaune(old man): You wondering what happen to this timeline?Y/N

Y/N, a unknown entity taking form of Every fictional character that exsit but expect the fanfic OC. OC also know to be fanfic character that exsit in non canon story of their world

Y/N and OC are same entity/being that can HAVE the power of those fictional charater and OC are capable hold many fictional power like Y/N but limit due to their wills and physical body while Y/N is a entity that can hold limitless fictional power.

While OC Can be author in disguise themself while Y/N can be anyone. They can take away Protagonist role or be side character role. They can be appear in Protagonist/ antagonist childhood as their friend or brother/sister without realize they don't actually exsit in canon story.

But how did old man Jaune know about their exsit in his remnant? Well you see, this old man Jaune body was able live longer than Anyone, sadly his semblance make his age flow outside of time flow making his aging slower than anyone on remnant. Wait I taking was about how Jaune(old man) know Y/N

Jaune(old man) know Y/N since when he awaken his time semblance. Unlike other people,Jaune was the only one to seen through Y/N disguise.

Y/N:-practice spin to form a humaniod-You could say something like that, old pal. What happen when I left the timeline?

Jaune(old man): Salem use her strongest spell to erase everyone on remnant.

Y/N: leaving you the last human on remmant?

Jaune(old man): Yup

Y/N: I just saw another Jaune timeline was forming by you.

Jaune(old man): Yup.

Jaune (old man) create a time glyph on his palm as he explain the reason.

Jaune(old man): I went back in time to Gave my past self the time semblance early than it happen.

Y/N: that doesn't explain how Hyperspace hat make by you got into that Jaune timeline. It would take a hundred year to be finish project and other project to be done like five thousand year right now.

Jaune(old man):I was the one,who travel to that Jaune timeline and left it these for him-just smile about it- don't worry. Like one of those few Jaune, I could move myself to other timeline without getting glitch effect.

Y/N: So you even can't be affect by the past?. even you change something in it, you would still exsit at some point right?

Jaune(old man):....No, this timeline will be gone anyway

Old man Jaune body was showing effect of disappearing. He look at his palm, practice start to fading away as so the timeline

Y/N: What? How?! I don't even get it! You just said you can't get glitch effect

Jaune(old man): I said I able to travel to other timeline but i didn't say this timeline was connect that Jaune timeline.

Y/N: wait so you gonna disappear with this timeline?

Jaune(old man): well at least I can rest after living so long. After all, there no point of living anyone.

Old man slowing turning practice with this timeline. He just look Y/N before smiling in peace. Timeline was completely gone, leaving Y/N alone at Universe branch as You watch The leaf drop into the void.

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