Late bloomer

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All rights reserved to @Daidizzlee (Cursed) and the characters belong to me.

Thank you for reading.

Act 1, No longer Human

James POV

I hate seeing her hooked up like this, in her hospital bed unconscious and not breathing on her own. Every night I would make sure I would come visit her hoping she would get well soon. My grandmother was a strong woman I just wished I listened to her, I hope she knows I appreciate her. Each day of seeing her not moving with that same beep every second makes me want to rip someone's arm off.

Senior year is just around the corner and lord knows I don't want to be bothered with people right now. "Excuse me sir pardon the interruption, but someone wants to speak to you." The Doctor had walked in speaking to me before stepping out again. I proceed to stand up looking at my grandmother before leaving. I take a deep breath as I turn the corner seeing my friend Ava with her mom and dad.

Ava was copper toned basically brown skinned with long hair that touched her shoulders. Her eyes were brown and full of innocence. She never really wore pants every time I saw her she was in a dress or a tunic. I've known her since eighth grade she was my lab partner in science. Then we started hanging out in and outside of school when we got to high school becoming inseparable. She was supposed to be moving to a new school and far from my apartments. But here she is in front of me wearing a pink tunic.

"Hey are you okay? I'm sorry I haven't been returning your calls." She said to Me as her mom waved at me as I waved back. Her dad was too busy texting or doing whatever he does on his phone to notice me. I can feel heat flush over my body as I start to feel hot and overwhelmed. "Yea. It's hot in here though." I said sitting down on a waiting bench as she sits next to me. "James... it's freezing cold in here are you okay? Your starting to sweat." Ava said putting her hand to my forehead as she jumped back shaking her hand.

"What! Are you okay?" I asked my eyebrows raising up as I feel her hand as I can feel the pain she felt as I start to fan my hand. "Your body feels like a stove that's been on right now James... standing next to you is like being in a room with no A.C." She said looking at me all confused. "How do you feel right now?" She asked me as I stood up. "I feel fine." I told her as I begin to walk back in the room with my grandmother.

"I'm sorry James." Ava said standing behind me putting her head on my shoulder as she grabbed my hand. Suddenly my body felt normal again I felt all the heat exit my body as I smiled at Ava.  "I'm going to miss you." I told her as she grinned at me. "That's actually why I'm here." She said pulling me to the side of the hallway. "I get to stay here for awhile at least until I finish senior year." She said and I was probably smiling ear to ear as her eyes didn't leave mine.

"Ava. We have to get going finish talking it up with your friend." Her Dad said as she shook her head in agreement. "Bye James." She said kissing me on the cheek leaving a strawberry scent as she turned her heels. I watched her walk off with her slim petite body and those nice fitted legs. I step in the hospital room one more time to give my grandmother a kiss on the cheek before I left the hospital.

I walk through the garage headed for my car but it wasn't where I parked it. I start to look around the garage levels walking distances to find the Dodge Charger. I reached level four, the last level all the way at the top of the building. I turn the corner but I stop almost immediately as I hear animalistic growls. My body starts to feel hot again as I take a deep breath turning around. A pale skinned man with blond hair and blue eyes was standing in front of me as I turned around.

"Be not alarmed child." He said his voice sounding soothing making you want to relax as he approached me. I couldn't move my feet as if I was stuck in cement. He made his way towards me as he ran his fingers on my arm and sniffed my neck. "What the fuck!" I said trying to move but my body wouldn't allow me as he stood in my face. He opened his mouth as I watched fangs grow from the sides of his teeth. My heart begin to race as my body started burning hot as I watched him back up.

The growls from earlier drew closer as I could feel my feet move again as I stepped forward to the pale man. "So that was the smell I have come onto." He said as I could hear myself growl as I shake my head. "What's happening to me!" I could hear a echo in my voice but it wasn't from the garage. I look down at my hands before watching the smoke steam off of my knuckles as my fingers seem to disintegrate.

Fur started to appear on my skin as the man watched on. "Your a Werewolf." He spoke as he circled me. "I smelt you. I thought you were a sweet stench waiting to be bitten into. But it seems your going to be doing a lot of biting yourself." He said hissing into my ear as my fingers were no longer on my hand and my legs felt weak as I fell on my knees. "From my experience... I've seen a lot of young people such as yourself transform for the first time. Wanting to know how? and why? begging me to stop the pain they feel inside as your demon tears it's way out of you." He begin to go on as i I could feel heat in my eyes as I growled unintentionally shaking off my skin placing my new paws on the concrete.

I look down seeing blood and remains from my body as I looked up snarling at the man. The growls from earlier were behind me as I turned my head as the man put me in a headlock grabbing me by my jaws. "Your first will be your last." He whispered into my ear as I was struggling to get him off but I couldn't snap him off. The man was attacked from behind as he was dragged off of me. A black coated wolf like me was on him snapping his teeth at him as the man was trying to force him off.

The pale man was able to toss him across the garage sending him rolling until he was able to balance on all four of his paws. I looked left and right as the man had disappeared. "Let him be." A voice spoke in my head as the black coated wolf walked over to me. "How are you in my head." I thought as he growled showing his teeth. "All wolves are linked together." He said standing up on all fours as I watch the fur fade into human flesh. He was a tall white man with black hair as he had a scar on his left eye. He had a full grown beard and green eyes that kept switching from green to red. "Transform back." He yelled at me as I shook my head.

I would if I could but the truth is I didn't know how. "Focus on everything that you remember when being human, every happy moment." He said as a car went off on the lower level. So I thought about my grandmother, Ava, and everything that made me smile. I stand up on my hind legs as the heat that started this reappeared as I could feel my wolf bones reshape into my human bones again. "Fuck!" I said as I was butt ass naked but I felt good.

"Who was that guy! How am I werewolf! And why do I feel so good right now!" I said as I started to approach him as he backed up. "First. We gotta get some clothes on us. I'll explain everything when we get in the car." He said as he walked back up to level four. "The first time you transform is like a girl losing her virginity. It's painful yet if done correctly and the wolf takes over you and you manage to control it once you change back it feels good." He said as I nodded my head as we approached a suv.

"My name is Derek. I'm an Alpha." He popped the trunk and opened a duffle bag of clothes. He tossed me some sweatpants as he opened the car doors. We got in the car as he put the car in reverse then drove off as he exited the hospital garage. "Well my name is James and my life has been complete shit until now. I always knew there was something different about me. When can I transform again?" I asked as he shakes his head. "Your a baby. No disrespect kid but the first few times you transform it'll leave a strain on your body." He stated as I looked at him before turning my head. "You can drop me home." I stated as he got off the highway and I pointed out what street to get on.

Cursed (Book 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें