Wolfman vs Drogan

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"It makes sense for a dragon to be in a volcano." James said as I sighed to myself once we came close to the large furnace. "Why did I fuck you again." I say under my breath as he looks back at me. "You were in heat." He said as I felt aggravation rise over me. "I'm not a fucking animal." I stare him down as he cocks his head looking at me. "You literally transform into a cheetah. Fuck out of here... if your not a animal what does that make me." He said as I look at him shaking my head. "Why are we here anyway, I don't see any dragons." He said as I looked at the size of the spilling sculpture. "Vampires say they camouflage their selves in plain sight." I tell him as my super hearing was picking up another heartbeat. "You shouldn't be here." A voice spoke out of the mist as me and James looked at each other.

"Oh look it's Halle Berry and Fetty wap." The man says as I immediately felt offended. "Oh... I get it. Because of my eye.. ha that's hilarious." James said seriously as the footsteps grew closer. "Who ever this guy is I'm going to kick his ass." James stated as I looked at him with eyes of concerned. "If the legends is true... and he can turn into a dragon. You can't beat that James." I warned him as his eyebrows narrowed down as he grew angrier. "Nobody talks about my missing eye." James said as I took a deep breath as I sighed. This is not going to end well.

The man stepped out to reveal himself as he was a dark skin man with reptilian scales covering parts of his body. He had dreads that fell down to his shoulders as he approached us. "If your trying to go to the skies, you have no permission." He said seriously as James mean mugged him as the two stared each other down. Animosity was building up as the two males didn't hesitate to move as they stood face to face. "Say what you said earlier." James growled at him as the man showed no signs of fear.

"Who are you?" I asked as he turned his attention to me. "I'm Demetrius Dragonix known as Drogan gon, heir to be the Dragon lord." He said as his eyes glowed a fiery type of blue. "Oh great another macho man prince thinking he's somebody because of his daddy's title." James said as Demetrius blasted fire from his mouth knocking him on his back. "Watch how you speak to me. I'm a superior being." He stated as James's body started to heal as he brushed the fire off. I shake my head as I stand in between them as James started to get back up. "Mother...fucker." James growled angrily as his eyes started to glow red.

"James. No." I told him as he started to shift into his wolf body as he pushed me out of the way. The push was forced and powerful as it knocked me on my back. Everything was happening so fast as my eyes were now shut. My head had hit a boulder as I went unconscious. If I was human I'd be dead.

James POV

I growl showing my teeth as I felt rage building up in me. His eyes burned a hot fire of blue as he started to transform his self into a humanoid dragon. He looked like a human reptilian but without a tail. He didn't have wings but the scales on his body turned into scale plates of armor. I charge at him as he ran towards me punching me head first into a tree. The tree fell down crashing next to Alx as she was still knocked out. I got up as he grabbed me by my neck choking me and squeezing hard.

I Snap my teeth to bite him as I couldn't reach him. I was losing breath as he was applying pressure. I slam us backwards as I roll myself over balancing myself on my paws. "You stupid dog." He hissed as I growled lunging towards him. He grabs me so I bite into his shoulder as he tosses me into the air. Bones cracking as I transformed back into my human form. I backflip and land on my feet as I we stare each other down.

He transforms back into his human form as we run towards each other. We collide hands together squeezing each other hands trying to break one another. We released our grip after testing our strength and will as he punched me in my jaw. I stagger as I swung an unrelenting force into his stomach as he doubles backwards. He cocks his fist back punching me in my chest with the force of a speeding train. I fly back crashing into a tree as it falls on impact. "Yea you feel that." He says grinning as he starts to get cocky. I'm starting to get pissed. "I'm half dragon. Your not beating me." He said as he started to walk towards me.

I throw a punch this time using my super strength as I square him in his eye knocking him on his back. He looks at me with disbelief as he's shocked. He starts to get serious as he charges at me ramming his head into my chest. The impact was hard. I grabbed him by his neck putting him in a headlock. I apply pressure as he picks me up slamming me on my back. I lose my breath as I roll over as he pounces punches at me. I block most of them as another hit lunges in my ribs. I fall on one knee as he kicks me in my chin sending me rolling in the dirt.

"Damn. Your strong." I tell him as he grins at me. "I'll admit I've never been knocked down in a battle. Ever. Your the first to knock me on my ass. But nobody will ever know." He stated as his horns grew out of his head as his scales transformed into armor plates.

He transformed into his humanoid dragon form but this time he had grown a tail. He breathed out fire aiming my direction as I jump up out of the way. He fired multiple blasts of balls of fire as I couldn't reach him. "I have one more transformation in me." He said as the fur on my skin started to appear and my fingers started to extend. "Yea. Well me too." I said as I started to concentrate as I felt the flames indulge inside of my body. Spending time in the dungeon for a month allowed me to clean my mind.

I knew I had to become stronger for moments like this. Alx had a humanoid cheetah form. As so did the other cheetah women before their deaths. Meaning they must've learn to evolved their transformation. Which means we could become more than just beastly animals. After seeing Daiya do it I knew I had to learned how to do it as well. It just took me a month to mediate it out. I felt my eyes burn as my vision became hot red, I stood taller as fur was clouding my body.

Demetrius breathed his flames onto me as my fur was ignited. I approach him slowly as he continued to spray his fire breath on me. My body not feeling pain as i growled showing my teeth. "Your not the average werewolf." He said as I was pissed. This transformation built too much anger inside of me as I felt like the Incredible Hulk. We collided our hands again as we both had become bulky.

I wrap my arms around his waist picking him up slamming him down hard on his back. He used his tail to sweep me off my feet hard. I land on my shoulder as I bounce up swinging rapid punches as he grabs my arm. I bite his hand as he flinches back before punching me. I kick him in his chest with my super strength as he did the same as we fell back distances from each other.

My fur blew in the wind as I was breathing hard looking up at the sky. I had transformed back into my human body. I heard laughing as Demetrius was in his human form looking up at the sky too. I started laughing too as we both started cracking up with each other. I got up as he got up as we walked up to each other. He extended his hand out as I shook it. I had made a new friend.

Alx groaned as she was waking up rubbing her head. "James. I'm going to kill you." She said as I walk up to her helping her up. She pushed me off of her as she looked at me with frustration. "Calm your ass down. It was Two battle among men. You had got in the way so you wouldn't understand." Demetrius said as Alx extended her nails into claws and scratched his face. Like us he healed immediately as he started to laugh. "She's feisty." He said as I nodded my head in agreement.

"Alx, ask him." I told her as she sighed before looking at both of us. "So I'm guessing your friends now. Geez what did I miss." She said shaking her head. "I kicked his ass." Demetrius said as I huffed. "Nah you should've seen it I whooped the so called dragon lord's ass." I said as we look at each other before laughing out loud. We started to laugh for minutes before finally calming down. "You guys are stupid." Alx said as she sat down on a rock. "I'm not the dragon lord yet. But I will be. I'm going to be king of the dragons." Demetrius said as we all sat down. "James do you miss Mia?" Alx said as I my thoughts started to race back to her. "Shit." I said standing up.

"Drogan. We're going to need your help." I said as he looked up at me moving the dreads away from his face. "You have my respect. Not many people can battle me one on one the way you did. I'll help you but I warn you I do not spill blood." He stated as I nodded my head in agreement. He may not kill but I have killed in the past, and I plan on doing it again.

"Well I do." I said as Alx looked at me with a look of assurance. "Let's go kill a shark man." She said as we all stood up and walked back into the jungle heading back for the ocean.

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